Chapter 893

“Obtained item: the left arm of the spirit king. Trigger a hidden mission: collect the limbs of the spirit king. Please confirm whether to accept the mission?” Mu Feng looked at this system prompt and a simple sketch of the left hand, and hesitated Undecided.

“I said, the system, can you give me some hints? For example, task rewards or the plot direction. Now this arm is placed in front of me, making it very difficult for me to do it. It’s not to take over, it’s not to throw it away, it’s really a block. Hot potato.”

Since Mu Feng came to this world, the first main task he received was to obtain collapsed jade.

He has to wait until the plot officially begins, when Kisuke Urahara shows up and obtains the two pieces of collapsed jade held by him and Aizen, fused to form a complete piece of collapsed jade, and feeds the piece of collapsed jade in his body.

Only when Bengyu evolves into the most perfect state can he help Mu Feng successfully seize the world.

In other words, from the beginning, Mu Feng had nothing to do with the spirit king.

In this Shinigami world, there are many people who don’t know the existence of the Spirit King. And most of the people who know the existence of the spirit king think that the spirit king is the king of the entire world just like the literal meaning.

Only a few people know that the Spirit King is not the so-called “king”.

His existence is like a “wedge” that stabilizes the soul world, the Hollow World, and the structure and soul of this world.

He has the highest rights, but it can also be said that he has no rights.

Because the so-called Spirit King, the information that Mu Feng knew, even the consciousness, was placed in a crystal.

As the main task after coming to this world, collecting collapsed jade, Mu Feng is very happy to complete it. After all, it can be confirmed that after completion, at least one can obtain the power to plunder this world and take this world as his own.

But the task of collecting the limbs of the Spirit King that was triggered now looks very weird. What if we collect all the limbs of the spirit king and let Mu Feng be the spirit king in the end? ! Mu Feng is someone who knows the truth about the spirit king. He doesn’t want to be sealed in crystals, cut off his hands and feet, like a puppet, balancing the souls of various worlds with his spirit.

“Please confirm whether Host accepts the hidden task? If you give up accepting it, you can just discard the left arm of the Spirit King…” The system did not answer Mu Feng’s question directly, but rather as if urging him to confirm it again.

“The bastard system, it’s getting more and more shabby…I have to educate it after I go back.” Although there was such a grumbling in his mouth, Mu Feng’s eyes kept staring at the phantom in the shape of the arm.

“Hey, there is no reason to give up the battle that is finally won! What are you afraid of? I accept the task!” Mu Feng shouted, “Even if I become a spirit king, I won’t be a puppet! Even if I let this The world is destroyed, and no one can imprison me. I am Mu Feng, a man who has conquered two worlds. Hey, my life is my responsibility!”(Read more @


“Congratulations to the Host for accepting the hidden mission. Please collect the remaining limbs of the spirit king to complete the mission. In addition, this hidden mission does not conflict with the main task. Please also the Host to weigh the completion progress by yourself.”

Mu Feng took a sip of water and looked at his body.

“It doesn’t seem to have changed… a false alarm.” Then he looked at the time again, “My God, is it so late! That’s okay, Luan Ju must have been looking for me everywhere now. I have to go back quickly.”

“Found it! The enemy is there!”

“Lock the target, Shinigami Mu Feng! Attack immediately!”

“Catch him and protect the invisible empire!”

Just as Mu Feng was about to leave, he suddenly heard loud noises coming from the direction of Yinjia City behind him.

He turned his head and saw that in the dawn of the morning, the mighty Quintessence Soldiers were running towards him from the city.

Among them, Mu Feng also recognized a few familiar faces, and some other members of the Star Cross Knights followed suit, but not all of them.

Mu Feng smiled slightly, “It seems that he has been watching my battle. Seeing that I defeated Penida, has he sent heavy soldiers to encircle and suppress me? However, your strength is not enough.”

With that, Mu Feng’s Reiatsu came out of the body again. He was facing the mighty and mighty Quencher Saint Soldier, the army of thousands of people, even the ground was shaking when charging.

Mu Feng gently raised his left hand, his palm facing the front, and his right hand pressed the arm of his left hand to gather Reiatsu at one point.

“The end of Senju, the untouchable dark hand, the untouchable sky shooter, the glorious path, fanning the wind of igniting seeds, when we gather together, there is no need to be confused, just follow what I mean, light bullet. Eight bodies, nine articles, celestial scriptures, rapid treasures, big wheels, gray turrets, leading the bow to the distance, and dissipating cleanly! Hadō’s Ninety-one·Senju Jiao Tian Tai Pao!”

As Mu Feng finished singing all the spells, the pink Reiatsu accumulated in his palm was released instantly.

Countless cone-shaped light cannons shot towards the sky, like a meteor shower, and then drew an arc in the air, slamming heavily on the ground.

boom! Boom boom boom…

Those pink cone-shaped Reiatsu shells didn’t seem to have much power, but the moment they landed on the ground, a violent explosion burst out. Just one shot caused an explosion that was no less than a virtual flash.

What’s more, this Senju Jiaotiantai cannon fires dozens of such powerful bullets at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the quintessential army of thousands of people was submerged in Lingzi and exploded.

Although several members of the Star Cross Knights realized the horror of this attack, they began to open the Lingzi enchantment to protect the holy soldiers, but that was only a drop in the bucket. Soon, everyone was swallowed by the explosion, and the flames and smoke were intertwined with the violent sound of the explosion, forming a perfect curtain call.

Mu Feng smiled, “…” I have had enough to play today, so let’s see you guys another day, Quincy Masters. This thing is just a thank you gift, and please don’t dislike it. ”

After speaking, Mu Feng turned around and disappeared in a soft light amidst successive explosions and fires.

From a high altitude, on the ground bombed by Mu Feng’s Senju Jiao Tiantai, the quintessentially died and wounded.

And what is worse than the Quincy is that land. After being bombarded by Mu Feng’s Reiatsu, a skeleton pattern representing Shinigami appeared on the originally flat land.

On the land of the Quincy, a set of Shinigami’s mark was branded. Even a fool understands what this means. .

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