Chapter 897

“Wake up, Mu Feng, it’s already noon.”

Mu Feng put his legs on the desk, folded his hands behind his head, and fell asleep unknowingly. Since he returned to the Kidō team building from the invisible empire early in the morning, he has slept until noon in the blink of an eye.

He opened his eyes slightly and saw a familiar figure calling him. The voice was very gentle, without any urging.

Mu Feng opened his eyes and saw that it was not someone else who was calling her, but Matsumoto Ranju.

“Why fell asleep at the desk and didn’t rest well last night?” Luan Ju asked. Although there is a table between them, Luan Ju’s face almost sticks to Mu Feng’s face.

“Ahem, ahem… Well, I was working on a new Kidō last night, so some did not rest well, so…”

Mu Feng rubbed his eyes and hurriedly took his feet off the table. He cleared his throat and took the teacup on the side, which contained the tea he hadn’t made in the morning.

But as soon as the tea entered the throat, it was actually warm. Mu Feng looked at Luan Ju, a red glow appeared on Luan Ju’s face.

Mu Feng immediately thought of what he couldn’t help doing when he helped Luan Ju in Bankai training before, and he hurriedly looked away from her.

“Thanks, Luan Ju. Cough cough, is it already noon?”

“Well, it’s noon, but don’t worry, I have processed all the documents for the morning.” Luan Ju nodded.

When Mu Feng heard this, he couldn’t help being stunned. Although Luan Ju is the deputy head of Kidō who assists Mu Feng, her personality has never been the type that can sit in an office and work at ease. At least in Kidō, Luanju took the initiative to handle work for the first time. If it were in the past, instead of accumulating three or five days of work, she would not deal with it.

Luan Ju continued, “When I came in the morning, I saw you were resting. I didn’t want to disturb you. But there was something temporarily and I had to wake you up.”


Seeing that Luan Ju said so solemnly, Mu Feng stood up and immediately got up to 120,000 points. Although he stayed up all night, the rest of the morning was enough to restore him to a state of fullness.

Luan Ju nodded, “Master Jing is looking for you.”

Jingle Chunshui? !

Mu Feng thought to himself, what will he do if he finds me? Recently, the corpse soul world seems to be very peaceful, and nothing major has happened. After the Hollow World crusade, Hollow World is also in a stable stage. As for Aizen, after being threatened, his actions were much smaller.

It can be said that the current corpse soul world is in a stable and peaceful atmosphere. In this case, why does Jingle Chunshui want to find himself in private?

“I heard that I was looking for you to drink.” Luan Ju added.(Read more @


Although Mu Feng likes to drink two glasses when he is okay, he has no interest today. Instead of getting drunk, it’s better to rest for a while.

However, he then thought about it, Jingle Chunshui, who seemed to be indulged in drinking, but he was a very cautious person in his heart. Although it is said that Mu Feng had a drink, there must be other things to tell.

In addition, the relationship between Kyōraku and Fuzhu is extraordinary, and he can learn some information about Fuzhu, that is, the right arm of the Spirit King.

Mu Feng gave birth to a lazy waist and said, “Uh, I will go now. Where is the location?”

“Shuangshan Hill.”

“Shuangshan…The Hill?!”

Shuangshan Hill is the most conspicuous landmark located in the center of Seoring Palace. Even in the farthest part of Seireing Palace, and even in Ruun Street, Shuangdan Hill can be clearly seen.

Shuangshan Hill is not only a symbol of Seireitei, but also a execution stand.

The double death of the torture instrument is also the source of the name of the double death hill.

Mu Feng didn’t understand why Jingle Chunshui would meet to drink in such a place.

“Is he alone?!” Mu Feng asked.

Luan Ju nodded, “According to the people in the news, the band leader Jing invited you to drink alone.”

“Well, it seems that I only have to go there. Then, the affairs of the team will be left to you, Luanju.” With that, Mu Feng walked out the door.

Luan Ju nodded, “Yes, I will wait for you to come back.”

Mu Feng walked out of the team building and took a deep breath of fresh air outside.

Sure enough, as Luan Ju said, it was already noon. The sun is hanging directly above the head, but the gathering happens to be spring, so the sun is not only not hot, but warm just right.

As soon as Mu Feng turned his head, even in the team house of the Kidō people, he could clearly see the hill in the center of Seolin Palace, the hill of Shuangshang.

“Well, since I’m invited, it’s not easy for people to wait for a long time, just go over.” With that, Mu Feng gathered Reiatsu under his feet, gently turned his body, and a perfect Shunpo was launched. .

He was moving rapidly on top of the various buildings in Seireitei. If it were not for the task of the captain class, even if he passed by, he would not be able to be found at all.

Near the hill of Shuangshan, the surrounding buildings began to become less and less. Mu Feng had no place to stay, so he had to use Lingzi to create a place under his feet. After a few more steps Shunpo, he successfully stood on the hill of Shuangshan.

Mu Feng scanned left and right, and no one was seen on the plain hill of Shuangshan.

“Hey, when I made an appointment, I was late. It really looks like Jingle style.” Seeing that Jingle hadn’t come yet, Mu Feng had to look at the huge double death in front of him and pass the time.

In fact, Mu Feng has always been surprised by 630.

The Shuangshan Hill, which symbolizes the dominance and majesty of Seireitei, is a bit shabby and incomprehensible compared to the row upon row of gorgeous buildings in Seireitei.

The earth-yellow hillside is bare, not to mention the building, not even a piece of floor tiles are paved.

He looked up and looked at the torture instrument “Double Death”. The torture instrument used to execute the most heinous sinners in the corpse soul world was a spear tens of meters high, and an equally huge scaffold.

The spear was straight on the ground, and the body of the spear was tightly fixed by seven ropes of the thickness of a human waist.

According to legend, at the time of execution, the seal of the spear will be released. And its body is actually a Zanpakutō, after liberation, it will release a giant bird like a phoenix, destroying the king. Its power is worth the destructive power of millions of Zanpakutō.

And when the sinner was fixed on the trestle and the ruined king penetrated his body, the execution was also over.

Mu Feng has seen scenes of execution in the comics, but when he was there, he was deeply shocked every time.

He couldn’t help stroking the barricade. I couldn’t help thinking: how big a crime would it take to be executed by such an exaggerated instrument of torture? !

“Oh, oh, I’m really sorry, I made you wait for a long time, Mu Feng and Kidō are long.” A lazy voice sounded, and at this time, Jingle Chunshui was late. .

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