Chapter 906

The breeze blew across Shuangshan Hill, and the clothes of Mu Feng and Jingle Chunshui were swaying in the wind. Jingle picked up the wine bowl and took another sip of clear wine, while Mu Feng looked at him seriously.

Jingle put down the wine bowl and said, “This is what I want to say, Mu Feng. If there is a disaster that even we can’t stop there in Seireing Palace, I beg you.”

For Jingle Chunshui calling himself Mu Feng’s brother, Mu Feng seems to be used to it.

Mu Feng also took a sip of wine, his expression relaxed, “Senior Kyōraku, don’t be joking. Although I have been in Seireitei for a few years, I am still a newcomer in front of the seniors. What if it really happens? In the event of a catastrophe, it will not be my turn to take action, right? In front of Captain Yamamoto and his Ryūjin Jakka, there is no problem that can’t solve the “zero seven three”.

Jingle spread out his hands, made a helpless expression, and said, “It’s true, the old man Shan is very powerful, and no one in the entire corpse soul world should be his opponent. However, you know why the old man Shan established the guardian ten in the first place. Team three?! It’s because he understands that one person cannot protect the entire soul world. Moreover, the old man Shan is very old, and his life span is almost equal to the history of the entire soul world. Although he has the most Shinigami’s reputation is strong, but the way he handles things…it’s not that I’m saying bad things about the old man behind my back…maybe a little too old-fashioned. Ukitake and I are worried that there will be situations that even he can’t handle in the future.”

Facts have proved that Jingle Chunshui’s concerns are not without reason.

In the Battle of Kuzacho, Motoryuzai Yamamoto fought against Aizen, and he personally went to battle, but Aizen made a broken face with a perfect jade: Wanda Wise, the fire prince sealed the flames of Ryūjin Jakka, and designed to defeat Motoryusai Yamamoto. .

In order to prevent his own flame from spreading to the other members of the Gotei 13 team, Yamamoto blocked the eruption of the flame with his own body, and therefore lost his fighting ability.

Although he released Hadō No.96 at the expense of his own arm, he was cremated with a knife.

However, it still failed to stop Aizen.

Later, when facing the Quincy, he died because of his refusal to heal his arm. Yuhabach also bluntly said that Yamamoto Motoyanyuye is no longer the terrible monster a thousand years ago.

Mu Feng declined, “That said, but with my strength, if the Thirteenth Team of the Guardian can’t turn the tide…”

Mu Feng is obviously polite with Jingle Chunshui. The Thirteenth Team? Mu Feng didn’t pay attention to it at all. For him, this is just a small place for him to rest temporarily. There was never here in his eyes, but the whole world.

Jingle smiled, “Don’t refuse, Mu Feng brother. Your strength, even now, is already the best in Seireitei. And, do you know where the scary genius lies? It’s not there. How terrible the current power is, but it lies in its growth space. Mu Feng, you are currently recognized as a genius in the entire corpse world, and far surpass other Shinigami known as geniuses. Your growth space may not even be your own. I know. It’s only a matter of time before you surpass the captains of our older generations. Even… it’s not impossible to even surpass Old Man Shan.”(Read more @

Mu Feng smiled in his heart: a matter of time? Haha, I’m not in the same dimension with you a long time ago.

However, he was a little surprised to hear that Kyōraku had such a high evaluation of him.

Kyōraku continued, “Moreover, you are now the chief Kidō leader of the Kidō people. It can be said that there is an inextricable relationship with the Gotei 13 team, or it can be said that it has nothing to do with it. So I think, if there is really When the disaster strikes, then you must be the best person to turn the tide.”

Now that Jingle has spoken to this point, Mu Feng didn’t bother to show weakness anymore. Although originally he only planned to spend a few decades in the corpse soul world, waiting for the development of the plot before implementing his plan. However, the future war is always inevitable, and if you agree to Kyōraku, the result will be the same, simply selling him face.

Mu Feng picked up the wine jar, filled the two wine bowls, and drank them all.

Seeing Mu Feng drank it, Jingle also raised his bowl and drank the wine in his bowl.

Mu Feng said, “From the day I graduated from the Mao Spiritual Academy, I was a Shinigami. Whether it is the Gotei 13 team or the Kidō congregation, we are all Shinigami. If there is really any threat, how can I possibly be? Ignore it?”

Hearing Mu Feng’s words, Jingle raised his eyebrows with joy, “Haha, Mu Feng brother, did you agree?! I didn’t see the wrong person!”

With that said, Kyōraku personally picked up the wine jar and filled two more bowls of wine. It just so happened that the wine in the wine jar was also drunk.

“Come on, I respect you for the last bowl!”

Jingle raised his wine bowl and drank it again.

“Senior Jingle… Ha ha, ok, drink!” Mu Feng also raised his drinking bowl and drank cleanly.

After drinking the last bowl of wine, they both stood up from the ground in unison. The whole jar of wine was emptied by two people, and there was a discussion between them. At this time, the faces of Jingle and Mu Feng were slightly red.

Mu Feng said, “It seems, Senior Beijing Music, you came to me today, it should be for this, right? Since you have promised you and drank all the wine, then you are allowed to go back first.”

At this time, the time is approaching evening. The fact is, Mu Feng, who didn’t sleep all night and only slept on an office chair in the morning, was sleepy again after discussing with Jingle and drinking so much alcohol.

Mu Feng wanted to retire, but Jingle said, “Eh, it’s still early, brother Mu Feng. I have a good place to drink. The wine there is more mellow than my private possession.” ”

Mu Feng thought to himself, it’s over. The alcoholic Jingle seems to have drunk his head, so he refused: “No…I think it’s better to forget, Senior Jingle, my alcohol volume…”

“Come on!” Jingle actually grabbed Mu Feng’s shoulder, “Forgot what I told you just now?! In the 13th team of Huting, there are three guys who drink better than me. .”

Mu Feng thought: Ukitake Shiro, Uozhihuaretsu, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni… Is it possible that Kyōraku would take me to one of the three for a drink? !

“Senior Kyōraku…”

“Walk around, the good wine in the Fuzhu family has never been given to me. With you tonight, I can feast on it.”.

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