Chapter 913

“Mu Feng, you just treat this human being here. Kidō people, I will help you explain.” Kyōraku said. Seeing that Mu Feng agreed to stay and treat Yincheng Konggo, both Fuzhu and Kyōraku breathed a sigh of relief and beamed with joy.

“No, Senior Kyōraku. I will use Hell Butterfly to convey this to the Kidō people,” Mu Feng said.

Mu Feng felt that the less people knew about this matter, the better.

If Jingle Chunshui, a leader at the captain level, goes to the Kidō community and tells the team members of the Kidō community that Mu Feng, the leader Kidō leader, will stay in the thirteenth division for a few days, everyone still doesn’t know how to discuss it.

Mu Feng intends to tell this news to Ranju Matsumoto alone. As a result, as the Deputy Chief Kidō, she can act on behalf of Mu Feng for the rights of the Chief Kidō. Secondly, Luan Ju has a very close relationship with Mu Feng. Even if Mu Feng doesn’t understand, she will not talk about it. Thirdly, although Luanju is lazy on weekdays, she always pushes work to subordinates. But if there is a real need, her ability to work is also very reassuring.

Jing Raku said, “Well, then it will be done according to what you said. If you have any requirements, please mention them and we will meet them all.”

Fu Zhu also nodded, “Yes, Mu Feng, if you have any needs, you can just speak up.”

Mu Feng looked at the two of them, smiled, and said, “Follow-up treatments will definitely require the help of the two seniors. I’m not welcome when it comes down.”

Jingle smiled grandiosely, “Just mention it, don’t look at Floating Bamboo like this. Their Floating Bamboo family is a little nobleman. If you need to drink, you can just ask him for it.”

Floating Zhu looked at Jingle, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead, “Jingle, you want to drink a bar yourself…”

“Hahaha, you can see through it, floating bamboo.”

“It’s too obvious!”

Mu Feng looked at the two of them, touched his head and laughed.

Fuzhu said, “Mu Feng, it’s not early today, or I will arrange dinner for you and Jingle first, take a break today, and start treating Yincheng Konggo tomorrow. What do you think…?”

Jingle Road, “Oh, oh, oh, Mu Feng, it’s dinner time in a blink of an eye, I promised you, let you taste the fine wine from the floating bamboo collection.”

Mu Feng looked at the two of them, and then at Yincheng Kongwu who was unconscious on the bed.

“This… wait a minute for dinner, I want to do an emergency treatment for Ginjo Kogo first. Reiatsu of his wounds, I can’t let him go any longer.” Mu Feng said seriously.

Mu Feng and Fu Zhu glanced at each other, both showing admiration.(Read more @

Fuzhu said, “Alright, we two are waiting for you. When you are done, we will have dinner together.”

Mu Feng smiled and looked at them, thanking them.

Then, Mu Feng looked at Yincheng Konggo again.

His hands began to glow blue-green, although it looked like Reiatsu’s light, but in fact, it was the brilliance of medical ninjutsu.

Although medical ninjutsu does not have many advantages in Shinigami’s world, it has an extreme convenience, which is that it can penetrate the physical surface of the target and directly treat the deep wound or internal organs.

Mu Feng does not intend to deal with the virtual power in the depths of Yincheng Kongwu’s soul.

Because he didn’t know what kind of consequences that power would bring, whether it was good or bad for himself. However, Mu Feng also knows that the greater the risk, the greater the reward.

What he has to deal with now is Reiatsu, the remnant of Ginjo Kogo’s wound.

I saw that his hands gradually glowed with pale green light, and with a light wave of his fingers, the Chakra on his fingertips was as sharp as a sharp scalpel, cutting off the tightly tied bandage on Ginjo Kogogo’s chest.

In order to prevent Kyōraku and Ukitake from having any doubts, he deliberately mixed some Reiatsu in Chakra, making them think that their medical ninjutsu was Reiatsu treatment.

The bandage on Yincheng Kongwu’s chest was cut open, and the wound was completely exposed in front of Mu Feng’s eyes.

Before, he just used his soul and Observation Haki to perceive Ginjo’s body and wounds, but when he saw the wound with his own eyes, he still felt a little shocked.

Three gully-like scratches appeared horizontally on Yincheng Konggo’s chest, and the bones were almost visible in the deepest part. This huge scratch can be seen at a glance, and it is caused by hollow. Although the residue of medicine can be seen near the wound, it is obviously an emergency medicine used by Floating Bamboo, but the wound shows no signs of scab healing, but blood is still oozing out.

“Senior Floating Bamboo.” Mu Feng called.

“What, Mu Feng?”

“Gold sore medicine, is there any more? I may need some medical supplies for the next treatment. I hope you can help me prepare it.”

“Some and some.”

Fu Zhu hurriedly walked to the side of the table. He pulled away the blood-stained gauze. There was a small box like a medical kit under the gauze.

Floating Bamboo quickly took out a small bottle from the small box, walked over and handed it to Mu Feng.

“. 〃Because it was handled for him before, some basic medical equipment is complete here. But…Hey, this is the secret golden sore medicine made by the Fuzhu family. I have used it for him before, but it didn’t work.”

Mu Feng smiled and said, “Let me try it.”

I saw his hands wrapped in the pale green gleaming Chakra slowly reaching out to the wound of Silver City.

Gradually, none of the fingers and palms entered Yincheng’s body. And that circle of Chakra’s light also enveloped the entire wound, building a small enchantment like a sterile operating room. Sweat began to ooze on Yincheng’s face, but there was still no more violent reaction.

Seeing Mu Feng inserting his hand into Yincheng’s body, both Kyōraku and Floating bamboo showed surprised expressions.

Fuzhu said, “This…I have never seen such a medical technology… Can it directly penetrate the patient’s wound and heal it from (Zhao Wanghao)?! Even this kind of thing is possible.”

Mu Feng didn’t look back, smiled and said, “If the wound is wound, it will be faster to recover from the inside.”

Jingle was also taken aback. “Brother Mu Feng, you really haven’t been idle in Kidō all these years. Just today, I have seen so many kinds from you. I have not seen them in hundreds of years The new Kidō. If these technologies can be promoted…”

Mu Feng said, “In fact, these Kidō are still in the testing stage. Because the corpse world has been in peace, there are too few cases that can come in handy, and lack of experimental data, these new types of Kidō can only remain in an unfinished state.”

“Is it unfinished…” Floating Bamboo said.

“It’s just the last step of the’large amount of experimental data’. But rest assured, if I do it myself, there will be no problem. Even if something unexpected happens, I can handle it.”.

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