Chapter 917

Mu Feng calmly explained the new type of enchantment he had laid for all the things in the house related to Yincheng Konggo. He noticed that the expressions of Jingle Chunshui and Fuzhu Shiroo were gradually becoming shocked.

Mu Feng blinked, “What’s wrong… there is… what’s wrong?”

Jingle closed his eyes, retracted the surprise on his face, cleared his throat, and said, “Brother Mu Feng, if you say this, you have made the barrier into a protective film like clothes, covering Yincheng. Above Kongo’s body?”

Mu Feng nodded and said, “Yes, that’s roughly what’s going on. I didn’t rudely clothe the whole room with a barrier, but only controlled the range of the barrier to Yincheng Kongwu’s body. Surface. In this way, it saves space and is not easy to find.”

“But… but this is theoretically impossible, right?”

Fuzhu frowned and said, “The reason why an enchantment is called an enchantment is precisely because it is a relatively independent space, where the inside and the outside are isolated. Although it seems simple, building an enchantment is comparable Casting a Kidō is countless times more difficult. It is because of the special nature of the enchantment that it is often made into a rectangle. 11

To maintain a space, the best way is to make it into a relatively stable structure. Even the last deputy head of Kidō, known as the genius of enchantment, Hakata Akita, the most used one is rectangular enchantment, and at most it is cylindrical.

And Mu Feng, your enchantment…like clothes, wrapped around the target, there is no irregular shape at all. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen it. ”

Mu Feng smiled and said, “Are you doubting the stability of this barrier? Don’t worry, Senior Floating Bamboo. You are right. The barrier must be set in a rectangular shape to facilitate stability.

However, it was made into a rectangle in order to prevent accidents during battles or other important matters. I made this kind of irregular enchantment, I think the Akita Hachigen you mentioned can also be done.

However, I improved it a bit and used Reiatsu to stabilize its internal structure so that it would not easily collapse. And the situation just now is not urgent. I have enough time to construct this barrier and make it seamless. Of course, if it’s an actual combat situation where the situation is urgent, I wouldn’t do that either. ”

Kyōraku shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless, and said, “Well, since this is the case, then everything is done, right? Mu Feng, we absolutely believe in your accomplishments in Kidō, but you always let people It’s just a surprise. Haha, it’s the kind of eye-opening surprise. Now that we have such a convenient thing, we don’t have to worry about the situation here being discovered. In short, we should go to the bar first!”(Read more @

Mu Feng and Floating Bamboo both smiled and nodded.

The crowd left the room where Yincheng Kongwu was, and under the leadership of Fuzhu, they entered another room in Yugantang.

Along the way, Mu Feng was carefully examining the structure of the Yugantang.

He always felt that the Yugantang from the inside was not the same building as it looked from the outside.

Just before entering, the Yugantang that Mu Feng saw was just a small pavilion-like building in the middle of the lake. Originally, Mu Feng thought that there was only one room in this Yugantang for the cultivation of floating bamboo.

However, after entering here, the rooms are connected to each other, and the sparrows are small but well-equipped.

After a while, under the leadership of Fuzhu, Mu Feng and Jingle came to a room with a few single dining tables on the ground.

The three of them found three close tables and sat on the floor.

After chatting for a few more words, Fuzhu got up and said, “It’s getting late. I just ordered the next dinner to be prepared. It should be ready by now. I’ll let them deliver the food.”

After all, Fu Zhu left the room, leaving only Jingle and Mu Feng in the room.

Kyōraku looked very tired. He lay directly on the ground with his hands resting behind his head.

“Thank you so much, Mu Feng, if you weren’t there, I and Fuzhu would not know when we will be in a mess.”

Mu Feng sat upright and smiled, “No, the two seniors are the oldest group captains of the Gotei 13 team, and are also the lovers of Captain Yamamoto. Even without me, you will find a solution sooner or later. It’s just a matter of time.”

Kyōraku looked at the ceiling and said, “It’s a matter of time, yes… But sometimes, time is a knife chasing you from behind. You don’t have time to wait at all. If you relax, you will worry about your life. ”

Mu Feng smiled and did not answer.

But at this moment, Kyōraku’s expression turned gloomy. He faintly asked, “Brother Mu Feng, according to you, how long will Yincheng Kongwu be able to regain consciousness?”

“This… I’m not a professional medical team member, this kind of thing is really unclear. I have eliminated the vacant remnants, Reiatsu, and the rest depends on the speed of his own body recovery.”

Kyōraku glanced at Mu Feng, his eyes shuddering, “The virtual Reiatsu, is it really getting rid of it?!”

Mu Feng felt a little bit in his heart, and he thought to himself: What does Jingle Chunshui mean by asking this? Could it be that he had already noticed the trace of virtual power in Yincheng Kongwu that had been entangled with his soul in 877? Thinking about it this way, it is not impossible. After all, he and Fuzhu have been in contact with Yincheng Konggo alone for three days. In these three days, perhaps they also conducted a comprehensive examination of Yincheng’s body and found that the power of the void. In fact, it is not impossible. Worse, if you keep concealing it, they will most likely be suspected of plotting wrongdoing.

Mu Feng deliberately showed an unmanageable expression. He locked his head and looked back at the door of the same room as if he was confirming that no one heard it.

He said slowly, “Kyōraku-senpai, it seems that you have already discovered it. That’s right, I have indeed cleared the empty Reiatsu near Ginjo Kogo’s wound. But… in the depths of his soul, there still remains A trace of hollow Reiatsu. I’m sorry, for the time being, I can’t do anything about the Reiatsu that is so deep…In order not to put too much psychological burden on Senior Ukitake, please don’t tell him about this. Give me time , I will definitely find a solution!”

Jingle smiled, “Mu Feng, you are worrying too much. Floating bamboo’s strength is not below me. What I can find can not escape his eyes. Also, you should not underestimate the captain of the thirteenth division. Psychological endurance.”.

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