Chapter 927

“I am not interested in your life. I want you to do another thing for me.” As Mu Feng said coldly, for some reason, the galloping train of Yincheng Kongwu’s spiritual world suddenly Stopped.

A long whistle sounded, and the wheels slowly slowed down, rubbing against the rails and sliding for a while.

When the train is completely forbidden in the forest track, everything is silent, as silent as death.

“Do… another thing?” Paradox looked at Mu Feng with wide eyes.

He was already determined to die, waiting for Mu Feng to take his own life. However, he didn’t expect Mu Feng to say something unexpected.

“That…that, I’m just a trace of Reiatsu remaining in Ginjo Korago’s body now, even if I am willing to do it for you, I am powerless…”

Mu Feng smiled and said, “You are not as simple as a trace of Reiatsu?! What you said by yourself just now is that what you enter into Yincheng Konggo’s body is the core part of 14 you as the virtual, and you should know that represents What are you up to. As long as Ginjo Kōgo succumbs in this world, you will be able to gain control of his body.”

Paradox shook his head and said with a look of lovelessness, “No, I don’t want to, I don’t have that kind of thought at all. I can retain a trace of my consciousness, even if I live in this human body. , I am also satisfied.”

“If that’s the case, I don’t think you need to live anymore. Even a trace of consciousness is unnecessary.” After speaking, Mu Feng raised Zanpakutō in his hand and pressed it against Paradox’s chest again.

Paradox was told by Mu Feng to take his life, and then said that he was not interested in his life, but now he put the knife on his heart again. Repeated torture caused him to burst out.

“Don’t go too far! Shinigami! What the hell are you doing!” Paradox shouted.

Hearing this roar, Mu Feng laughed instead, “Hehe, look, isn’t your anger great? Come, use your strength to prove to me that you are worth living.”

“What do you mean…”

“Give me a fight.” Mu Feng said bluntly.

Paradox’s head tilted, “Please, let me go, I know your strength, you are such a strong Reiatsu, you can crush me without even moving your fingers. You did it. What’s the meaning?”

Mu Feng spread his hands and said, “Then I also tell you, this is the spiritual world of Ginjo Kogo, and I am just a trace of Reiatsu. My current strength is not as scary as you think. Would you like to try it? , Can also be considered as a hope of survival for myself?!”

Paradox lowered his head and said nothing.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Feng’s mouth, “I’m thinking about it. Then, I’m going to go!” After speaking, Mu Feng raised Zanpakutō on top of his head and waved heavily at Paradox.

With a sound of “噌”, only a silver light flashed, and the blade light directly cut Paradox’s body.

However, within half a second, the severed body gradually disappeared, turning out to be just an afterimage.(Read more @

“The speed is good,” Mu Feng smiled. “It seems that you agreed to fight with me.”

In fact, Mu Feng’s Zanpakutō just now stood on Paradox’s chest.

If you really want to kill him, just move your wrist.

He deliberately raised Zanpakutō above his head and waved it down, just to give Paradox a chance to breathe.

If he wants to live, then that moment is enough to escape. If he is truly unlovable, then Mu Feng does not intend to keep him.

“As long as you beat you…can you really retain your consciousness!?” Paradox’s voice came from behind Mu Feng, and at the same time, one of his tentacles had already waved down Mu Feng’s shoulder.


Mu Feng held Zanpakutō on his shoulder, just blocking Paradox’s tentacles. The blade collided with the tentacles, and there was the sound of metal colliding.

“I did what I said.” Mu Feng said without looking back.

“Okay!” Paradox blocked Mu Feng’s Zanpakutō with one tentacles, and stretched out another tentacles to stab his unsuspecting left body.

With a hum, the air trembled slightly, Mu Feng had stepped on Shunpo and disappeared in front of him.

Paradox retracted the tentacles. It turned out that there were no tentacles growing behind his real body, but all the joints of the body could have tentacles at any depth. Moreover, the tentacles are as hard as steel, which can be used for assault and defense.

“The fourth of Hadō, Bai Lei!” Mu Feng’s voice came from the top of his head, and Paradox looked up, and the white thunder light from Mu Feng’s fingertips had flown towards him.

I saw that Paradox didn’t evade, just waved his arm gently.

The instant Bai Lei touched his arm, Bai Lei was ejected to one side, changed its trajectory, and landed on the ground aside, exploding a small black pothole in the ground.

Pata, Mu Feng fell from the sky with a surprised expression.

“Sorry, sorry, I almost forgot, no matter how much you say, you are also an Yachukas-class Daxu. Use the fourth Hadō to deal with you, a little disrespect you.”

With that said, Mu Feng swapped Zanpakutō with his left hand, raised the palm of his right hand, and pointed it at Paradox.

“O Kings! The mask of flesh and blood, all phenomena, flying high, and the things that are crowned with the name of mankind! Truth and temperance, the wall of innocent dreams, stand only on it! Hadō’s Thirty-Three: Blue Fire Fall!”



A blue flame ejected from Mu Feng’s palm, roaring like a beast and attacking Paradox.

This blue flame illuminates the dark forest. At such a distance, Paradox still feels the horror of this power.

I saw him dodge, escaped the attack of the falling fire, and jumped, jumped off the top of the train, and rushed into the forest on the side.

“Smart guy, know that frontal forces are not feasible, do you want to use the terrain? Then I will play with you.” After saying that, Mu Feng also jumped, jumped from the roof of the car, and then went into the forest. Among.

The suspended train stood still on the rails, leaving only the unconscious Yincheng Konggo, still on the bottom of the car without regaining consciousness.

As soon as he walked into the forest, Mu Feng suddenly felt that all the light around him had disappeared.

It’s not just being blocked by the woods, but like these trees and branches and leaves will absorb light, the moonlight that originally spilled from the sky seems to be completely impenetrable through these trees.

Mu Feng slowed down.

Cautiously perceiving the surrounding movement, even the disturbance of a leaf can’t escape his ears, “Unexpectedly, Yincheng Konggo, the spiritual world is so complicated…It really suits my heart more and more. “.

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