Chapter 930

Faced with Ukitake Shiro’s stubbornness, Mu Feng said nothing.

He wanted to arrange Yincheng Konggo into the Kidō crowd, and also wanted to better control this combat power for his own use. But Fuki’s refusal now doesn’t hurt him.

After all, there will be time in the future.

Moreover, even if Fuzhu never agreed, but with an agreement with Paradox, no matter where Yincheng Kongwu is, it makes no difference to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng nodded and said, “Well, after all, this is your decision by Senior Floating Bamboo, and I respect your choice. However, I will continue to accompany you during this period. In the future, if there is any need, it will be Please speak directly, and I will do my best to help.”

Floating Bamboo looked at Mu Feng with gratitude in his eyes. But for the plan in Mu Feng’s head, he-didn’t know at all.

At this time, although Yincheng Konggo had regained consciousness, his coma for a few days left him in an extremely weak state, and he couldn’t even speak.

Mu Feng has been using Reiatsu to cooperate with medical ninjutsu to heal Ginjo Kogo.

Floating bamboo feeds Yincheng with his usual food to supplement it.

It wasn’t until the third day that Yincheng Konggo finally woke up completely and was able to speak autonomously.

Early this morning, Mu Feng came to Yincheng Kongwu’s room as usual. As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Yincheng was opening his eyes wide, turning his head and looking in the direction of the door.

“Mu Feng!”

When Mu Feng walked in, Yincheng’s face instantly burst into joy, so much so that he even wanted to sit up, but as he propped up his arm, severe pain came from the wound on his chest. He fell heavily again.

Mu Feng was not very surprised when he saw that he could talk, and said coldly, “Oh, awake. The third day is two days earlier than I expected. I don’t know if it’s your body or me. His medical ninjutsu has improved.”

Yincheng wondered, “What is the medical technique?! Hey, no matter that, I woke up three days ago, but I just couldn’t speak. Thank you very much, Mu Feng, you have healed me these days, I watched it all. In the eyes. And, on the train that day… was it a dream? I remember you went to rescue me from that world…”

Mu Feng said, “It’s not a dream, you are trapped in your own spiritual world. However, it is not me who saved you, it is you. You have defeated the emptiness in your heart, so you can wake up from that world. Come.”

“So… it’s not a dream…”

Yincheng Kongwu put his eyes on Sky’s Path, “However, I still have to thank you, Mu Feng. Although I am confused, but I clearly remember that you saved me. Without you, I might be trapped forever. In that world.”

Mu Feng smiled slightly, “Don’t rush to thank me. Although you have woken up, the reality you are facing now may be more dangerous than the spiritual world.”

Gincheng Sorago blinked, “What does this mean? By the way! Where is this place? Why did I come here? I remember that night… Ah, my head hurts, there seems to be a monster, and he claims to be Shinigami’s…”(Read more @

Mu Feng shrugged his shoulders and thought: It seems that he must be introduced to him. If he doesn’t understand anything, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to use it in the future.

This morning, Mu Feng explained the so-called “Void”, “Zheng”, “Shinigami”, “Secular”, “Soul Soul Realm” and other words to Ginjo Kogo.

He felt that he was like Rukia Kuchiki who met Kurosaki Ichigo in the comics. All the terms had to be fully explained, and he had no picture for Ginjo Korgo.

When Mu Feng explained the nouns used, it was almost noon. Yincheng Kongwu’s eyes were blank, and he fell heavily on the bed again, looking at the ceiling.

“Gosh… What have I experienced these days.”

Although he does not want to believe that these are true.

However, the memory he gradually recovered told him that all of this was completely beyond doubt.

Mu Feng smiled and said, “In short, this is the case, your body may have been destroyed, in other words, you are already’dead’.”

Hearing the news of his death, Gincheng Kōgo laughed instead, “If coming to the corpse soul world is’death’, then I would be happy to accept it. This is equivalent to entering heaven early?!”

This made Mu Feng a little surprised, “Is there no obsession with this world?”

Yincheng Kongwu said, “If there is, according to what you just said, the obsession is too deep, I am afraid I have become ‘virtual’ too. Hahaha.”

· ······· Ask for flowers·······

Only then did Mu Feng come into contact with some of the dark side of Yincheng Kongwu.

From the outside, Gincheng Konggo was only about twenty years old at this point in time. In the comics, after decades, Ginjo Kogo still maintains a young appearance.

It may be because he has become a spirit body at this time, and his appearance has stopped growing. However, a teenager who actually said this kind of thing shows that he is a person who can afford to put it down without any hesitation. This kind of person is often the most damned.

Because you don’t know how dangerous he will do with his decisive determination.

Mu Feng closed his eyes and said, “I won’t be able to go back to this world in the future.”

Ginjo smiled while lying on the bed, “It’s a lie? The Shinigami who entrusted me with power, isn’t he going to this world?”

…. …… …

“Keen guy… However, if you want to go to this world, you also need considerable strength. With your current…” Mu Feng’s words were not finished yet.

“Then I will be Shinigami too!” Ginjo Sorago said firmly.

Mu Feng was a little surprised when he heard Yincheng say this. However, he just closed his eyes and didn’t say much, “In short, your task now is to recover to be able to move freely. Other big things, wait for it to be said later.”

With that, Mu Feng was about to leave the room.

“Mu Feng,” Yincheng stopped him again, “Um, hehe…Is there anything to eat? I’m very hungry…”

Mu Feng frowned, “You can’t even sit up and still want to eat? Just lie down.”

“No! As long as I smell the scent of ramen, I will immediately have strength!”

“Hey, ramen? Where do you think this is? You…”

“Mu Feng, it’s time for lunch,” Just then, Floating Bamboo also came to the room, “It’s another morning, and I have worked hard for you today. We…”

As soon as he said this, Fuzhu turned his head and saw Yincheng Konggo who was awake on the bed.

He widened his eyes and said, “Is he finally awake completely?!”

Yincheng Konggo struggled to squeeze a smile, and said to Fuzhu, “You, hello, that, if it’s lunch, can you bring me one? Hey…”.

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