Chapter 940

Nie Yuli opened his eyes wide and shouted intoxicated, “I will use my hands! Cut you piece by piece, and dig out all the secrets in your body! You…”


The rising flame instantly swallowed Nirvana with the violent explosion. Before he could finish his words, his body turned into a huge fireball.

Matsumoto Ranju looked at what was happening in front of him blankly, and said coldly, “Now, those hands should not be able to experiment anymore, right?!”

Since just now, Matsumoto Ranju has seen everything~ in his eyes.

Mu Feng controlled her, using Chakra’s condensed gravel in her hand to withstand Nirvana’s attack.

Then, use Shunpo to move behind Nirvana and release one of Hadō’s punches to him. Of course, this is just a cover, and the role of Chong is not to attack, but to fix the detonating talisman on Nie Yuli’s back.

His body was manipulated to fight, and Matsumoto Ranju had never had such an experience.

She didn’t know what Mu Feng did to herself, but her trust in Mu Feng allowed her to give her body to Mu Feng 100% to manipulate.

After this series of battles went on, Matsumoto Ranju didn’t have much power, but her fighting skills and strategy have deeply impressed her.

Luan Ju has never seen one of the ninjutsu used by Mu Feng.

Those are all displayed by Mu Feng using his own Reiatsu or Chakra, using Ranju’s body as a medium. The ingenuity of its operation even didn’t even notice Nirvana.

Luan Ju is not alone in shock.

Around a dozen of Kidō’s team members who had been treated with Nirvana’s muscle hardener, their physical symptoms had gradually eased, at least their mouths could speak.

“Gosh, is that the strength of Matsumoto Vice President Kidō?!”

“This is the first time I saw her fight…”

“It’s so powerful, I haven’t even seen the Kidō she used.”

“There is no introduction in the textbooks of the Mao Spiritual Academy.”

“So strong, Matsumoto Vice President Kidō, he is beautiful, and his strength is super strong. It’s really amazing.”

For a while, everyone’s eyes and compliments were all turned towards Matsumoto Luanju. Luanju heard a red glow on her face, but she knew that all these praises belonged to Mu Feng.

Luan Ju looked at everyone and felt amused inexplicably.

Only part of the limbs of these team members returned to their original state, basically like a sculpture, standing in a strange posture.

It is these statues, but they are constantly talking, and their expressions are very rich, which is really uncontrollable.

Luan Ju glanced at Mu Feng again.(Read more @

Mu Feng was leaning against the wall, holding his hands on his chest, smiling, even closing his eyes.

With this inadvertent posture, he can manipulate his body to win Nirvana, Luan Ju’s heart admires Mu Feng spontaneously, and the red glow on his face can not help but deepen.

“You group of twittering meat…It’s so noisy!!!”

Just when Luan Ju thought that the battle was over, suddenly, from the blazing flame in front of her, Nirvana’s cry came again.

At the same time, more than a dozen fireballs shot out from the flames, directly at the group of teammates.

The team members were still unable to move freely, and they were instantly confused when they watched the fireball flying towards them. But like a statue, they could not do anything except close their eyes in fright.

“The Eighty One of Bakudō·Splitting Void!”

Bang, bang, bang, bang…

I only heard Mu Feng yelling in a low voice, and then there was a burst of noise, but the noise, as if separated by a layer of water, was very dull.

After a few seconds, the team members slowly opened their eyes. And what stood in front of them was Mu Feng’s back like a god descending.

“Mu…Mu Feng, the head of Kidō…”

“It was Mu Feng, the head of Kidō, who personally saved us?”

“I… I thought I was dead.”

Mu Feng didn’t look back at them, but stared at the fireball ahead. I saw that he just waved his hand, and the Splitting Void in front of him was like glass, shattering in an instant.

“Nie Yuri, you really don’t have the burden of a captain. I have only let Matsumoto Vice Captain Kidō accompany you in the fight, which is considered to have given you three points. But you don’t know what is good or bad, and you still treat these unarmed teammates. We are really shameless.”

“Unarmed?! Team members?! It’s just a pile of worthless pieces of meat!”

With a hum, the flame that swallowed Nirvana burst open.

· ······Find flowers········

His figure reappeared.

However, the whole body had been burned to pieces, and the left back shoulder part that was stuck by the detonating talisman was almost completely blown away, and the whole left hand was naturally blown to pieces in the explosion.

Seeing the tragic situation of Neyuli, Mu Feng couldn’t help but sneer for a while.

“It seems that we will continue to fight again. This time, it is estimated that the movement will be even greater.” As Mu Feng waved his hand behind him, a series of drops of water condensed by Reiatsu poured onto the team that turned into a statue behind him. Scholars.

With a few puffs, the froze team members fell to the ground one after another.

“Huh? Body?!”

“Is it Mr. Mu Feng who helped us detoxify?!”

“Can you move your body?!”

Mu Feng glanced sideways at the team members behind him, and said, “Go back to the team house. You can no longer intervene in the next battle. Here is the responsibility of me and Deputy Chief Kidō, Ranju, and you are almost to a safe place. go with.”

“Yes Yes!”

“We understand!”

“Then… Please, Master Mu Feng!”

The team members heard what Mu Feng said, and saw Neyuli stepping out of the flames again. They supported each other, left the square in front of the team house, and returned to the wall of the team house.

Nie Yuli looked at Mu Feng, his face was full of displeasure, “I actually relieved the effect of my muscle hardener? You don’t know how to use potions, Mu Feng is older than Kidō.”

Mu Feng smiled, “Of course. But for the spirit body, the spirit child is a panacea.”

“Huh! Stop joking! Manipulating Lingzi to eliminate the influence of the potion on the spirit body, do you know how precise Lingzi manipulation is required? Don’t make this kind of thing that only exists in theory feel like you can do it at your fingertips It’s the same.”

Mu Feng said, “Do you classify all the things you can’t do as’existing only in theory’? It’s really arrogant. Then I will tell you, Captain Nirvana, manipulate the spirit child to destroy the drug to the spirit body The effect of the drug is also related to the efficacy of the drug. In other words, I can relieve your muscle hardener, which shows that your muscle hardener has a lot of defects.”

Nie Yuli’s face was almost twisted into a ball, “You bastard, the results of my research… I will never forgive you!” He was raging to the extreme right now. .

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