Chapter 955

No. 1 team building, in front of the conference hall

“Oh, everyone is here early.”

Accompanied by Ise Nanao, Xiantei walked slowly towards the huge gate with a big “one” written on it. His eyes showed a blank smile and looked like a drink. Just woke up after being drunk~.

In front of the gate not far away, a group of captain and deputy captain-level figures had already gathered at this time, and the captains were slowly entering the gate in an orderly manner.

Ise Nanao helped his glasses and said, “Kyo Band Leader, this is a captain-level group meeting that has not been held for many years. Please don’t be so undisciplined.”

Kyōraku smiled and looked at Nanao, “Little Nanao, you don’t need to be so nervous. It’s just a captain meeting. Isn’t it good for everyone to communicate and exchange feelings?”

Nanao said, “However, Captain Yamamoto was also there, indicating that this incident is not simple.”

“Relax, relax, Xiao Nanao, you haven’t participated in several meetings like this before you think so. Old man Shan, he is actually very amiable.”

Nanao showed a disgusting expression on his face, “How can you not get along with Captain Yamamoto if you are amiable… I’m already shivering just thinking of his face.”

After speaking, the two walked to the gate.

Kyōraku said to Nanao, “Okay, you can wait here with the other deputy captains. I’ll come as soon as I go.”

Nanao nodded seriously to Kyōraku, and stopped to watch Kyōraku walk in.

As soon as Kyōraku walked inside the door, he saw Ukitake Shiro, who had already been waiting here. Floating Bamboo leaned against the door with a serious expression, and seemed to be waiting for Kyōraku on a special trip.

“You came so early, Fuzhu.” Kyōraku greeted with a smile.

Fuzhu saw Jingle and hurriedly stepped forward. He looked around first, and then whispered, “Jingle, have you heard that? What happened today seems to be related to Mu Feng.”

Kyōraku nodded, still carelessly.

“Nie Yuli is looking for trouble with Mu Feng, and we must not let him succeed.”

Jingle shrugged and said, “Anyway, let’s go in first. What to do depends on what Old Man Shan meant.”

“Well, I can only act by chance…”

As they said this, they planned to walk into the house. At this moment, two more people walked in the door.

They are Aizen Sōsuke from the fifth division and Ichimarugin from the third division.

Kyōrakudo, “Oh, Captain Aizen, and the newly appointed Captain Ichimaru.”

“Hello, Bandmaster Kyo.” Aizen replied politely.

On the other hand, Ichimaru Gin showed a chilly smile on his face like a snake.(Read more @

“As expected of the former subordinates, even if you become the captain, you two are still close.”

Aizen said, “No, it just happened to be halfway through.”

Kyōraku laughed, “If Captain Hirako Mako was still there, I would be very happy to see his two subordinates get along so harmoniously.”

When Kyōraku said so, it was natural to ridicule Aizen. He had suspected decades ago that Hirako Mako and others defected to the Soul World because of the Hollow incident, and that incident may have something to do with Aizen.

However, even if Kyōraku said so, Aizen still looked at Kyōraku with a polite smile, and said, “Mako Hirako is already a sinner who defected from the entire corpse soul world. Even as his former deputy, if there is a chance to meet him , I will also bring him to justice. At the gate of the first team, we’d better not make such jokes, band leader Beijing.”

“It’s really not leaking…” A shadow flashed across Jingle’s face, but it disappeared quickly, turning into a drunken smile, “Then, we have to go in quickly, or the old man will get angry.”

With that, Kyōraku and Ukitake walked into the door.

Looking at the back of the two, the smile on Aizen’s face gradually disappeared.

“What a cunning person.” Ichimaru Gin smiled.

Aizen said, “Don’t underestimate Kyōraku Chunshui. He is a direct disciple of Yamamoto Genryusai. His appearance is frivolous, but his strength and wisdom are all monsters. He may become a stumbling block in our future.”

“Is that so? Haha.”

After speaking, the two also walked into the conference hall.

Three minutes later, Yamamoto Genryūsai also leaned on crutches and slowly walked into the conference hall.

He stepped into the room with one foot, all the sounds stopped abruptly, and silence fell from the sky, as if an invisible flame burned all the things that made noise.

Shigekuni Yamamoto Motoyanagi sat on the chair in the center. Standing next to him were Ichimaruage, the captain of the 3rd division, Aizen Sōsuke, the captain of the 5th division, and the Komamura Zuojin, the 7th division captain, and the 11th division. The captain of the eighth and thirteenth squadron Genki Jian, Ukitake Shiro. On the right hand side of Yamamoto Genryusai, the second division captain Sawbee, the fourth division captain Uunoharetsu, the sixth division captain Byakuya Kuchiki, the eighth division captain Kyraku Harumizu, and the tenth division captain Shiha Yixin, captain of the twelfth division, Nie Yuli.

· ······Ask for flowers·· ·

“Lord Kidō, Mu Feng, haven’t he come yet?”

Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s simple sentence sounded like a thunderstorm, shaking people’s hearts.

No one answered, the silence still enveloped the whole room.

At this moment, only a sound of footsteps were heard, and he approached the house unhurriedly.

The eyes of all thirteen captains cast their eyes to the entrance door.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and finally Mu Feng, dressed in a dark death tyrant, stood in front of the gate.


Under everyone’s eyes, Mu Feng scanned everyone and found that everyone was looking at him.

Mu Feng smiled slightly, “I won’t, is it the last one?”

With that, he walked into the house.

The corners of Jingle’s mouth rose slightly, and he whispered in a low voice, “Mu Feng, he doesn’t dress more formal for this occasion. Well, but this is his style.”

Mu Feng walked to the center of the hall in three or two steps, opposite to Yamamoto Genryuzhai. He smiled and said: “I’m really sorry, as the big Kidō, this is the first time I have received an invitation to the team leader meeting.”


Yamamoto Motoyuzhai smashed his cane heavily on the ground, making a dull sound, echoing in the hall for a long time.

He opened his eyes and stared straight at Mu Feng.

That look, even if it was Jingle Chunshui, it would tremble.

“Kidō, the big kid, Mu Feng, the leader.”

Mu Feng looked at Yamamoto Genryuzhai without expression, “Yes, Captain Yamamoto.”

After a brief silence, Yamamoto said slowly, “Seven days ago, there was a missing member of Shinigami in the 80th district of Ryukon Street. That night, two members of the 12th Division performed missions in this area. There is no news so far. The result of Captain Ni’s life detection device is that both have been killed. Mu Feng, what do you think of this matter?”

Mu Feng looked at Yamamoto and then at Nirvana, who also looked at him with a smirk at this time.

“This matter, you should ask Captain Nirvana, right?”.

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