Chapter 958

“If this is the case, then Mu Feng, the leader of Kidō, has also cleared the suspicion.” Yamamoto Genryūsai said.

Looking at Yamamoto with the shadow on his face, Neyuli seemed to be accumulating inexplicable resentment.

Yamamoto continued, “Although all the captain’s suspicions have been cleared, Captain Neyuri, this matter can’t be left alone.”

Nirvana gritted her teeth, resisted her anger, bowed her head to Yamamoto and said, “Yes, I understand…”

On the side, Kyōraku and Ukitake looked at each other, showing a smiling face, and returned to the captain’s queue. And Mu Feng also closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, as if to say: It’s worthy of Jingle Chunshui, which is really interesting.

But Ichimaru Gin was disappointed, and he thought to himself: Is this the end? It’s really boring. Nie Yuli, in the final analysis, is there only this method?

Aizen closed his eyes, his expression never changed, he looked harmless to humans and animals, and said nothing.

The other captains all showed expressions of “disband as soon as there is nothing wrong”.

Yamamoto Genryusai said, “Captain of the 12th Division, Neyori, as the captain of the Gotei 13th team, I order you to thoroughly investigate the two team members who disappeared for no reason in the 80th area of ​​Ryuhun Street. If you don’t give me a reasonable investigation result, I will ask you for it!”

Shiba turned over Byakugan with all his heart, and smiled and said secretly: Heh, stealing chicken won’t make you lose your rice. Everyone knows the style of the Technology Development Bureau. Those two team members who disappeared, I am afraid they were killed by their own hands, right? This shocked Captain Yamamoto, Neyori, to see how you end up.

“Yes, Captain Yamamoto! I will definitely find out! But…”

Halfway through Neyuli’s words, his voice suddenly changed.

The panicked voice a second before suddenly became cunning again. Moreover, when he was halfway through the conversation, he turned his head secretly and showed a very intriguing smile at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng’s eyes widened, and he instinctively told him that something unexpected might happen. No, maybe… it was a trap at the beginning!(Read more @

At the same time, Kyōraku, Ukitake, Aizen, and Ichimarugin.

They all saw Neyuli’s smiling face at the same time, and all four of them frowned.

“But… I have a request, Captain Yamamoto.” Niyu said in a sharp and hoarse voice.

Yamamoto Motoyuzhai was silent for a moment and said, “Let’s talk.”

Nie Yuli turned around, opened his hands, and looked at everyone present with a smile, as if he was a winner.

“Since this is the end of the matter, I might as well tell you all. On the night seven days ago, the task I sent my team members to Kengmu… was to track down a ghost. No, it should be said that it was a special soul. .”

Broken Bee constricted his eyebrows and said, “Xu? What’s so special about Hollow?”

Nirvana said with a smile, “Of course it’s not an ordinary hollow. If it’s an ordinary hollow, I wouldn’t be so interested in him, let alone send people to go to a place as far away as possible to investigate. The hollow I found, That special soul…Let’s put it this way, I can’t even tell whether he is an ordinary hollow or a great hollow.”

Byakuya Kuchiki closed his eyes and said blankly, “If you can’t distinguish between Hollowand Da Hollow, I suggest you go back to the Mao Spiritual Academy and retake the course, Captain Nirvana.”

In the face of Byakuya’s ridicule, Neyori not only didn’t get angry, but smiled even more proudly, “I’ll consider your proposal, Lord Kuchiki. However, please allow me to continue, and you will help me with your profound knowledge. Judging, whether that head of Hollowbelongs to Da Hollow.”

“Stop the meaningless quarrel and continue talking, Nirvana,” Yamamoto said loudly.

Nirvana nodded and continued, “Yes. When I first discovered that hollow head, I also treated him as an ordinary hollow. Because from any angle, he definitely does not belong to the big hollow. However, I The team member who was sent was killed by that virtual one. Regarding the incident, I also carefully wrote a report and submitted it.”

Nirvana looked at the people and said, “I feel very strange. Generally speaking, an ordinary Hollowwill never be an opponent of Shinigami, a veteran who has been stationed in the corpse soul world for many years, has rich experience, and has killed countless Xus. So , I sent three more people to encircle and suppress. The result was the same. The three people who were sent were killed by the hollow one. The remaining one finally returned to the 12th Division alive at the cost of a right arm. And then, is the point.”

Nirvana deliberately waited for a while, wanting to see how everyone reacted. Sure enough, as he expected, everyone seemed to have been completely attracted by what he said.

“…” According to the report of the teammates who came back alive, the empty head is not a big empty head in every respect. However, his combat effectiveness is almost comparable to that of the Yachukas-class Daxu. No, maybe even better than that…”

“How is this possible? Ordinary hollow, possesses the power of great hollow? I have never heard of it!” Broken Bee shouted.

Neyuli nodded, “I think so too. However, the team member who came back explained the reason to me. When the three of them encircled and suppressed the empty one…the empty one actually resorted to the previously killed Shinigami. Zanpakutō ability!”

“What!?” everyone exclaimed in unison, “Xu…Using Shinigami’s Zanpakutō ability!?”

Nei closed his eyes and nodded again, “Yes, when I heard this fact, my reaction was the same as everyone. However, the surviving teammate told me that the hollow head was killing him (De Nuo Zhao ) After the two teammates in the same team, they also used the Zanpakutō abilities of the two teammates. Having said that, I think you should have guessed a little bit too? Yes, according to my guess, that is a false one. , Possesses the ability to fuse the power of the spirit body that was swallowed by him! In other words, although he is an ordinary hollow, as the prey he swallows more and more, he will become stronger and stronger! Beyond Yachukas, Surpassing Vastod is only a matter of time. Even… if you leave it alone, the entire corpse world will fall under his claws…”

Hearing this, Mu Feng couldn’t help but whispered in his heart: Why…why does this virtual ability sound so familiar?

“According to the report of the surviving team members, that Hollowhad mentioned his name in the battle. If he did not lie, then it is certain that the name of the Hollowis called-Metastacia!”.

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