Chapter 961

“Mu Feng!”

Seeing Mu Feng walking out of the conference hall of the first team, Luan Ju, who had been waiting here, hurriedly greeted him.

“How about it, Neyuli didn’t make things difficult for you, right?”

Mu Feng smiled, “How could it not make things difficult? Today’s meeting, to put it bluntly, is not to make things difficult for me?”

“Then you…” Luan Ju looked a little nervous.

“It’s okay, it’s all handled by me. I just accepted a new task.”

“new task?”

Mu Feng said, “Yes, but there is no difficulty, just hunting a virtual one. I will tell you the specific situation when I go back.”

Hearing what Mu Feng said, Luan Ju was half-hearted, “Okay, it’s okay.”

“Eight Six Zero” “Then, Mu Feng, I have to go back too.”

At this time, Kyōraku Chunshui on the side came to say goodbye to Mu Feng, and next to him was Ise Nanao.

Nanao helped his glasses and said, “Captain, it’s best not to match other captain-level brothers in public, let alone a team…”

Kyōraku touched the back of his head and smiled, “Nanao is really strict, haha.”

Mu Feng looked at Ise Nanao, and thought to his heart: It seems to be a little younger than the mature appearance in the original book, but it is also a beauty.

“Then, go slowly, Senior Kyōraku.”

Kyōraku waved his hand and left with Nanao.

“In this case, I have to go too.” Floating bamboo also brought Rukia and Haiyan to say goodbye to Mu Feng, “Rukia, thank you for your care these days.”

Mu Feng said, “You are welcome, I have to thank you very much, Captain Floating Bamboo.”

The two smiled at each other, tacitly.

“Quickly thank you.” Haiyan smiled and pressed Rukia’s head.

“I don’t want it! It’s too shameful to thank Mu Feng for this kind of thing!” Rukia rebelled.

A few drops of awkward sweat dripped from the floating bamboo’s forehead, “Hehe… let’s go, Rukia, Haiyan.”(Read more @

The two followed Fuzhu and turned to leave. Before leaving, Rukia turned her head and glanced at Mu Feng, her eyes full of indescribable emotion.

Mu Feng said, “If you want to come to Kidō, I welcome you at any time, Rukia.”

“Who is going to play with you! Idiot!”

Rukia made a grimace at Mu Feng, and immediately turned her head and ran towards the floating bamboo and Haiyan in front.

“It seems that Rukia doesn’t appreciate it.” Lu Kiya said with a smile.

Mu Feng looked at the back of the three of them and smiled, “Isn’t she always the same way. Okay, we should also go. Back to the team building, I will tell you the details of this mission. Listen.”

Luan Ju nodded, and the two also walked in the direction of the Kidō crowd.

The captain and deputy captains began to disperse gradually, but in an inconspicuous corner, Aizen and Ichimaru Gin stood together and said something.

“In the conference hall just now, did you hear everything clearly, Silver?” Aizen said with a false smile on his face.

Yin replied, “Yes, not a single word. It really scared me. I thought that Captain Nirvana’s method was simply settled by the band leader Jing. Unexpectedly, he actually said it. That name, Metastacia.”

Aizen said, “The test product we abandoned has escaped to Liuhun Street. It has survived until now, but it has exceeded my expectations.”

“Yes, according to the experimental data, Mehtastrassia changed back to the critical value after the soul swallowed reached a certain amount, which caused his body to collapse. He is an out-and-out failure.

Unexpectedly, he survived tenaciously to the present and was discovered by the 12th squad. If you think about it this way, did the twelfth squad guys that we slapped at the night before seven days ago to track down Mehta Stacia? Captain Aizen, do you want to take him back and recalculate his value? ”

Aizen shook his head, “Failed products are ultimately failed products and have no value for recycling. Compared with that, I want to see how Mu Feng will behave when dealing with him. If there is a chance to take advantage of it. , That failed product, maybe it can help us get rid of Mu Feng’s heartache…”

“Haha, you deserve to be Captain Aizen, really wicked.” Ichimaru Gin said with a sly smile.

“Captain! Captain Aizen!”

Just as the two were whispering, a hearty young girl’s voice reached their ears.

Aizen looked back, and the one who called him was his fifth division team member, Hinamori.

He immediately put on a gentle expression from the past and said to Hina Mori, “Hina Mori? Why did you come here?”

Hinamori blushed and said, “Because I heard that Captain Aizen was here to participate in the meeting, and the vice-captain was not in the team for some reason, and couldn’t accompany you. So…I followed without authorization and kept waiting outside the door. .”

Aizen touched Hisunori’s head and said, “Thanks for your hard work, Hisunori player. It seems that you have the potential and consciousness to be a deputy captain.”

Young Sen was flattered and said, “No! I didn’t mean that, but…I…worried…”

Aizen smiled hypocritically, “Okay, let’s go. On the way back, I hope you can stay with me.”

Hinamori’s face turned red again, “Yes…yes, Captain Aizen!”

After all, the two also walked towards the fifth division team.

Ichimaru Gin smiled like a snake and looked at the back of the two of them away. He said to himself, “It’s really cruel, Captain Aizen. Do you want to use even such a simple girl? Haha…”

With a puff, Yincheng Kongwu fell to the ground, and all the water in the bucket he was holding was spilled out.

The grass on the ground has been flooded with water, and I don’t know which bucket has been spilled by Yincheng.

Mu Feng leaned against the tree beside him, folded his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and said, “If you continue to sprinkle, the grass in that land will be drowned.”

“Damn it!”

Yincheng lay on the ground and hit the lawn with a fist, splashing the mud pips on his own face.

“Why… why can’t it be done!”.

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