Chapter 963

In the forest, Mu Feng’s Shadow Clone hugs his chest, leaning against a tree.

He closed his eyes tightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

“If this continues, if Ginjo Kori can overcome his impatient personality, it will only be a matter of time before he learns Shadow Clone. But what should I do after that? Is it really necessary to teach him how to use Zanpakutō?”

Mu Feng’s worries are not unfounded.

If you want to teach Ginjo Korago Kendo, there is bound to be a problem involved, and that is Zanpakutō.

It is strange that although Ginjo Korgo inherited the power of Shinigami, when Ukitake Shiro saved him, he did not find anything like Zanpakutō at the scene.

Mu Feng used to think of the scene when Rukia rescued Kurosaki Ichigo in the original plot. When Kurosaki Ichigo got the power of Shinigami, he immediately appeared in his hand a handful of Zanpakutō, and its size was far larger than the average Zanpakutō, so to speak, Zanpakutō The size of it reflects the strength of its owner Reiatsu.

So, where did Ginjo Korgo’s Zanpakutō go? Was damaged in the battle with Paradox? Or is he not Zanpakutō at all? This is all unknown.

Later, Mu Feng entered the spiritual world of Yincheng Konggo and got the answer to the question.

Although Ginjo Kogo did not have Zanpakutō next to him in the real world, in the spiritual world, there was a handful of Zanpakutō hanging from his waist, which Mu Feng could see clearly.

In other words, if you want to teach Ginjo Korago’s kendo, you must first let him visualize his Zanpakutō.

After Kurosaki Ichigo’s Zanpakutō was destroyed by Byakuya Kuchiki for the first time, Kisuke Urahara helped him once again take out the Zanpakutō from the depths of his soul, which is Zangetsu.

Possibly, Yincheng Konggo would have to go through such a process.

Mu Feng sighed and looked at Sky’s Path, “Oh, trouble…no, what’s the matter? Why has the kid in Yincheng been there for so long?”

He turned around hurriedly and looked at the woods behind him. A gust of wind blew by, and the branches and leaves in the woods were rustling.

Mu Feng’s brows wrinkled involuntarily, and an ominous premonition hit his heart.


“Ha!? You kid, are you looking for death! ~ˇ!” The bald-headed Tanaka roared angrily.

Yincheng put down his right hand, and the fingers that had just shot the white thunder gradually cooled down. He took a sip of water, and to be honest, now he regrets it a bit.

Just now, Ginjo was hiding behind the stone, watching the two Shinigami bullying the woman, his head heated up, and he rushed out, and he managed to release the Shiraito that he had never been able to control.(Read more @

But seeing that Shinigami didn’t mean to be scared off at all, instead he turned the spear on himself, and couldn’t help but think: That’s it, my trainee Shinigami is going to fight two real Shinigami.

Tanaka picked up Zanpakutō on the ground and looked at Ginjo with a fierce face, “A lot of nosy fellows, you untouchables, dare to attack the uncle Shinigami who is protecting you!? Sure enough, just like I thought. The untouchables are shameless! I will teach you a lesson today!”

With that, Tanaka’s Reiatsu came out of his body. The quarrel with the civilian woman on Liuhun Street just now was just a drag. And this time, he was truly murderous.

Collection from the side Shinigami Nogami Tanaka Reiatsu ascended and hurriedly grabbed his arm.

Tanaka turned his head and wrinkled his brows to look at the wild, and said: “Hey, wild, are you going to stop me again! That fellow, isn’t it a poor ordinary civilian!”

Nogami also looked serious. He shook his head and said, “No, I’m not trying to stop you, Senior Tanaka. It’s just…that person just used Bai Lei, right?!”

With such a reminder by Yegami, the two looked at Ginjo Kogo on the opposite side of the river at the same time.

Yincheng’s body trembled when he saw this.

He has decided to take care of his business, and now he can’t get away if he wants to run. And he knew that if he left now, the woman on Liuhun Street would definitely end up worse.

And now, the woman was collapsing on the ground, looking at a loss.

“You said that, it seems to be true, and I also heard him yell like that… Yes, that is Hadō, Bai Lei, No. 4,” Tanaka said.

Nogami nodded, “However, that person is dressed in ordinary clothes, and he is not wearing a death tyrant. I think he is a person from Rukon Street, but why does he use Shinigami’s Hadō? Is he also Shinigami?”

Tanaka shook his head, “No, the Reiatsu of Bai Lei just now was messy, not so much Bai Lei, it was the impact of Reiatsu.”

“That’s even more weird. How can there be such a guy here?! Senior Tanaka, we’d better be careful.”

“How do you say, are you going to let him go?! I can’t swallow this sigh of face-to-face provocation!”

Nogami shook his head, “No, Senior Tanaka, your power is too strong for him, let me do it for him!”

After speaking, Nogami jumped and jumped to the other side of the river.

He stepped on Shunpo in the air. Before Ginjo could react, he saw a silver light flashing, and Zanpakutō in the wild had already stuck to Ginjo’s neck.

Seeing this, Tanaka took Zanpakutō back into the scabbard, put his hands on his chest, and watched the situation from across the bank.

“.” Oh, the power in the wild may be more suitable for this kind of thing than me.”

As he said, he glanced viciously at the woman on the side. With just one look, the woman trembled in fright.

“You untouchables, really only cause trouble for us. Please keep your eyes open for me. If you dare to treat us Shinigami unrespectfully, what will happen to the untouchables!”

On the other side of the river bank, Yin Cheng widened his eyes and saw the silver blade in front of him.

He couldn’t help thinking: This… is this the real Shinigami? Shunpo so fast, stopped by my side accurately, I didn’t even see when he drew the knife… drew the knife? Damn, if I also have a knife…

(Nuoqian Zhao) Nogai looked at Ginjo without expression, and said quietly, “Say, what’s your name? Why do you only use Shinigami’s Hadō? Who are you!”

These seem to be three questions, but in fact they are all the same question, and that is the identity of Yincheng.

Of course, Yincheng would not reveal his identity. He and Mu Feng have spent so much time here, just to avoid being discovered. He had also heard about it before that if he received Shinigami’s power in private, he would be punished. If you reveal your identity now, even if you don’t die in the hands of these two Shinigami, you will definitely live soon.

“Don’t tell me? Okay, let you suffer. Don’t you know Hadō? Then let you taste the real Hadō!”

As he said, Nogami raised his left index finger and pointed it at Ginjo’s shoulder. Reiatsu lingered at his fingertips, making a crackling noise.

“The Fourth of Hadō: Bai Lei!” The same Kidō shot out from the wild. .

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