Chapter 971

Seireitei, the mansion of the Tanaka family, about 50 years ago.

The Tanaka family is the inferior aristocrat in the Seorei Palace. Although it is not as good as the four nobles such as the Kuchiki family, it can be regarded as a family with a high status that can be worry-free in the Seireitei underwear.

The people in the Tanaka family have no talent for spiritual power, but they aspire to become Shinigami and are proud to join the Gonii 13 team.

On this day, Tanaka’s house was silent. The crowd gathered in the lobby, with the Tanakas on one side, and the 13th Division led by Ukitake Shiro on the other.

In the center of the people on both sides, there is a stretcher. The person on the stretcher covered his face with a white cloth and looked dead.

Fuzhu looked at the opposite man with a heavy face. The middle-aged man who was already bald should be the head of the Tanaka family in terms of temperament and manners.

Fuzhu lowered his head, closed his eyes, and bowed slightly, “Mr. Tanaka’s “One Three Seven”, I’m very sorry, as the captain, I failed to protect Linglang.”

Having said this, behind Patriarch Tanaka, a middle-aged woman couldn’t help sobbing. It seemed that she should be Patriarch Tanaka’s wife.

Unlike his wife, the expression on Patriarch Tanaka’s face remained unchanged.

“Captain Floating Bamboo, why did the kid die?”

Fuzhu said, “Tanaka team member, when performing a mission at Caolu in District 79, Liuhun Street, in order to protect the villagers who were attacked by the hollow escape, they stopped the hollow and sacrificed unfortunately.”

Patriarch Tanaka said again, “So, what about the villagers?”

Fuzhu said, “Under the cover of the Tanaka team members, the villagers are safe and sound.”

When the head of the Tanaka family heard this, he nodded, closed his eyes, and said, “In this way, it is considered a proper death. This is the glory of my Tanaka family.”

Fuzhu said, “Originally we were supposed to hold a team funeral for the team member Tanaka, but his last wish is to return to his hometown, so today we will send Linglang back to the mansion…”

“No need.” Patriarch Tanaka said suddenly.

“Huh?” Floating Bamboo was a little surprised.

“Captain Ukitake, please hold a funeral for the kid. Let him end as Shinigami at the end.”

The expression on Fuzhu’s face gradually changed from accident to understanding, and he nodded without saying more.

“Mother, is that… is that the elder brother?” Behind the patriarch’s wife, a bald-headed child emerged. He pulled the corner of the wife’s clothes and asked about the identity of the deceased.

“This is?” Floating Bamboo asked.

Patriarch Tanaka said, “This is my youngest son, Hideyake Tanaka.”(Read more @

“Tanaka’s younger brother…”

“Come here, Xiutake.” Patriarch Tanaka pulled Odanaka in front of the people, pointed at the people on the ground, and said, “Xiuyue, your eldest brother died in a glorious battle. As a Shinigami, he protected the people in Ruhun Street. And gave his life. This is the glory of all our Tanaka family. When you grow up, you will also be your elder brother Shinigami, understand?”

Odazhong looked at his elder brother’s corpse, tears in his eyes rolled, and he roared angrily, “Big brother…is it because of the people in Liuhun Street…that died…why did you die?! Why did your elder brother die? Big brother protects others, why no one protects big brother!”

With that, Tanaka cried out in pain, and turned and ran outside the house.

“Xiuyue! Xiuyue!”

Patriarch Tanaka was a little annoyed when he called his name: “What a shameful guy!”

Fuzhu smiled and said, “Mr. Tanaka, Xiuyue is still young, and may not understand his elder brother’s righteousness. Just, don’t blame him.”

Patriarch Tanaka also took a breath, “I hope he will be like his elder brother in the future and be an upright Shinigami.”

Fuzhu said, “If he has that plan, I will let him enter the thirteenth division and take over the duties of his elder brother.”

Patriarch Tanaka was obviously flattered, “Really…really, Captain Ukitake?”

Fu Zhu smiled and nodded, saying:

“As long as I can graduate from the Mao Spiritual Academy and enter which team, I, the captain, can intervene a little bit. Brother taking over the work of my brother, I think even Yamamoto-sensei will not object.”

“Thank you so much! Captain Ukitake!” Patriarch Tanaka bowed deeply to Ukitake, “Then please! I will definitely train Xiudake into a qualified Shinigami!”

Ukitake nodded comfortably, and said: “I have sacrificed with the Tanaka team members, as well as a child from the Nogami family. I have to go there again. As for the team funeral of the Tanaka team members, I will arrange it as soon as possible.”

“Thanks for your hard work.”

“Then I will leave.”

Patriarch Tanaka bowed again and watched the members of the 13th Division leave Tanaka’s home. ……

“It’s because there are untouchables like you who are weak and always troublesome, so the soul world will be like it is now!” Tanaka shouted at the invaluable Ginjo Kōgo, “If there weren’t for you untouchables, Seireitei will be even more prosperous! You untouchables on Liukun Street, just fend for themselves, don’t trouble others anymore!”

While roaring, Tanaka hurriedly waved the western thorn sword in his hand and stabbed back. In the blink of an eye, there were countless holes in Yincheng’s body, and his clothes had been soaked with blood.

Yincheng fell to the ground, unable to even make a yelling sound.

He thought silently in his heart: Damn it, am I going to stop here… What a shame…

“Korago, why don’t you use weapons? Why don’t you resist!?”

At this moment, a voice rang from Yincheng Kongwu’s head. Yincheng was taken aback, and suddenly felt that the voice was familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had heard it.

“Who? Who is talking?” Yincheng asked in his heart.

“I am your strength and your weapon. Hurry up and resist. If you don’t resist, your life will be worrisome.”

Yincheng took a sip of water, “Even if you say that, what am I going to do…”

“I’m tired from playing too, untouchable. So, your life will end here! Blame it on why you are an untouchable born in Liuhun Street!”

With that said, Tanaka raised his back stab high, 0.3 aimed at the heart of Yincheng, and stab heavily.


However, the tip of the sword did not penetrate through Yincheng Konggo’s heart and body, but stayed on his chest, emitting a metal crash.

Tanaka frowned, waved his hand, and slashed Yincheng’s clothes with the sharp point of his sword. I saw that a metal cross pendant was lying on his chest, it was really it, blocking the fatal blow.

Yincheng also rolled his eyes and looked at the cross pendant on his chest.

“Hey, the cross? Is it the faith of the world… Anyway, your faith saved your life. But you won’t be so lucky in the next blow!”

Tanaka raised the back stab again and aimed at Ginjo Kogogo’s heart. But at the moment he was about to stab, the cross on Yincheng’s chest suddenly emitted a dazzling and dazzling light.


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