Chapter 981

At the same time, the Kidō team houses.

“What!? That Nie Yuli, actually because we were taught a lesson by us a few days ago, and told where is the captain!?”

Matsumoto Ranju patted the table with an atmospheric expression on his face. He almost stood directly on the table. On the other side of the desk, Mu Feng put his chin on his chin with one hand listlessly, and the two eyelids were about to come together.

He looked at Luan Ju and said, “I’ve told you how many times, that’s it… But it’s not a big deal, right? In other words, I’m so hungry, it’s getting dark, so let me get something to eat. , Luanju.”

“What does it mean is no big deal”! Although our Kidō people do not belong to the 13th guardian team, but a relatively independent organization, you, as the leader of the Kidō people, enjoy the same “eight-nine-three” position as the team leader. Isn’t Neyuli doing this the equivalent of blatantly provoking you in the Gotei 13 team? This is a split. It’s impossible for Captain Yamamoto to sit idly by, right? ”

Mu Feng sighed again, “Yes, Captain Yamamoto seemed to take it seriously at the beginning, but when Niiichi said something about the meta, the Captain focused his attention completely. After removing the hollow one, let me help Nirvana to deal with the hollow one.”

“What!? Let you deal with that Hollow!? It’s not right, Captain Yamamoto let the conflict between you and Nirvana not resolve, and actually wants you to deal with a small Hollow?” Luanju asked in astonishment.

Mu Feng leaned back on the chair, folded his hands on the back of his head, and said lightly: “What contradictions are not contradictory, do I have a contradiction with Nirvana? I don’t think so, he can’t beat me anyway.”

Mu Feng is real, and it may be that he is tired of the entanglement with Nie Yuli.

After a pause, he continued, “Whether it’s an open spear or a secret arrow, I don’t put Neyori in my eyes. There is nothing to worry about. Moreover, with Captain Yamamoto, he presumably wouldn’t dare to act rashly. I believe that as long as Father Yamamoto sits in the captain’s seat for one day, all the captains of the Gotei 13 team will not dare to act rashly. In other words, I’m really hungry… I don’t want to prepare more food and wait for Nirvana. If Lee shot, I was already starved to death.”

Luan Ju also sighed and said, “If you say that, then do it as you like. It is true as you said, with your strength, no one is your opponent.”

Although Luan Ju said so on her lips, her face seemed very unhappy.

Mu Feng blinked and slapped his head, as if thinking of why Luan Ju was unhappy and why he was more sensitive to Nieyuli than him.

A few days ago, when Nie Yuli came to the door, it was not someone else who was the first to meet the enemy, it was Luan Ju. Before Mu Feng took the shot, Luan Ju was in danger of ruining Nirvana.

Even afterwards, when Mu Feng controlled Luan Ju’s body and repelled Nirvana, Luan Ju didn’t seem to let out such a breath.

Mu Feng has always stood in his own position, knowing the cause and effect, so there is nothing to think about. But as Luanju, he was called to the door for no reason and had a fight for no reason. As a girl, this really hurts self-esteem.(Read more @

So, Mu Feng hurriedly sat upright and put his face to Luan Ju’s face.

Luan Ju was still angrily, but when Mu Feng suddenly got so close, the anger on his face disappeared instantly, instead a cloud of red clouds rose.

“Well, Luan Ju, I know you have been bullied, and I feel upset.”

“Just…no! Am I such a stingy person?” Luan Ju blushed and retorted shyly.

Mu Feng said again, “Don’t worry, I will avenge you this one day. Neyuli, I must let him embarrass him in front of you! Let you breathe out like this.”

Luan Ju hurriedly said again, “Oh, I said I don’t mind, but you, Mu Feng, don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation just because you want to vent your anger.”

Mu Feng smiled, “Are you caring about me, Sister Luan Ju?”

Hearing what Mu Feng said, Luan Ju’s eyes were wide open, looking straight at Mu Feng’s eyes, his face seemed to be burnt, hot.

“What’s the matter?” Mu Feng asked.

This question awakened Luan Ju.

She shook her head hurriedly, regaining consciousness, “No, nothing… It’s just that I haven’t heard you call me like that for a long time.”

Mu Feng blinked, “You mean, Sister Luan Ju?”

Luan Ju closed her eyes and recalled: “Yes, remember that when I first saw you on Liuhun Street, you looked like a child… So many years have passed in a blink of an eye, and you really look mature. Quite a lot, Mu Feng, and also became my boss…”

“No matter how long, if you like it, I will keep calling you Sister Luanju, you can also 0”

Luan Ju hurriedly turned his head, “Just…no! You are a big Kidō now, and Sister Luanju calls me all the time. Wouldn’t it be a majestic sweep!”

“Then… I will call you Sister Luan Ju in private, okay?”

Luan Ju hurriedly waved her hand. Obviously she could not bear this kind of atmosphere anymore. If Mu Feng was allowed to talk any more, she wouldn’t even know what would happen.

“Ah, okay, okay, whatever you want! Let’s not talk about this, let’s get back to business!” Mu Feng smiled meaningfully, then lay back on the chair, with his hands resting behind his head.

Luanju said, “Didn’t Captain Yamamoto let you and Nirvana deal with the emptiness? It’s unbelievable that there is emptiness in the corpse soul world. What kind of emptiness is it that can attract so much attention?

Mu Feng exhaled deeply, “Listening to Nirvana, that hollow is called Metatar…whatever, the name is very awkward, I can’t remember. In short, it is a hollow with special abilities. , Can swallow other souls.”

Luanju 4.4 frowned and said, “Isn’t the emptiness always devours other souls? Sometimes the same kind can swallow each other. What’s so strange?”

“Of course it’s not just that. After that vain swallows the soul, it can gain the power that the soul has.”

“What!?” Ranju opened his eyes, “Fuse the swallowed power!? Then, if it was our Shinigami who was swallowed by him, wouldn’t it be…”

Mu Feng nodded seriously, “Yes, if our Shinigami is swallowed, our souls, our Reiatsu, and even… our Zanpakutō’s power will all be his own and become his. arms!”

Luan Ju’s brows were locked together, “How is it possible…How could there be such a virtual existence in the world!?”.

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