Chapter 989

“Two…two days?! Have I slept for so long?” Yincheng stared at Mu Feng’s Shadow Clone with a look of disbelief.

Mu Feng shrugged helplessly, “How is it, does the body feel any pain?”

Yincheng moved around again, feeling nothing unusual, “It seems that there was no injury. Did you heal me while I was asleep, Master? Strange, I really felt that I only slept for a while, no matter what It’s been so long…”

Mu Feng walked into the room, put his hand on Yincheng’s back, and carefully sensed the flow of Reiatsu in his body.

Mu Feng thought to himself: Not only the trauma was healed, but the soul damage was also healed. Moreover, Reiatsu has also returned to its heyday. It seemed that Paradox not only fulfilled his promise honestly, but also became more and more compatible with the guy in Silver City. I have to say that there is an obedient hollow in the body, which is really convenient.

He then changed his mind. When fighting the two Shinigami in Ginjo, there had been two peaks of Reiatsu outbreak. Although I don’t know the cause of the two outbreaks of Reiatsu, if nothing else, they should all be Reiatsu of Paradox in Ginjo’s body. Seeing that Ginjo was in danger, he couldn’t help but lent his Reiatsu to Ginjo.

It’s just that the kid, Silver City, didn’t have enough cultivation, and his body couldn’t bear Paradox’s Reiatsu697 for too long. So, soon after the two outbreaks of Reiatsu, they suddenly disappeared. It is reasonable to think so. No, the training of Yincheng must be strengthened. Otherwise, the virtual power in his body would be wasted.

“Master?! Master Mu Feng?! How is it?! Is my body okay?” Yincheng watched Mu Feng put his hand on his back for a long time without speaking, so he couldn’t help asking.

When Mu Feng was asked this way, his thinking took it back: “Uh, not at all. If you don’t step up training, you will just lose this body.

Yincheng showed an awkward expression, “Master, although your strength is very strong, but your joking skills are unexpectedly weak…”

Mu Feng also flipped over Byakugan, without speaking.

However, Yincheng quickly became angry, “Then, let’s start! Master Mu Feng!”

“Start? What started?”

“Start practicing! I feel that I am in a good state now! The weather is also very good! Of course I want to start practicing immediately!” Yincheng Sorago said as expected.(Read more @

Mu Feng sighed, “You guy, should you say that you have an optimistic character (bjcg) or an idiot…”

Yincheng Road, “What…what’s wrong?!”

“You just had a fight with two Shinigami, and you cut off one of them. Both of them are genuine Shinigami who have gone through the formal entrance ceremony. You don’t think it will be all right?”

When Mu Feng said this, Yincheng panicked, “This…that…what should I do, Master Mu Feng? I didn’t mean it, it was them first…this, I shouldn’t be the guardian ten. Wanted by the three teams? I still want to be a Shinigami and live in Seireitei with peace of mind…”

Mu Feng paused and said, “Don’t worry, those two people are already dead.”

“Huh!?” Although Mu Feng said don’t worry, Yincheng was even more frightened, “He, they…were beaten to death by me? I only remember that I chopped off one of the people’s arms. ”

“What do you think? Just want to kill Shinigami with your current strength? Stop dreaming.”

Yincheng breathed a sigh of relief, “What’s going on? Could it be Master Mu Feng’s hand…”

Mu Feng didn’t say any more, but looked at Yincheng.

“This matter is very complicated. It is not you or me who killed the two Shinigami. It is enough to know this. For you now, you don’t need to know anything else. But I am different. I have to I can tell my deity about the information these days.”

Yincheng felt even more difficult to understand after hearing Mu Feng’s words.

“Tell…your…the deity?! What does this mean?! Ah, you said before that you are just a clone of Master Mu Feng, but aren’t the thoughts and memories of you and the clone interoperable?” Yin Cheng asked.

Seeing that Yincheng kept asking questions, Mu Feng had to patiently explain, “It is interoperable, but it is not instant interoperability. After my clone gets any information, if the deity doesn’t know it, then he has to wait for me. The clone disappears, then what I see and hear will be reflected in the brain of the deity. In other words, the use of Shadow Clone Technique is far greater than the actual use.”

Yincheng rolled his eyes and scratched his head, “I don’t understand very well… Simply put, you have something to tell Master Mu Feng, so you are going to disappear?! But, you didn’t talk about the existence of a shadow clone before Is it three days? Even if I slept for two full days, you should still have one day before disappearing?!”

“Fortunately, you still remember this. Yes, normally speaking, the Shadow Clone summoned by the spells that my deity left for you has a lifetime of three days, but the lifetime of Shadow Clone is blunt. It’s still related to Chakra… You can understand it as energy. And I used a lot of energy to clean the battlefield for you, so I should be gone soon.”

Before Mu Feng’s Shadow Clone went to chase Tanaka and Nogami, he once returned to the place where they fought in Silver City, and launched a large-scale Water Style Ninjutsu and Great Waterfall Technique to wash away all the battle traces on the scene.

After strengthening, he chased to the border of Runlin’an, which also lost a lot of spiritual power.

Although this point is a drop in the bucket for Mu Feng itself, it is already quite a loss for a Shadow Clone, which is summoned by storing the technique.

Yincheng looked at Mu Feng with a guilty expression on his face, “Then…thank you, the second Master Shadow Clone, what I did impulsively, I also want you to spend your own time in my aftermath. This time Since then, thank you so much…”

“The second and second Master Shadow Clone?!” Mu Feng’s Shadow Clone was a little surprised. “What are you talking about? Although I am only a Shadow Clone, my consciousness will return to my body. It is not a parting of life and death, you Why make the atmosphere so sad? What an idiot.”

Yincheng scratched his hair and smiled awkwardly, “Hey, well, that’s great…”

Mu Feng’s face sank again, he said, “However, before I disappear, I have to bring back some more information. There is something, you need to answer me.”

“Please tell me, Master Mu Feng!”

Mu Feng nodded and said, “How did you cut off that Shinigami’s arm?”.

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