Rhode once fought with Yamaji.

Although Sanji’s strength is not good, his leg kung fu is definitely very strong!

Rhode wrapped his armed domineering legs collided with the female emperor.

Both sides were unscathed!

Rhode still left a little feelings.

Mary Gorud said in surprise: “Sister’s ability, it is actually useless?!” ”

Even Hancock was a little surprised.

She didn’t expect that this “Anilu” was so powerful?

His own tricks were actually all blocked.

However, faintly, she felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this “Anilu”!

What the hell is wrong? She couldn’t say it again!

Although her own tricks are useless, this does not mean that the female emperor has no chance of victory!

It can be blocked once or twice, but it may not be able to block every time.

As long as the female emperor grasps the opportunity, Rhode is also very dangerous.

The two sides fought for a while, and the female emperor suddenly withdrew from the battle circle!

“That’s not right! You are not Anilu! ”

Rhode was shocked, he had just played happily.

The basic combat power of the female emperor is very good.

It also helps him hone his strength.

But I didn’t want to, this female emperor actually saw the flaw.

Rhode couldn’t figure it out, where did he show a flaw?

There was an electric light around him, and he didn’t admit it!

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

The female emperor said: “Although I don’t know who you are? ”

“I don’t know how you obtained the ability of the Thunder Fruit.”

“But I’m sure you’re definitely not a Thunder Fruit powerhouse!”

A hundred thousand alpacas rushed past in Rhode’s heart.

Is this okay?

My Thunder Fruit, isn’t it good as Anilu’s?

Rhodes resolutely does not admit it!

“Stop talking nonsense! Do you think everyone has the good luck of Rod? ”

“Each Devil Fruit’s ability is unique!”

Hancock said: “You are right, but the existence of Rhode proves the ability of the Devil Fruit to be stolen by people. ”

“No need not admit it, your fighting style has been exposed, you are a strong person who is good at hand-to-hand combat, with both speed and strength!”

“As far as I know, Anilu is good at large-range, long-range attacks!”

“Speed and destructive power are his strengths, but strength and the ability to fight close to hands are precisely his weaknesses!”

Rhode was helpless, and really let the female emperor say it.

The fruit ability that Rhode initially obtained was the flesh ball fruit, and before he obtained the flesh ball fruit, his physical ability was already very strong!

Therefore, he has always been very happy to fight with people in close combat.

And Anilu, his martial arts are actually good, stronger than those of his priests!

However, he prefers to solve the battle with a distance from the attack.

Overwhelming speed and destructive power are his strengths.

Although he later became Rhode’s shadow warrior, he became a weakened version of Rhode.

However, the fighting habits of the two have been formed.

So, in terms of fighting methods, there is indeed a little difference between the two!

During the battle with the green pheasant, Rhode was very careful to cover up the past!

But I didn’t expect that when she fought with the female emperor, she just wanted to hone her body, and she actually saw the flaw!

This female emperor’s combat talent is really good!

Rhode said helplessly: “It’s really a terrible talent!” ”

“That’s right, I’m indeed not Anilu!”

After speaking, Rhode slapped his face.

He returned to his original appearance!

And then……

The scene fell into an eerie silence…

At this time, Hancock’s heart was already in turmoil!

“What to do? I actually made a move with Lord Rhodes? ”

“I actually laid a cruel hand on my benefactor!”

It was her sister who reacted first!

“Lord Rhodes! Why are you here? ”

Rhode looked at the three sisters with some surprise: “Lord Rhode? ”

This title surprised him a little.

It seems that his status in the hearts of the three sisters is very high!

Realizing that he had leaked his mouth, he may have also affected his sisters.

Marie Gerud hurriedly silenced.

Rhode said: “The wind and clouds on the sea are surging, and you should also have a number in your hearts!” ”

“Now, some people have already said that the decisive battle between Whitebeard and the Navy is a war on top!”

“This decisive battle, I will definitely participate in the battle!”

“And on the opposite side of the Navy!”

“Nanabukai and the Navy are a partnership. And I heard that the Marshal of the Warring States still has a high opinion of you. ”

“So I wanted to find out the intelligence.”

“Lest I meet you and be caught off guard by you.”

Listening to Rhode, he would hit him by surprise.

Hancock quickly waved his hand: “No, no, no… I won’t…”

Seeing her state, his two sisters hurriedly whispered to remind her to maintain her demeanor.

Hancock barely calmed down!

Rhode is also a little helpless, looking at Han Cook’s state, it may be a little difficult to talk about it well.

So he had to start another story.

“Speaking of…”

Rhodes said: “I have pretended to be Anilu so many times, this is the first time I have been discovered. ”

“I think back then, even that blue bird from the Navy didn’t find it!”


Hancock was a little surprised, and then she reacted.

“You’re talking about Admiral Pheasant!”

Rhode nodded.

Hancock said: “So it is, in the original battle, you pretended to be Anilu to fight with the pheasant!” ”

Rhode smiled again and nodded.

Hancock diverged his brain hole again.

Recall carefully, Rhode and Anilu, the two people, never seemed to appear in the same frame.

The only time it was closer, it was on the Terror Matrig!

But that time, everyone only saw two people who were suspected of being capable of the Thunder Fruit fighting.

Rhode’s ability is very powerful, and the two so-called Thunder Fruit ability people are all pretended by him alone.

Think about it this way, does the person Anilu really exist?

There may be a question mark.

Hancock asked, “Does the person Anilu really exist?” ”

Rhode was stunned, and only then did he remember.

It seems that he and Anilu have only appeared at the same time in the White Sea.

This seems to be a real problem! _

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