Xia Ming's words made everyone nod in silence, it is true, as Xiao Ran just said, a person has no shortcomings! Therefore, how do you use these shortcomings to fight against him! "Who!"

  When everyone was silent, Hawkeye said, looking at the snowflakes in front of him.

  The next moment, everyone looked at the location of Hawkeye! Xia Ming next to him smiled and said, "It's our staff, Robin has appeared! Let me tell you something.

  Those present are not outsiders!"

  After a few snowflakes were finally scattered, Robin appeared in front of several people.

  Robin frowned and said, "I found out we passed the sea, and the weather has been erratic ever since!"

  The weather is not normal! Everyone can't help but wonder, but everyone doesn't understand what Robin is saying! After all, they don't feel anything.

  Xiaoran glanced at Robin and said, "Little girl! What does this mean? The weather in the area doesn't seem to have changed during this time!"

  Several people in Canal nodded, but Xia Ming frowned! He believed in navigation technology and weather forecast ability, so he said: "The weather forecast ability is the most accurate I have ever seen! She said the weather is very Exception, there must be something wrong.

  !Don't want you to guess about the abilities and intentions of my crew."

303, lucky! ?

  "But the state of the Air Force is uncertain, and no one has found anything! Xia Ming is not Robin this time, and he is too nervous."

  Looking at the angry hooligan and others, he stood up and said.

  Robin nodded firmly beside him! Xia Ming said: "Robin doesn't care about them! As long as you want to do what, and the freedom of freedom will be handed over to your captain! Do you understand what I mean?"

  Robin nodded and left! But he and others were very dissatisfied with Xia Ming's current performance "Young man, what we are discussing now is not the change of the weather."

  Xiao Ran glanced at the chaotic Wu Hai, and had no choice but to stand up and preside over the scene.

  Xia Ming shook his head, looked at the crowd dismissively, and said, "Of course! We are now"

  Xia Ming had just said half of what Xia Ming said, when he suddenly looked at the sea, frowned, and said, "No! It has really changed quietly! From the ripples on the sea, I dare to conclude that there must be a storm a few hundred meters away. !Storm! The pirates and the others laughed uncontrollably.

  In their opinion, Xia Ming's move was to save face for his crew! But then they realized they were wrong, it was outrageous! Several storms blew across the sea and hit their waiting ships! The sky also darkened , the clear sky has just been covered with clouds! A few bowls of lightning "clicks"

  , "click, click"

  Then came the downpour! Instant storms, thunder and lightning, rain and waves were superimposed on these dozen or so naval battleships. What the sailor just said was true! Xiao Ran and now everyone couldn't help but watch it in front of them. Change! Xia Ming also showed strong disdain, then turned his head to look at Xiao Ran and said: "Thunder, tsunami, storm how could they all appear at the same time! Lieutenant General Xiao Ran seems to be in charge of everything.

  These things! I think you're hiding something from us?"

  "Manipulate the weather!"

  "This weather is man-made!"

  "Lieutenant General Xiao Ran, please explain!!"

  Xia Ming's words can't help but panic again! Manipulating the weather is amazing! I'm afraid it may be considered "God"

  Watching storms, thunder and lightning, heavy rain, superposition of waves and all changes! Watching the sky with sudden changes in the storm! Xiao Ran's eyes felt a little comfort and feeling, and then sighed.

  The gang members and others in the sea, said slowly: "This is Dorag's ability, he can control the weather!"

  The gangsters and others who got the answer were petrified! Xia Ming glanced down at the dark sky and drank: "Lieutenant Li Xiaoran, for your navy's hidden ability and no report, will calculate the loss of the navy on this account and now we will still work together to deal with it! Rag duo's weather creates chaos

  The rogue sea, the canal, you want to cause more damage! Xia Ming's roar made everyone return to everyone. Everyone glanced at the change in the weather and showed a cautious expression! The horse thief in Shanghai said: "I think we No choice! Fight!"

  Afterwards, with the others looking at the dark clouds and the two storms that swept across, Hawkeye moved first.

  The right hand holds the black blade tightly, and two black blades appear from the blade of the black blade under the right hand! The knife gas that cuts through the water cuts the sea into two "gully".

  The explosion and the knife gas split into two storms.

  Black Saber Qi turned around, splitting two storms.

  Spray shadow party.

  Ten times the shrill sound of the shadow box Molly, and then black shadows flowed over him! The lightning in the air kept streaking toward the warships on the sea.


  , under Moriah's command, those black shadows met the thick lightning! "His voice, hiss"

  A few shadows were broken, but immediately those lightning bolts were wrapped in the shadows that followed "Canal! I'll send you to the other side of the warship and use your abilities to petrify all the lower half of the warship at once."

  Looking at the countless waves caused by the tsunami, Xia Ming's eyes flashed a hint.

  Solemn! Canal nodded after hearing Xia Ming's words, of course she knew what Xia Ming was doing.

  "Sink and Float"

  With the wave of his hand, Kayner's suddenly dragged a water column! Water Mathematical Olympiad.

  Water God.

  After the popular wave watched Canal reach his designated position, Xia Ming immediately became a water element! Then Xia Ming overlapped the sea surface, stretched out his hand and raised a few water walls to block the waves caused by Dorag, and immediately raised Raise your hands! A second later, the navy saved the ten navy warships and pirate ships from being breached several meters high by the huge waves! Yaya Canal touched his with his right hand, turning his kiss into a huge heart shape! Then, hold the huge peach-red heart with your left hand and pull back with your right!

  Shot out and hit the boat supported by Xia Ming.

  When those bows and arrows came into contact with the hull, part of the hull was immediately stunned: the lower half of the hull was completely stunned by the pointed Xia Ming! Xia Ming also spread the waves supporting the ship when he saw this.


  , After the ship landed at sea, a few waves passed, and the hull shook slightly! "Lieutenant General Xiaoran! I'm afraid this won't work, we are completely passive!"

  The Xia Ming said, all ships are stable, walk to Xiao Ran! Please download Fei Lu's novel to see the underlined version of the novel

304, the greatest help! ?

  The pirates and the others nodded their heads! Xiao Ran sighed and said, "This is impossible! Drago often makes World Legion frustrated with this ability, but he has yet to discover the weakness of his ability and the result of relative conflict! "

  "Okay! That... Xiao Ran means that we should be framed by Durag himself once!"

  Xia Ming shocked Xiao Ran, and then pointed out that in this case, he was still struggling in the sea.

  The thief ship and the navy ship said: "Look! Our pirate ship and its crew, we don't know how much we have lost.


  The pirates and others followed Xia Ming's fingers and watched as their own pirate ship Xia Ming's freedom was ready for Robin! Whatever!

  Caused by thunder, tsunami or torrential rain, Robin under his command, relying on function Corey, and others all stopped! Of course, the others were not so lucky because they ignored Robin's words! All ships participating in the siege, plus Shanghai navy warships, total! Except for Xia Ming, Wu Hai and naval officers, this warship is intact. The other pirate ships have holes in their hulls, and even some sails are broken! Four naval warships sank, the so-called "pacifist"

  Twelve dozen were lost before reaching the battlefield! The sea is still fighting against the marines and pirates! Of course there are floats "There is really no way to stop it!! Unidentified many soldiers of the Lager duo have died here."

  When Canal turned back from the sea, Xiao Ran looked at this angrily and said! "Miss Canal is right! Lieutenant General Xiao Ran, all the fruits are weak, is it really like what you said just now, what flaws are there! I think , If this is true, your World Legion has been in his lair for a long time! Hey, hey, hey!" The sea bandit also smiled and looked at Xiao Ran, but the laughter at this time was full of anger and Disdain! Xiao Ran glanced at the rogue, his insult was unstoppable, and the pen in his hand was broken due to the power of his palm! However, he immediately resumed and said: "I also checked the way the World Legion dealt with! First, quit This battlefield is second, concentrate all power, and attacks that this ability can resist! Just like us now."

  Or the passive way! Is the navy really that vulnerable? When Xiao Ran finished this sentence, everyone showed a contemptuous expression, but also knew that Xiao Ran would not lie at this time! Looking at the nearby dark clouds, lightning, the wind was constantly Attack! Xia Ming seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned around and said to Xiao Ran, "Lieutenant General Xiao Ran ordered the navy soldiers to take all the

  "On the deck of the ship, and gave me a fierce battle against the dark clouds.

  Hit! No difference, no direction!" Xia Ming's eyes flashed with a violent atmosphere! For the first time, this was the first time he was forced to share! Xiao Ran and the pirates couldn't help but look at Xia.

  The pacifists can be said to be their biggest battle against Dorag! Pull it out now? If it causes further losses, it will be difficult to compete! Seeing that people are reluctant to move, Xia Ming can't help but stir in his heart, "No With this intensity, I still want to fight against Dorag's captaincy"

  But he said: "It's not just a mobile attack! Now looking at the lost warship and the pacifists on it, it's nothing! Because of its super fruit ability, even the fruit that inhibited his ability has so far been Didn't find it! But I'm sure you might

  Also know that when the function is used by all fruit capable people, the effect of the function must be an effect on the water user, or beside it! In other words, the function can be manipulated though.

  The weather, he couldn't control thousands of kilometers so I concluded that Douglas was in the dark clouds!"

  Xiao Ran and others doubted their faces, and then got enlightenment! Xiao Ran nodded to Xia Ming, then picked up the phone bug and gave an order.

  In less than a minute, all the "pacifists"

  Appearing on the deck of the battleship, hundreds of laser beams instantly hit the dark clouds in the sky! At first, wind and rain, thunder and rain and storms hit the warship at sea without any weakness, but after a while, these attacks slowed down Speed ​​finally, ten minutes later, the dark clouds disappeared and the weather returned! When the crowd breathed a sigh of relief, a loud voice came from their ears: "Hahaha! Good boy, you thought of this method! Better than World Legion's The rubbish generals are okay! Hahaha! But since you, Qi Wuhai, dare to come this time, we are us, we are going to die here.

  What's happening now is my little meeting ceremony that Dorag has prepared for you, see you later.

  Dorag's words can't help but look pale! It's called a "little party"

  But everyone knew in their hearts that the war that was not over was won! Qiuhai and the navy suffered heavy damage. After Dorag attacked the crowd, after a three-day voyage, he reached the white Vaal along the main route of the base. Digo Island! After mooring the ship on the coast, many soldiers were sent to investigate the news! Boom, boom! As Xia Ming explained to Xiao Na, the application of super fruit abilities, there was a knock at the door! Xiao Nuo smiled , said somewhat reluctantly: "Who came in! The door is not closed."

  "Young man, my wife has something to do with you."

  As Xiao Ran came in from the gate, he smiled and saw Xia Ming and Xiao Na by his side! Xia Ming looked at Xiao Ran, patted Xiao Nuo, and said, "Xiao Nuo goes to sister Robin!" Something with grandma.


  Xiaona glanced at Xia Ming helplessly, but Steele lowered her head and walked away, Xia Ming smiled and pointed at the blank space in front of him, motioning Xiaoran to sit down: "Why is Lieutenant General Xiaoran so Looking for a boy late, what advice do you have!"

  Xia Ming said it well, but everyone could see the heavy contempt on his face! Of course Xiao Ran could see it, but just shook his head and said with a smile: "Put away the look that confuses the world! You must Knowing this meeting, almost all the high-level naval fleets were turned around, and my wife is here too! Xia Ming pointed his finger indifferently, Xia Ming smiled: "Oh, please, the naval staff.

  Xiao Ran's appreciation is indeed a blessing, boy, but only! Xiao Ran will be wrong about you! Boy, I look like this cynical day and night.

  I don't think you're here to arrange for me today! If you have something to say, please say something.

  "Since you say that, my wife can't rely on the second-hand to sell the second-hand!"

  Said Xiaoran took a look at Xia Ming, saw that Xia Ming did not move, and then said, "I want to know what you do with it!"

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  When Xia Ming heard Xiao Ran's words, he couldn't help giggling, and at the same time he tapped his bangs and said, "Lieutenant General Xiao Ran, so you know how this boy and I will deal with it.

  We must know that the World Legion led him to a dead end."

  After Xia Ming finished speaking, Xiao Ran smiled! Then he glanced at Xia Ming and said, "I wasn't sure before! But in your words, I know you must have a plan, don't you?"

  In Xia Ming's mouth crooked! Xiao's side, then saw this, and said: "First listen to the young man tell my inference, and then you answered my question in disguise and second, you are the same person as Durag! All, And manipulate everything!!!! Third, you are very calm, you said before that you will never be uncertain! So your calm tells me that you already have a countermeasure, """

  , ""

  , ""

  , When Xiao Ran was talking, Xia Ming's hand was beating and the table was beating.

  When Xiao Ran finished speaking, Xia Ming couldn't help but applaud and said, "I haven't concealed your old man yet!"

  "What can you say about the plan now!"

  Xiao Ran said with a smile after hearing Xia Ming's affirmation of her.

  Xiao Ran's Xia Ming shook his head and said, "This plan is very feasible! I don't worry about failure, but there is a drawback to making a plan, that is, it can only be used once!"

  Hearing this, Xiao Ran couldn't help but question, but soon Xia Ming said again: "Like Lieutenant General Xiao Ran! As I said before, I can use, by one, to eliminate all the factors of the unstable, the 'flame of flame' is elsewhere, After distracting his power, we just need to focus on the power and face him directly! I believe we can distract the rest of him when the time is right.

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