You already know that your ability is to make coffins.

  I didn't expect you to have the ability to harden locally.

  But while I wait, you have to be careful, I'm going to do my best, my sword can.

  Not your stone can be blocked!"

  George looked at Xia Ming and Xia Guang's fist with a fearful expression, and said that no one can take advantage of the opportunity to fight.

  seconds, but George's mouth didn't fail.

  Still speechless, distraction is a no-no in combat, and even if you speak, it creates flaws.

  After more than a dozen battles, Xia Ming also summed up some battle experience, his physical ability is not strong, but when the air flow poured into the blade of each sword, his skin was damaged.

  Seeing that Xia Ming still didn't speak, George knew that it was useless to make fun of words, so he clenched the hilt of his sword, lowered his body, and whispered, "A sword, a leopard!"

  The line moves with the sound, and before the sound drops, the body has rushed out, gliding like a swift cheetah, and the airflow from the middle of the line will be noticeable.

  Xia Ming had no choice but to close his eyes and use his spiritual power to help this.

  Exterminate insects.

  Xia Ming was stunned, looking at his usual time-tested big move, Xia Ming suddenly closed a little surprised at the broken eyes, but soon burst into laughter, closing his eyes is death, the switch of spiritual power, no The fancy sword pierced straight through George Xia Ming's heart, as if victory was in sight, but Xia Ming moved to the left, as if he had grown eyes, avoiding George's commanding blow.

  George thought that Xia Ming's blind cat had touched a dead mouse, and then stabbed again, but stabbed again.

  George thought it was annoying.

  , so he was very careful, but when Xia Ming gave him this opportunity, Xia Ming opened his eyes violently, his pupils were raised high, the sun's rays were flickering, and he drank lowly: "Frozen pupils!"

  George was so cold, he was stunned when he stared at Xia Ming, then he took a step back.

  The black stones began to spread over George's lap, and George's face shouted in horror: "Forgive me! Our boss asked me to sow uh!"

  When the petrochemical was in the middle of George's begging, only George remained.

  He looked at Xia Ming with eager eyes, but Xia Ming has been seen many times by such eyes.

  Whenever Xia Ming wants to kill a pirate, there will be a pirate asking for forgiveness, but how can it be that Xia Ming's child is the same as before, look at George like a stone as usual, immediately.

  Go, then click to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

342, who will save him! ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

342, who will save him! ?


  George slowly cracked into several stones and fell to the ground.

  Xia Ming picked up George's western sword and walked to town with no expression, looking for his next target and took out a bounty from the naval branch, Xia Ming slowly contrasted with everyone in the coquettish bar.

  This Xia Ming is a bounty hunter, so you can't show up too much.

  He didn't want to be a pirate.

  They attacked in groups, so they sat in a little out-of-the-way corner and had a bite to eat, just looking at Reed in full at the bar.

  Once the target is found, Xia Ming will put the reward in his pocket, wait for the target to finish his meal, and prepare to follow him to find the chance of death.

  Xia Ming took a sip of wine boredly, silently thinking about the previous battle, repeatedly looking for flaws and loopholes, and carefully considering that Xia Ming's gains in the battle were far more than hunting small pirates before.

  Following the target, Xia Ming always felt that there was something wrong when looking at the quiet back, but when something went wrong, Xia Ming couldn't remember it for a while, so he was still tracking the back, just more careful.

  "Wait! Why haven't you reached the woods after you've gone so long?"

  Xia Ming finally felt that something was wrong, and ten minutes before leaving the town on foot, the surroundings slowly became quiet: "What happened, what happened, what happened, an illusion and so on! Is this an illusion?"

  Xia Ming has thought about the key, but it's not that Xia Ming is smart, but that Xia Ming has watched a lot of anime in his past life.

  All, if you become a pure world, you can't imagine! "How to unlock the hallucinations! I see!"

  The Xia Ming knocked his head painfully, and then the light flashed to find a way to cancel Naruto's illusion.

  Xia Ming's body is full of glowing light, and he can easily break through magic by doubling the normal energy.

  Watching the hallucination in front of him quickly disintegrate, revealing the green forest, a smile appeared on the corner of Xia Ming's mouth, and then his face turned gloomy, he saw that his target was Avery! The Wan Baili pirate slowly approached Xia Ming with a dagger, But when they saw Xia Ming staring at him, they immediately.


  "Oh you were the first to break my fantasy.

  Looks like I'll keep you here!"

  Avery was a little surprised that Xia Ming broke the fantasy, but he killed Xia Ming more seriously.

  Xia Ming finally understood why Avery was so big that he didn't even notice that magic had been applied to his own abnormal mental strength. Another bounty hunter naturally didn't want to indulge in magic and died, but Aili Xiaming increased the killing, not Xia Ming? Break down the illusion Xia Ming knows what it takes to fight fast, but he has to show a big fantasy, thinking that Xia Ming's fingers are hooked to the spurs rising from below Airy, and his shape flashes with Airy's impulse.

  Fist is the king of flesh! But, how does Avery know that his physical skills are weak and lack of protection? I saw Xia Ming's spurs and fists pass through Airy's body without being held accountable.

  what harm.

  "Haha! How about the power of fantasy fruit, how come I'm not ready for your abilities You start following me from the bar, eh?"

  The mourners' Mr. Airy proudly introduced him to Xia Ming's abilities.

  Xia Ming's heart tightened, he turned on the mental power scan to see where his real body was going, but a mysterious gesture prevented Xia Ming's mental power detection.

  "Have! He's building a huge fantasy! Forget about it! It's okay! Come back!"

  Xia Ming looked serious, slapped his hands on the ground, rolled the soil arc and sent it to the ground, the ground would make noise, as if alive, stood up slowly, the dust from the sky rolled up the ground, and the tornado raged all over the place, and the intense earth Figures filled the entire forest as if it had come under fire again, and with trees to the east and west disintegrating, it looked like it was being bombarded with artillery fire.

  This is who Xia Ming wants to use his big skills to force Eli to come out.

  Sure enough, Avery pushed against the tree on top of him and coughed twice.

  "I didn't expect you to have so much energy, but I'm not a vegan! Try my new trick! Hallucinations! Hallucinations come from the heart! How's that? Here's my way of coaching him based on my memory of him.

  The basic body of this person What you most want to achieve and achieve in your heart! You will be obsessed with fantasy worlds forever!" Everyone seemed to be Frankenstein and introduced his work with enthusiasm.

  After listening to Xia Ming's speech, he silently mobilized the energy of his entire body to prepare for the hallucination.

  I saw a change in front of Xia Ming, and a small house slowly appeared.

  Xia Ming saw that his hand had also turned into a small hand, so he kept reminding himself that it was an illusion, so he didn't care too much, he opened the door and walked in.

  "Yo! Elta! Let's wash our hands! Daddy will be back soon and we'll have dinner!"

  A beautiful woman was putting tableware and chopsticks, and when she saw Xia Ming come in, she said to Xia Ming with a smile.

  Xia Ming froze and stammered, "Ah! That!"

  "Elta! What are you doing? It doesn't matter if you're worried your father will leave! He will come this time and won't leave.

  He stays with our little Elta every day! Okay! Go wash your hands and be obedient, we ate for a while!" Mei Fu did not see Xia Ming's abnormality and still faced Xia Ming with a smile.

  Xia Ming walked into the bathroom and looked at the little white hand.

  The Xia Ming said to himself, "Is this the owner of the body wants the family the most?"

  There was a feeling of confusion and approval on Xia Ming's little face. His parents died early, and now it is difficult for him to remember what his parents looked like, but Xia Ming woke up immediately and scolded: "He is almost there. Before I knew it! I almost said what I meant! Damn it! The power can't be used!" Xia Ming complained.

343, the past of miracles! ?

  "Well! I heard that our little Alta is angry again. Don't worry, Dad will never leave again this time! What's the matter?"

  Xia Ming, as long as he came out of the bathroom and heard a hearty voice.

  Xia Ming raised his head and saw a stout heroic man sitting on a chair with a large spine on his back.

  Although his posture is casual, he is domineering.

  Xia Ming finally understood why the owner of this body would be domineering and domineering.

  It turns out that the father's genes account for a lot.


  Looking at the... daring person in front of him, Xia Ming's heart is disorganized, because his young memories are fused, so his father is very friendly "Haha! What are you doing child, come here! Let Dad see!"

  It is said that Zhang Kai will serve as Xia Ming.

  When Xia Ming has seen this battle, he will move back when he opens his calf.

  "Well, this fantasy is really dangerous!"

  Elta said he was ten years old and sighed a little.

  Yes, Xia Ming has been in: Fantasy Space Year.

  He's been watching it for years, but it's always been subtle.

  Xia Ming also relies on cheap parents, at least he can call his parents.

  Xia Ming knew that he was not absorbed by fantasy, but now he couldn't unlock it either.

  Sooner or later, this is not a problem.

  It seems he has to find a "point"

  !Xia Ming believes that this space was created based on the memory.

  All the bad things in his memory have turned into negatives, which can be understood as the positives in Erta's memory can also turn into negatives here.

  Thinking of this, Xia Ming began to look for the sunny side in his memory, but Xia Ming found it.

  This is when I was a kid.

  There's always a little girl jumping around and giving Alta a drumstick.

  , always make the muscles the most hungry! Xia Ming made up his mind and ran to that place to commemorate that boy, sure enough! That...sunny little girl became: gloomy and arrogant, the rich family became: poor, Xia Ming laughed , He was about to go out! Xia Ming walked in and said to the little girl, "What's your name?"

  The little girl did not speak, she turned silently and went home.

  Xia Ming smiled slightly, he was not angry.

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