The worst was just a minor injury, which was a record. I went back and became the Marshal of the World Legion.

  Every day is really bad, reviewing the docs and working on things every day.

  In Xia Ming, I really can't see that it occasionally helps the green bull market to deal with some difficult things, but He Ying is indifferent.

  The appearance of the lungs, the daily doughnuts are not afraid of tooth decay, the green cow is busy stabilizing the unstable state of the navy, and the crazy pirates are suppressed outside.

  It seemed that no one could hold the position of Marshal, and within a few days, Kuzan and Bruno, who had executed the order to kill, returned.

  To be too lazy to do things like write a report that says directly to the green bull: "Commander Saron rebelled desperately to protect.

  He called a little girl Nicole Robin had been killed by me, the name of the rest O'Hara was killed by Commander Bruno.

  No one survived but Nico Robin, report complete!" Kuzan finished the report languidly, but there was still a hint of sadness in Kuzan's eyes when it came to Saron.

  After all, Saron was his young partner.

  Saron's words shook Kuzan's faith.

  But decades of brainwashing can't be thrown away at once, and Kuzan is still trying to get Bruno to stand up properly, adding: "No casualties, no damage, other than the loss of those seamen who were killed alone by the name of the resisting village. Warships, all the scholars were killed, but they took the devil.

  Does the Navy need pay? She knows the old words!" Bruno's haze sounded, watching Kuzan for an imperceptible moment as he said a little girl was running away, seeming to realize it, and Kuzan's words for Bruno The sight was ignored, the lazy eyes were closed there, and resumed reading the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

352, strange happiness! ?

  "Oh know the ancient writings? This can't be taken lightly, um just set the bounty at Wambelli! Life and death!"

  The green cow's eyes blinked, and finally said in a deep voice.

  It is said that "Well, Wan Bailey, he is just a child, how can he be so tall"

  Phil asked loudly.

  Phil used to be an empty errand.

  Since he's more familiar with the marshal thing, he'd better be free to help the green cattle than to re-farm, so Phil has the right to say "! You know what he's a demon! Someone who can read ancient texts is an evil A man, he shook the position of the Navy and the World Legion.

  Even had to kill a child!"

  The navy hawk Bruno heard Phil say that he seemed to be dissatisfied with Phil every time he fought, was stunned, and stopped talking.

  After all, he's just a civilian.

  Of course, he couldn't be more important than the general in charge, so he kept silent "Okay! Don't say it anymore! That's it! Rewarded Wambelli! It's a matter of life and death!"

  The quarrel was stopped promptly and appropriately, and a final decision was made.

  The marshal has been killed.

  Definitely the wind "Yes! Marshal Green Bull!"

  Arguing in front of the marshal is very rude, so Phil and Bruno quickly agree to step down! In the blink of an eye, the time is up and the smoke is dragged down slightly.

  Although they are still the bottom line in the eyes of the powerful, their gang has earned a solid reputation in various seas.

  Although not necessarily a high return every time, but it will not fail.

  For weaker pirates, it's a nightmare.

  Although some pirates didn't care about their behavior and bullying, they were still doing their own thing due to Xia Ming's orders. Then Lu Niu applied for a warship and prepared some supplies. Xia Ming and a group of people rushed to Qishuidu. , to see if the ship he had thought about was built, and Xia Ming spent so much money that he couldn't wait. Now, money is faster than water, and Xia Ming has sailed for many days after the outline that he has seen, but he can't wait.

  He pushed the side of the boat into the air, and soon saw Xia Ming's leg muscles twist.

  Step on the gap, "bang"

  The sound is like rushing forward with force, so you can kick left and right.

  This is the "month step"

  Exhausted skills.

  In fact, as long as the physical quality reaches a certain level, it is actually a trivial step towards the air. It may be that the World Children's Olympic Games is now rich! Everyone's physical quality is abnormal.

  Xia Ming dared to assure ordinary people that the pirate world could dominate their past lives, so don't be surprised, these little things patted their toes, and Xia Ming's chic footsteps landed on Frank finding that he didn't know what kind of strange weapon he was tinkering with.

  Not only did he pick up the Coke and take a sip, but basically, Frank got up, got up, twisted that weird fast dance,

  Then he snorted: "Uh super! Xia Ming patted his head with the black line, ignoring the robot.

  He turned to Mr. Tom, who was earnestly building a bow.

  The Xia Ming raised his head and called: "Tom, when will my ship do what?"

  "Ah! It's Mr. Elta! Wait, we've almost built the ship, only the last bow, and can fire weapons made by Frankie!"

  After Mr. Tom wiped the sweat off his forehead, he said to Xia Ming, "Oh thank you, Mr. Tom, how about the money?"

  This Xia Ming is still happy to see Tom's serious face, but still asks Tom's money "Oh! We also want to thank Mr. Erta! It has never been so cool, it is top material, I hold it every night They can't sleep.

  There is a lot of money in it.

  Enough warehouse now! Enough gold! Enough!"

  As soon as Tom talked about the ship, he was incoherent and almost fell off the bow "Okay, Mr. Tom, you're busy with you! I'm going to see the superweapon that Frank built!"

  Then Xia Ming turned and walked towards Frank "Oh it's Mr. Erta! Come and see my new work! Sup shouted!"

  Seeing Xia Ming coming, Frankie immediately took off his sunglasses and called Xia Ming, pointing at his thing to speak.

  "What's the use of thunder screeching sounds good!"

  The Xia Ming nodded, he didn't know about it, he had only heard about wind in his previous life, and howling with thunder was based on his One Piece experience.

  Forget "Ah! This... super-screaming cannon is different from the power of a normal cannonball, but borrowed from the power of nature.

  You will find this is my invention of the lightning rod.

  Just plug it into the mast and wait until it rains.

  Attract lightning and pass it through the wire to be stored in a lightning box made of an unknown metal, as long as the coke barrel on the island runs through the steam engine, producing water vapor to condense the lightning and increase the power of the lightning, lightning, lightning beam 's roar.

  Cannon! How uh super!" Frank immediately.

  Tow Xia Ming was introducing the roar of his super cannon, a series of ranking Xia Ming did not understand.

  Ultimately, even though he asked how Xia Ming was him I "has been super!" uh it sounded like I was going through the lightning rod of the main prop, but Frank, in addition to having the genius of a weapon-making brain, and every time he used to make The energy of weapons is Coke!"

  The Xia Ming said with a smile on his mouth.

  Frankie exaggerated, but his heart was ruined. But a few days later, Xia Ming spent a long time playing with the long-awaited crowd in Qishui.

  The fat man whistles when he sees a beautiful woman, making the most of his insignificant role, and Sona becomes the big buyer.

  It seems that women's shopping personalities can't distinguish the world from the world, or even the one world, but seeing that they hunt and kill pirates often, they are not short of money, it's a joy to play Felu reminds you: read three things favorites, recommended,

353, oscillating mountains and rivers! ?

  Xia Ming looked at this luxury ship in the water and couldn't wait to board it, but was pulled by Mr. Tom and said, "This is my life.

  I hope Mr. Elta doesn't bury this ship! Finally, please give this ship a big name!"

  Seeing that Mr. Tom solemnly Xia Ming was unprecedented, without the emotions of overseas Chinese, he immediately said: "Yes! Mr. Tom! I want the world to remember the prestige of this ship, don't worry! Regarding the name, it is called "Sky" "

  !How about "Well Mr. Elta is really trustworthy.

  I can rest assured that you have it! This boat is like my child.

  If it's buried, my efforts will be wasted, all right! Mr. Erta, look! "Good! Mr. Tom!"

  The Xia Ming solemnly promised that he did not use the ability to jump, but walked up the ladder and looked up and down the boat.

  The majestic eagle stands sharply on the bow.

  It scares people before the battle! There is a vegetable and fruit garden in the center of the ship.

  "Thank you, Mr Tom! I can't wait to sail! Forgive my Lu! As for the rest of the gold, I'll thank you! Then I called my little brother to the sky, and of course the rest of the warship was taken by the Navy As soon as the driver got on the boat, Sona saw the luxurious ship screaming suddenly, rushing into the room, and taking the largest room other than the crew room.

  Now she's jumping up and down on the big bed, the... fat man is very happy.

  I also woke up and rushed to the kitchen with disproportionate speed.

  After a while, the fat man shouted: "Oh! I haven't dreamed yet! This is the legendary eight-piece gold kitchen utensils.

  The golden spoon, the golden pot, and the golden spatula are mine, they are mine.

  !!" cried the fat man like a nightmare, smashing all the kitchen utensils in his arms for fear that someone would take them away.

  "Well, is this a kitchen knife made by Star Diamond OMG! I'm going to faint! Hehe! It's like a dream! I don't think I will get a kitchen knife made by Star Diamond one day" Master! Master! The misery of Jaka The road never gives up, you just watch it! The miserable road that combines cooking and swordsmanship will never lose to anyone!"

  The fat girl stretched out her hand like a little match girl caught the void, it seems that if you try to catch something, tears will slowly flow from your eyes.

  Maybe it's emotional ups and downs, the fat guy is a little tired, it's not surprising that Shangaka and Sona are sleeping in the kitchen, and Coles isn't very excited.

  He ran calmly to the top of the cabin.

  He lit a cigarette and looked at the sea, the blue smoke was blowing in the sea breeze.

  The original drifted further down until it slowly disappeared, Coles still took a deep breath, but his eyes remained unchanged, like something on the sea, always attracting him to ignore the abnormal behavior of the crowd, much simpler brother.

  They work out vigorously in the studio and enjoy the best exercise equipment they don't normally use.

  Like fun! Sailing sails, blowing slowly over the wind canvas, and sailing slowly towards the Admiralty.

  Because the boat is small and the wind is strong, powerful air currents quickly push the sky across the vast ocean


  Sailing! But, after a few days I was back at the Admiralty.

  There are still some who are disappointed to disembark.

  Fat people sleep with cutlery at night, and they laugh at cutlery from time to time.

  From everyone's smiles, they are fine.

  The sky was very satisfied, Xia Ming did not smile consciously.

  He kept rushing to Green Bull's office, listening to Green Bull's report and saying that the pirates drove them out.

  When the green bull looked at it, he couldn't help laughing.

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