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  Everyone has to clumsily take out the bullets, put on some special drugs, and finally sew on the longer knife.

  However, the look of the seams is terrible, but after the bandages it's fine.

  Giving him anti-inflammatories is fine.

  Fortunately, Menger did not wake up during this time.

  If I see it, I don't feel faint, and I fainted to read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

359, the last trump card! ?

  However, the most serious is the trauma of the soul.

  After three years of lurking, he finally killed the enemy, but his beloved wife was in a pool of blood, bringing the year-old man to tears.

  Now he has only two options to survive.

  Become: strong or useless, but Xia Ming thinks he has a choice Xia Ming smiles and doesn't care about the sourness of Green Bull In fact, Green Bull and Camp are the best.

  In general, jokes are of course harmless, each other spoils each other, each other becomes: ugly, but they are flavorings that increase affection! "Oh, now that Camp is gone, so am I, green cow, take a break! After all, I'm their uncle too! Goodbye and come back to bring you souvenirs from Donghae!"

  Not to mention that after Qingniu called yes, Huangguang fell to the ground with flash.

  Green Bull opened his mouth, finally shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and continued to revise the document that seemed to have never changed.

  Of course, he occasionally gives his little goat a file for dessert.

  At that speed, the Olympus jet flies fast. Of course, it is not comparable to the speed of the ship. It does not exceed a short time. Yue Xia Ming has already arrived in the east, and Xia Ming has been there once, and he still vaguely remembers it. Directions to Windmill Town.

  "trump card!"

  With a gloomy expression on her face, she heard the voice of the little follower behind her when she waited for the long stick to go out.

  She did not panic, her eyes flashed coldly.

  If Camp hadn't become his grandfather, he would have rubbed it with: a stick.

  After being baptized in the pirate world, his character naturally became: careless.

  Due to the properties of the rubber fruit, he is stupid and a bit tenacious.

  After the storm, he had to follow trump.

  I want to be friends with him.

  When I saw Sauron fall off the cliff, Camp's fist was hidden beside me, and I couldn't help but give a little.

  The river below is fast, and people without devil fruit ability can swim.

  Although his grandson told him it was too harsh, he offered protection after every demonic training.

  Camps usually don't show up unless absolutely necessary.

  He worries that this will create an obstacle to Sauron's future growth.

  "Yo! Kemp, worry about you now! This is not your man!"

  Xia Ming, the unexpected voice behind Camp, sounded like an eerie silent room.

  Camp had no surprises.

  His superb knowledge and domineering make him predict that Xia Ming is making progress.

  Naturally, he would not be frightened by Xia Ming's sudden words.

  "It is impossible for a young eagle to rely on it to protect itself from flying," Furui said.

  Sauron must have his own path, I will only guide, not interfere!"

  After a while, Camp continued: "It is abominable that the dwarfs misled Sauron when I left.

  Now, Sauron has been poisoned by the dwarf and wants to be one piece all day, and next time I see that egg, I must crush him!"

  "Haha, come on! I think your education is really a problem, if it's not your grandfather Xiong Baba, Sauron, how can you not listen to these words to listen to guide a stranger?"

  Xia Ming then suddenly hit Guangzhou Pu's weakness, leaving Nana Ying speechless.

  Kemp hesitated and said, "I just want to build the image of Grandpa Tarr, and I don't want him to be the child of a corrupt senior in the high-ranking Navy because of my rights!"

  That being said, Camp doesn't have much confidence.

  Xia Ming waved his hand and said: "Okay! That's what grandpa and a fierce dad look like, so he went to beat the child, leaving a shadow in the child's heart.

  When he grows up and sees you, you will, what's more hateful is that you try to hit them with domineering, much more painful! I really doubt how hard you hit him!"

  Camp did not speak, but looked at Sauron who was being chased by the monster below, his eyes disappeared.

  Xia Ming saw that Camp didn't speak, and turned to leave Camp and stay there alone.

  Xia Ming sneaked in after looking for the ace's position. Since Xia Ming didn't want others to know, Xia Ming would naturally not reveal anything.

  When he saw thin arms and legs, holding a beast a hundred times bigger than himself, Xia Ming still held his breath, even though the health he knew was outrageous, even though it was also closely related to his body.

  Qualified, but inevitably still shows strength, this is the one who rests on earth will be dubbed the title of superman Xia Ming just stared in the dark without showing his face.

  When looking at the gloomy looking ace, Xia Ming also knew what the ace knew, his character had changed, but in Xia Ming there was no worry about the existence of Sauron.

  ,'s character will naturally be changed in the next few days, Xia Ming and Camp will focus on the second primary school.

  Although their relationship didn't improve, Sauron didn't give up.

  Falling into a ravine, falling into the jaws of death, is a common practice, but the good news is that Exelon also hits the Sauron obstacle every time, such as kicking the ball with his feet on a tree to surround two Sauron.

  In order to rush back, another example leads him to the mouth of the monster, but the good news of Sauron is small but has no power, but the luck of the shit plus the vitality like Xiaoqiang almost missed it but every time the camp is afraid of sweating At times, Camp now always struggles to the point of not showing up at the end, having nothing to say for fear of being eaten by his grandson, seemingly afraid of Sauron relying on and losing the courage to work hard. A few days later, Sauron was dangerous enough to film a personal biographical adventure, Those previous life Xia Ming went further than the bombshell, Xia Ming's eyes were hooked, but this natural Xia Ming was ultimately choreographed by Moyang Camp. In the end, Camp still did not flinch, stood up and rescued the young Soo from the dog. Lun.

  I have to say, Sauron has great nerves.

  Although he didn't dare to fall, at least he still had the power to escape. Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read to collect, recommend,

360, amazing explosive power! ?


  Camp held it in his hand like a chicken, little Sauron lowered his head, I was afraid to look up, obviously surprised that Camp was not polite, he would hit Sauron on the head with a domineering fist.

  I didn't expect Xia Ming to hold his hand.

  Camp was helpless, but he let go Xia Ming took the little Zoro from the camp, put it on the ground, and helped him straighten his straw hat.

  Then he turned his head and said Camp: "Kemp, you always hit Sauron like this, show isn't you afraid"

  "I just want him to remember the majesty of his grandfather.

  I don't want to throw him too far lest he become a corrupt and useless person in this department.

  It's also for his good sake!"

  Camp's first prejudice apparently supports his view "Oh is this really good for Sauron You also said that Sauron was smashed by Shanks, but if you will, it's not your grandfather who is against you.

  Sauron will listen to a stranger's voice, don't listen to you? I know you are good to Sauron, but it's too deep.

  Maybe you think Sauron will understand when he grows up, but it's too late to grow up, do you understand?" Xia Ming naturally wouldn't believe that Camp was really stubborn.

  Kemp was speechless, but he always thought he was supposed to be! He didn't speak, just turned around and kept sighing.

  Xia Ming didn't say much, only Camp was left, turned around and took Sauron to the depths of the jungle, and went, Sauron did not refuse, he felt that Xia Ming was not malicious, he just needed to help their grandfather block his fist That's it.

  Apparently a good guy, but that's not to blame the kid's heart for being simple.

  During the walk, little Sauron could not escape, he left near the camp, he became active and turned around loudly: "My name is Monkey Sauron, the future is to be those people you said!"

  "My name is Tallinn.

  I am your grandfather's colleague.

  You can call me Uncle Lin!"

  This Xia Ming was smiling slightly at Sauron.

  "Is my colleague Uncle Lin also in the Navy?"

  Soren asked loudly.

  He really didn't know where he came from.

  "Yes, I am the Admiral of the Navy.

  When you're going to be one, I'll catch you!"

  This Xia Ming smiled and pretended to frighten Sauron.

  "! I won't be afraid of you, I will definitely fly you in the future!"

  Of course, Sauron would not give up his dream because of Xia Ming's words, and vowed to clench his fists.

  Xia Ming said indifferently: "Okay, my sentence obviously stopped, and after a long time, I finally said: I will defeat you in the big empress!"

  "Okay, let's leave that out of the way, in"

  The Xia Ming quickly changed the subject, or with Sauron's temperament, he would continue him immediately.


  "Ice I just took him to the dog hole, but should go hunting, every day ice is great

  Food is his responsibility! I have to be his friend, he spit and I'm not angry!"

  Speaking of Aspen Zoro, immediately.

  Excited again, Xia Ming cried in bad years.

  "Oh then let's go to Aspen!"

  Xia Ming said along Sauron.

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