Now it's finally out! The tens of meters of silver-white sword awns turned into an arc, went, smashed the sand-condensed long sword, and then smashed the surrounding houses.

  Shocked by the power of the knife, when his elementalized, he severed his body.

  A loud bang woke people from sleep throughout the city! "Oh my God, what happened"

  "It's the end of the world!"

  When the noise came, Xia Ming's expression remained unchanged, and the hunter's eyes stared straight ahead.

  "I haven't been hurt in a long time, boy, you're the first!"

  He narrowed his eyes and looked at Xia Ming calmly, as if this was the tranquility before the storm.

  Xia Ming looked at him vigilantly, without any relaxation.

  Even though he had posted a very powerful slash before, he didn't think he could kill an opponent in a natural system like this! With a slight wave of his hand, his face suddenly turned: grumpy.


  The two words spewed out of his mouth, the sky and the earth seemed to be dark, the dust was flying, and nothing could be seen.

  Xia Ming closed his eyes gently and felt the breath outside.

  In fact, at the moment of Xia Ming, it was already the prototype of the domineering feeling, but because there was no formal cultivation method, the sensitivity was still very low.

  Xia Ming felt the countless dust and sand on his head and body, and was unmoved.

  However, the next moment, under his induction, countless sand particles condensed thousands of weapons, smashed his head, and covered his face! I will go! The original book kills, Xia Mingguang kills! Xia Ming scolded him in his heart , these two never appeared in the original.

  If this guy uses this trick on Luffy, I'm afraid Luffy has already hung up the phone.

  He groaned in his heart, but he did not dare to be idle.

  This Xia Ming pulled out... his knife, looking very dignified.

  This is his second sword after realizing the pressure of the sword and becoming a swordsman.

  Using explosive fast slashes, the pressure of the knife builds up until the last burst, forming a strong slash, which is no less than breaking the knife! At this point, the knife pressure of his hand waving blocked all incoming sand weapons, even when flying in The yellow sand in the sky could not penetrate a foot in front of him either.

  After maintaining this crazy knife dance state for a few seconds, Xia Ming's arms gradually worked hard.

  When he thought about it, his hand was raised high, and he pressed his hand with the sword in the demon, and before it burst out was the pressure that had accumulated on the knife.

  Two huge knife lights swept across, as if the sun had risen in the night! "It's so powerful!"

  Nami was stunned and looked at Xia Ming.

  She's more interested in this man! Boya is obsessed with looking at that character, and in her eyes, she wouldn't be surprised even if he did something earth-shattering.

  Because he is her man, she is omnipotent in her heart! During Jianguang's sweep, the sand weapon condensed in the air was completely destroyed, and a ditch appeared dozens of meters across the road! "No, that's impossible. Isn't this guy Da Jianhao such a powerful force!"

  Shocked, the knife completely destroyed his body again.

  Even though he quickly became an elemental, he still suffered massive damage in Jianguang.


  Goo! Looking at the slowly condensing sand pile, sweat flowed out from Xia Ming's forehead.

  He demonstrates two of the most powerful techniques available, which require enormous physical effort.

366, first-class swordsman! ?

  As a first-class swordsman, he can use ingenious methods to show the power of the swordsman.

  Similarly, after becoming a swordsman, he can also use his own method to radiate power to the vicinity of the swordsman! Seeing the huge destructive power he caused, Xia Ming did not feel any sense of pride.

  If it is an eagle eye, it will be a ditch of hundreds of meters, or even an abyss of one thousand meters.

  In this kind of thinking, Xia Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the body before him who barely condensed his body with two knife marks.

  Looking at Xia Ming in frustration, he suddenly laughed.

  "Boy, I don't know what method you've used to make a knife attack like the realm of Daohao, but it's very laborious.

  Then, how do you hit me?"

  Xia Ming heard his words, panting heavily, looking a little tired.

  Nami, looked from a distance, smiled, looked at the scene,.

  Omniscient dwarf, how do you face a naturally strong man who is hard to beat. Your current appearance is far from the confidence to take the world in your own hands.

  smiled, then waved the spiral tornado in his hand with one hand.

  "It's my turn! Boy, you can die! Shagang!"

  Suddenly, a small tornado turned into the sky, and the wind swept toward Xia Ming with overwhelming force.

  Xia Ming suddenly stopped breathing, his expression became: extremely calm.

  "Okay, try your new knife technique and get a better understanding of my powers.

  Then, the battle can be over!"

  When he spoke, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  As if everything was under his control, Nami's heart watched from a distance.

  Is he really just holding Doflamingo's hand? Is everything under his control? The next moment, I saw Xia Ming smile.

  After pulling out...the knife in his hand, he scratched a leather pocket around his waist.

  There is sea water inside! The water transparently immersed the demon knife, Xia Ming slowly put the knife back into the scabbard, watching the Sharon roll that came to him is about to devour him, revealing an evil charm.

  Ghost flash! Xia Ming's figure disappeared in an instant, and he appeared behind Dolamingo the next moment! The huge salon volume was silent, like a physical object, cut in half by a knife, completely destroyed! Arms He held it on his chest, with a stunned expression.

  It turns out that he does have the ability! He spewed blood and fell slowly to the ground. The wrist of his left hand was severed, and a huge, deeply visible wound appeared on his body! Did I cut his arm with a hook? It's because Xia Ming looked at the scene and was a little puzzled, until then he didn't notice the problem with Doveling's arm.

  In the original book, there is no left arm, it is a golden hook.

  But now, he has a left arm, which is cut off by Xia Ming! It's weird and hard to explain! Well, forget it, you don't want to know about it.

  Xia Ming patted a big smile and ran to Boya and Nami in the direction.

  The entire kingdom of Alabasta is in chaos.

  Due to the night and the resulting sandstorm, no one knows what happened.

  All the guards were used up, but there was no organization and they panicked in the streets.

  At this time, Xia Ming took Boya and Nami to the funeral hall of the kingdom, and found a huge stone tablet depicting historical writing! "This stone tablet is a priceless treasure, recording the true history of thousands of years."

  Nami sighed and stared at the huge historical site.

  Beside her, Boya yawned and didn't care about the words of history.

  In any case, a piece of rubble is worthless and unattractive to Boya.

  Xia Ming was a little interested, but he didn't understand the words above, so he didn't have much thought, but sat on the side to recover his strength.

  Despite the historical records, half of Nami's heart is Xia Ming.

  At this time, Xia Ming's mystery made her a little obsessed.

  Domineering controls everything, almost omniscient, and powerful, but still a sarcasm. With that in mind, Nami almost laughed and quickly covered her mouth.

  Seeing this scene, Boya put her arms around her face and said, "I can't understand why I'm so happy. Is there a joke?"

  "Uh, no."

  "Then what are you laughing at"


  After hearing Nami's response, Boya shook her head, two words.


  At this time, there was a mess on the ground, and the king found out who had fallen outside the palace, and asked the doctor to come to him.

  At this point, the plan has only just begun.

  The king has no idea that he is saving a man who wants to subvert his country.

  He only knew that this was one of the seven princes of the World League.

  Otherwise, it's hard to explain in your own territory, and it's a huge disaster! As for the other baroque workers, they don't know it's theirs, they still plan the group by.

  I have to say, the secrecy work of .

  If it wasn't for Nami's intention to let Shirahoshi infiltrate, the Baroque agency would always be a mystery.

  In the end, after recording the historical text on the inscription, Nami followed Xia Ming and left here with satisfaction.

  The chaos continued until dawn, and the difference was with who was defeated by Xia Ming.

  Nobody knows what happened.

  Of course, when Dolamingo woke up, everything became clear.

  Xia Ming immediately.

  Came into the Navy's sights and thus became another historically based headache.

  "Damn! How can there be two powerful pirates in that place in the East China Sea?"

  Shikey covered his forehead with a black line and pointed at Norco, who was not looking at all.

367, sharp eyes! ?

  "You bastard, don't rush me to give me another trump card.

  A headache is enough for one person.

  You gave me two!"

  Lazily lying on the sofa, eating dessert, stretched out his hands helplessly: "I've been fine long ago, what and how you like to do it, no matter what, I don't care! I'll go back and take my grandson Lu Fei!"

  "Get out! Don't make your grandson a guy like Ace or you'll never see anyone again!"

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