After all, no matter

  No matter how ugly Becky's face was, Xia Ming greeted Long from the side, and then left.

  Becky glanced at Monet, who was dying in the distance, and said, "Well, can you take my assistant? Although the experimental equipment here is destroyed, the experiment cannot be carried out without the assistant."

  After hearing this sentence, Xia Ming frowned.

  He intends to kill Monet directly.

  Although Monet is still a beautiful girl, Xia Ming is not so hungry that he cannot accept such a time bomb.

  You know, Monet's true loyalty is not Becky, but Dofranco the Clown.

  Like the one under Reign, he could even sacrifice his life for the Joker, a fanatic who is totally invincible.

  "Do you think Monet is loyal to you?"

  Zai Xia Ming frowned and asked, looking at Becky.

  But Becky shook her head and shook her head: "This genius I know she was sent by a clown, and that... clown is ostensibly my assistant, spying on me.

  However, I have a way of making her absolutely faithful."


  Gai Xia Ming looked at his interest and said: "Do you know whether the transformative technology of Begapunk can completely erase people's consciousness"

  "What do I know"

  Becky immediately.

  Dissatisfied,: "That study, but I worked well with Begapunk, and you look down on this


  Xia Ming was not interested in listening to him, so he shook his hand.

  "From then on, take her away."

  Therefore, the dragon grabbed the five of Xia Ta and flew back to the holy sword.

  Compared to the bulky body, there is no problem at all with pack and pack.

  This is indeed a beautiful horse.

  However, in front of the holy sword, which was several hundred meters long, there was nothing on its tens of meters long body.

  Landed on the deck and it didn't seem crowded.

  Watching Long Jiang, Bai Xing was suddenly taken aback.

  Fortunately, Xia Ming jumped off the top, otherwise he almost cried again.

  This kind of timidity seems to be a natural character, Xia Ming is really helpless and can only slowly cultivate his courage.

  Bo Ya looked at the dragon and suddenly complained: "Xia Ming, why do you put everything on, this thing can also be lifted!"

  Xia Ming grinned and said, "This big man should be able to fish and eat by himself, don't you think it's very powerful?"

  It seemed that he understood Xia Ming's words, the dragon stood upright, shouted, and showed himself.

  This time Shirasu was frightened again, Boya was reluctant, and suddenly stretched out his finger, a thundercloud suddenly erupted in the sky.


  It screamed and screamed, Xia Ming shook his head helplessly.

  In order to ensure loyalty, after dividing four 44 hearts, the first floor below became a dedicated laboratory.

  Initially, Xia Ming said that Becky was not interested in conducting experiments on the ship.

  Who knows how much room the ship can have, and when he actually saw it, Becky was surprised to find that although the place where he conducted his experiments was smaller than the base on the island, the basic equipment was almost complete.

  This was naturally prepared by Xia Ming when he was building the ship.

  Then, Koza fled under the command of the number knife Boya towards Doflamingo's living priest.

  Two weeks later, halfway from the priest Mihoksa.

  The transformation of her has been successfully completed, erasing her primordial consciousness, and joined by.

  The first is loyal to Xia Ming, and the second is loyal to the crew of the Holy Sword Pirates.

  Xia Ming looked at Monet's expressionless and expressionless expression, and was still very satisfied.

  Suddenly, it is equivalent to more than two natural systems, can you be satisfied? Although Xia Ming believes in his own power, it is "one piece" after all

  world, and the strength of the crew could not be worse.

  Thinking of this, Xia Ming touched his chin and looked at the owner of the ship, Dan, who was being repaired.

  Maybe it should help him find the right devil fruit.

  Thinking of this, Xia Ming suddenly changed his appearance, suddenly jumped up, and came to the deck.

  Boya and others saw the dignified appearance of Xia Ming, they also put down their work and came to the deck.

  Then, their faces immediately.

  After reconciling, the entire holy sword pirates appeared immediately! Looking at the upcoming red-haired pirate group, Xia Ming looked dignified.

  In the end, the two ships came together, and Xia Ming's sword was several times larger than the red-haired ship.

  Instead, the red-haired pirate group was clearly overwhelmed.

384, absolute defense!

  The red-haired girl and a group of friends stood on the bow of the boat, looked at Xia Ming, smiled heartily and said, "It's an honor to meet for the first time.

  Your boat is magnificent!"

  Xia Ming smiled slightly, but his face was still solemn. He couldn't understand the plan: at the moment of red hair, speak cautiously.

  Although fighting is not necessarily afraid of red hair, Xia Ming obviously does not want trouble.

  Now the whole world is in a huge vortex, and he is still the promoter of half of the vortex.

  "in spite of

  How big is this ship, how famous are your four 44 emperors."

  After listening to Xia Ming's words, the red-haired girl smiled again, suddenly left the deck, jumped up slightly, and reached the deck of the holy sword.

  It is taboo to come alone on the deck of other pirates, but the red hair is very relaxed, on the contrary, Xia Ming's holy pirate is restrained.

  Xia Ming realized that everyone behind him was a little nervous, and sighed slightly.

  After all, this is the first time to negotiate with the Four Emperors, and there is indeed a gap.

  Fortunately, the Golden Lions didn't hit directly, otherwise, they'd be fine.

  The power of the Boa had to be weakened, basically they were defeated without a fight.

  "I'm here, won't you give me a drink?"

  The redhead looked at Xia Ming and smiled.

  No sign of hostility.

  Xia Ming also smiled, he drank something like wine, but very little.

  So store the fine wines from Fisherman's Island on board.

  After getting the wine, Xia Ming and the red hair sat facing each other, holding the wine can.

  And Boya and others stayed a few meters away, all the red-haired red-haired pirates outside, standing on the deck, staring here.

  The staff on both sides looked at each other and waited.

  Although Boya and the others are no worse than them, their momentum is still worse than that of the four emperors who stayed in the New World: a few years.

  Put the can in your mouth and take a sip.

  Xia Ming smashed his mouth and laughed, "I'm not good at drinking, but I'll get drunk if I drink too much."

  The red hair grunted and took a big mouthful.

  Hahahaha laughed, "It's best to be drunk.

  It's nice to have a drink."

  Hearing the redhead's words, Xia Ming suddenly laughed and said, "It's a good thing to drink and get drunk with friends, but it's not a good thing to be with an enemy!"

  Taking another sip, Xia Ming threw away the can of wine in his hand, his eyes flickered a little sharply, staring at the red hair.

  The red-haired girl took a sip of wine, and a strong overlord-like arrogance sprayed on him, rolling towards Xia Ming and the others.

  Xia Ming snorted, and the emperor's tyranny exploded, immediately.

  Defeat the domineering domineering of the red hair! At this moment, the pirate gang behind the red hair immediately aroused and stared at Xia Ming in surprise.

  The color of a man is domineering, King Hawk likes Captain Jay so much, Bi Qiang! After the domineering confrontation between the two, they recovered.

  In this confrontation, the redhead did not try to find anything, but felt that Xia Ming and the others had suddenly become: mysterious and fearful.

  In the four years of Zhonghai, I have such a strong strength that I dared to challenge the Golden Lion and easily defeated the captain Golden Lion.

  His crew, all of them are the best of the best! "This time, I want you to step back and not


  The red-haired man stared at Xia Ming for a long time, and finally slowly stated his purpose.

  Xia Ming blinked and asked, "Why?"

  "The world has become the epicenter of the storm.

  I don't want you to spark another vortex.

  is the target of the transaction.

  If you transfer him, it will inevitably lead to .

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