Now, Boya can lift the whole holy sword alone! When Nami saw this, she smiled and shook her hand.

  Many of the weapons became two huge wings that grew out of the sides of the two ships of the Sacred Blade.

  After being gently fanned, the holy blade rose up like a flying, rising rapidly, and then pierced the second layer of coating, breaking into Murloc Island with a big mistake, causing exclamations.

  "That's a pirate ship! Is it a human?"

  "Look, that ship is the Holy Blade Pirate!"

  "They shouldn't be in the Dragon Palace"

  In the astonishing speech of a group of mermaids, Xia Ming's holy sword slowly landed on the shore.

  On the deck, Xia Ming's face looked surprised, then he suddenly laughed and said

  : "It's fun, let's go to a good show together."

  "What a show why they seem to know us"

  Boya looked at Xia Ming in confusion, and there was some awe in the eyes of those mermaids.

  Xia Ming smiled: "You will wait until you know, put the boat here first, and no one will destroy it.

  We will go directly to the Dragon Palace!"

  Although Bo Ya and Nami have countless experiences, they are still weaker than Xia Ming.

  Seeing this, they could only nod their heads suspiciously.

  Nami said softly, "Remember, you seem to have said that historical texts are in the woods at the sea."

  Xia Ming nodded: "This trip to the Dragon Palace should be a banquet.

  Otherwise, you can go directly to Ocean Forest.

  In any case, no one will hurt you on this Fisherman's Island."

  Nami smiled and said, "I'm not interested in the banquet, so let's go first."

  At this time, he smiled happily and shouted: "Go to the party, go to the party!"

  Xia Ming saw this and shouted: "You can't go, follow Nami and protect her."


  immediately on the bear's head.

  It was full of black lines, but in Xia Ming's bright eyes, he nodded helplessly.

  Both Boya and Ayu laughed when they saw this.

  Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Boya's arms flapped slightly, then turned into clouds, wrapped Xia Ming and the others, and flew into the air.

  Soon, everyone came to the high altitude of Murray Island, connecting the corridor with the Dragon Palace.

  Dragon Palace is equivalent to a separate island, surrounded by another double-layer bubble, located above the center of Murray Island, you can check the situation of Murray Island at any time.

  After Xia Ming waited in the corridor, they saw that the door was open.

  Xia Ming laughed and caused everyone to have it.

  "Well, you are not the ghost knife Xia Ming Xia Ming, why are you outside!"

  After touching the corridor, they came to the gate of the Dragon Palace. The two soldiers looked at Xia Ming and his team in surprise.

  This sentence made Boya and others more confused, but at this time Ryugucheng was already close at hand, and their knowledge and domineering also covered Ryugucheng, so they immediately.

  Knowing the situation, I could not help crying and laughing.

  Back in time three days ago, "Holy Sword"

  Entering Murloc Island.

  Since the Holy Sword Pirates are already a famous pirate group, they treat Neptune, the god of the sea, and Qiwu Haiping equally.

  In Mrs. Charlie's prediction, it was discovered that Murlock Island would be destroyed, and the Holy Blade Pirates solved this crisis! Therefore, Neptune immediately invited "Xia Ming"

  et al.

  At that time, when Xia Ming and his team learned of the situation, they were not in a hurry and walked slowly inside the Dragon Palace.

395, absolute zero! !

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

395, absolute zero! ?

  In the inner banquet hall, a person identical to Xia Ming sneered at the table.

  "! I think you're toasting, not eating! I'm a man who can fight an admiral, and destroying Murloc is no problem!"

  Nepton screamed angrily beside him, saying: "My husband absolutely disagrees.

  You can ask for a billion baileys, but how can the princess of the common people go with you!"

  Obviously, these pirates are definitely not Xia Ming's holy sword pirate group, but fakes.

  Except that the lead Xia Ming is almost the same, Bo Yanami and the others are not like each other at all beside him, they don't know why they didn't find any flaws in the mermaid.

  Outside Xia Ming involuntarily vomited in his heart.

  "So do you really want to do this?"

  Fake Xia Ming stood up slowly, put his right hand on the knife on his waist, and looked at Nepton and the others coldly, but there was a trace of cold sweat on the back of his neck.

  Heping looked at him, split the table with one hand, then jumped to Neptune, stared nervously at the fake Xia Ming and shouted: "Although you are strong, this is the bottom of the sea.

  Too arrogant!"

  Seeing that the situation was about to erupt, Nipton sighed and said, "Shiro Xing can't go with you anyway, but those of us in the Dragon Palace are willing to compensate for the treasure in the treasure house.

  You can choose as many treasures as you want.

  You can accept it."

  After hearing this sentence, Fake Xia Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  In order to get so many jewels, he did risk: his life.

  Just then, laughter came.

  "The pirate group of the ghost sword Xia Ming and the holy sword, come and visit!"

  When the word came, everyone present was shocked.

  Fake Xia Ming was engrossed and thought: "Impossible, the Holy Sword Pirate has disappeared for a year, how could it be here, it must be fake! Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the same person in his body. The partner who showed an amazing expression next to him said coldly: "What are you doing, there is a group of fakes, we are the real holy sword pirates!"

  At this time, Xia Ming and the others slowly walked into the hall, looking at the mess on the ground.

  Xia Ming sighed and said, "I still want to taste the Dragon Palace, why did I come out like this?"

  Boya stared at the fake Xia Ming.

  She was surprised to find her with a domineering appearance just now.

  She was even more surprised to see a real person.

  The fake Xia Ming is exactly the same as the real Xia Ming.

  If it weren't for Xia Ming around her, she wouldn't even be able to tell the difference.

  "Who are you and why do you look so Xia Ming"

  Boya asked, staring at Fake Xia Ming with sleazy eyes.

  Fake Xia Ming laughed when he saw this, and said: You are a bunch of fake liars, if we weren't here, the Holy Sword Pirates are here, I'm afraid these idiots in the Dragon Palace will be deceived by you!"

  Originally it was Xia Ming's character, but the knife has been cracked.

  The knife was split open, and the real and the fake were naturally separated.

  However, when Xia Ming watched the TV series, it would not be so simple to solve the problem naturally, and then it would be very boring.

  Xia Ming smiled at Boya, "Is that so?"

  Boya nodded, looking shocked.

  At this time, Neptune and Zhiping were already dumbfounded, and looked at the two identical Xia Ming at a complete loss.

  Shen said flatly: "It seems that these two must be fake.

  If you admit it now, the old man can forgive you, otherwise, don't leave the Dragon Palace!"

  At this moment, it was very peaceful, and his heart was very angry.

  Fake Xia Ming insulted him repeatedly.

  If he's not afraid to hurt Neptune, he'll try to check the facts.

  "Well, I have lived in your Dragon Palace for three days.

  Can't you tell the truth? It won't be so easy if you don't clean up these liars and let me do it myself!"

  Fake Xia Ming sneered and looked at Ala and the others.

  For a while, without turning his head, staring at Xia Ming and the others, he said in a deep voice: "Are you really posing? Leave the Dragon Palace immediately, the old man will save your life for you!"

  Xia Ming ignored him and looked at Ayu standing in the back row, smiling.

  "Ayu, there is so much anger here, how to dissipate this song"


  Ayu was ecstatic as soon as he was asked to play, Yu head flicked the harp, some beautiful notes fascinated people.

  With the release of the music, Xi Ping, who had entered a state of anger, gradually calmed down.

  Neptune and the ministers on the left and right also thought the sound was too beautiful.

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