However, despite not touching the power of time, Xia Ming has a deeper understanding of the origin.

  At that moment, when Xia Ming grabbed the cut, he felt like fish and water came to mind.

  About one-third of the origin of the knife was emptied, and Xia Ming immediately took full control of it.

  Xia Ming had a hunch.

  When he is in full control of the origin and seems to be cut open like a knife in a fantasy novel, it becomes a magic weapon of full control.

  Perhaps at that time, emptiness was no longer seen as a sword, it was the real holy sword.

  A streamer crossed the sky, creating a beautiful illusion under the sunlight.

  Phantom is two people hugging tightly and kissing each other cruelly.

  For a long time, Ayu couldn't breathe and struggled.

  The Xia Ming released her gently, smiled slightly, and pulled a crystal thread from the corner of her mouth.

  Ayu's bright eyes are staring at Xia Ming, her heart is rippling, her tenderness is like water, her body is completely soft and she falls on Xia Ming.

  Just as Xia Ming was about to have another emotion, the distant water column made Xia Ming eliminate his thoughts.

  The flying knife is very fast.

  The last moment is far from the sky, and the next moment is near.

  Xia Ming looked at the sky-piercing water column, hundreds of meters in diameter, and rushed towards the empty island under the impetus of the rising water.

  Xia Ming sighed slightly and said with a smile, "I walked along this empty island, and then I met you."


  Ah Yu groaned softly, still weak and weak, lying on Xia Ming's.

  At this moment, Zai Xia Ming suddenly raised his eyebrows and laughed, "How could I have encountered such trouble. If I'm not here, I'm afraid they can't get it on the empty island."

  The next moment, walking in Xia Ming's footsteps, he hugged the sweet fish in his left arm, took out his right hand, pulled out the empty knife, stepped on it several times at the same time, and then came to the sky.

  In the rising tide, the golden mermaid gradually tilts, Jiang Long and others suddenly panic.

  "Hey, it doesn't work, it's going to fall!"

  Soren frowned.

  Lucy looked solemnly and said in a deep voice, "Put up the sails quickly!"

  As soon as the words fell through, Usopp and the others hurried away.

  However, when something went wrong, let it go and the cable jumped out immediately.

  When he tried to grab the cable again, the whole boat completely escaped the rising current and fell! "Wow, it's over! It's over!"

  Choobba clung to a cable, his body dangling up and down.


  The cigarette in his mouth broke on the moon under his feet and suddenly flew up.

  But his steps are just learned, not to mention that even if he knows the steps, he can drag the whole golden mermaid.

  At this moment, laughter came, and the whole golden mermaid shook suddenly.

  The bottom of the boat pushed with great force and hit the rising water again! At this moment, although Usopp and the others were embarrassed by the fall, they could not find the reason, and teared up in Lucy's cry.

  After destroying the sail, the ship finally stabilized.

  Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  As for what happened just now, Xia Ming would naturally kick hard and directly kick the golden mermaid back.

  Although Xia Ming's physical strength may not be as good as he is now, common sense can never guess his strength.

  A pervert that can break a mountain with one punch.

  Xia Ming's fist may not be broken, but he should still be able to kick the mountain with his feet.

  With this power, kicking the golden mermaid is relatively easy.

  The next moment, Jiang Long and the others just felt a flower in front of them, and two figures suddenly flashed in front of them.

  After Lu Fei saw the person clearly, he suddenly smiled and said, "Xia Ming, thank you very much for your help again."

  "Little things."

  Xia Ming smiled.

  Most of the other people knew Xia Ming, but at this time their eyes turned to Ayu.

  "Angel of God!"

  In the eyes, two red hearts appeared.

  Xia Ming saw this, waved his hand politely, and pushed him straight away.

  Xia Ming said that in any case, these goods will move step by step, and it is also good for others, and it is still unbearable to show such an expression to her own woman.

  "Let me introduce you.

  This is my wife, Ayusang Island."

  He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and did not break away from Xia Ming's arm on his waist, greeting him with a smile.

  "Hello, I'm Kongdao, and my name is Ayu."


  Jiang Long's eyes flickered suddenly, and he smiled excitedly.

  "How about it, I said there must be a free island! Hehehehe!"

  Lucy opened her beautiful eyes, there was an incredible light in her eyes.

  Others have similar expressions.

  They are still not sure if there are empty islands.

  As a result, the Xia Mings have been on the empty island, and they also married an angel from the empty island.

  As they talked, the ship was occupied by the rising tide, and it approached the empty island.

  At this moment, a huge monster several hundred meters long suddenly fell from the top of the head.

  When the huge strange eyes saw Kim Meri, bloodshots flickered, and his mouth opened.

  Stinks, biting Kim Merry.

  Seeing this, Jiang Long and others were surprised.

  The next moment, I sneered a little, I saw Zoran staring at Xia Ming's Zuolong indifferently, and suddenly drew his knife.

  With a loud noise, the monster was cut to pieces, dripping with blood.

  Seeing this, Xia Ming stopped for a while.

  This is your sister's knife domain! Xia Ming believes that he will never read it wrong or feel wrong.

  In the original work, Sauron, who only used the knife domain in the Fisherman's Island story, actually has the knife domain in the sky island story! This one seems too big! Frowning, looking at the flesh and blood clots scattered in the sky, Xia Ming A look of disgust appeared in his eyes.

  With the chopped knife hanging in front of him, he firmly held his hand and waved it gently towards the sky! Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend,

407, the flame from the sun!

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

407, the flame from the sun!

  In an instant, the crimson flames turned into a pillar of fire in the sky, engulfing the pieces of meat immediately.

  The scene was more shocking than Sauron's black rope tornado.

  Initially, it was ready to be drenched with blood and blood, but the flesh was immediately set on fire by the pillar of fire.

  Xia Ming has been doing things all the time, waving the knife again, the thick black light flickered, and immediately swallowed all the dust and the remaining meat.

  "Great! What kind of power is this"

  Usopp and the others looked at Xia Ming in surprise.

  On the other hand, even Sauron frowned, Shen said: "In the field of swordsmanship, it should be the intention of swordsmanship, did you use the intention of swordsmanship just now?"

  Others may think that Xia Ming is the devil's fruit ability, but Sauron saw the real meaning at a glance.

  The dark power and firepower is clearly caused by the knife.

  Xia Ming placed the sword on the scabbard, nodded, and said, "Yes, the sword is above the sword field.

  But knives are not real knives.

  The heart of the knife is above the heart of the knife, and there are ghost knives! Maybe even further, there are endless ghost knives, there is no peak, the ghost knives are boundless! After hearing Xia Ming's words, most of the others seemed to understand.

  Sauron Sauron looked at Xia Ming brightly.

  After changing his eyes, he suddenly bowed to Xia Ming.

  "Thank you! You are half of my master! But I will still challenge you and surpass you!"

  After saying these words, Sauron still had sharp eyes, but he also paid tribute to Xia Ming.

  "Oh, I'm waiting for your challenge."

  Xia Ming smiled and didn't mind.

  For the next episode, Xia Ming is too lazy to make peace.

  Just now, Ayu's girl picked up the fire, otherwise she would not have extinguished the flames like a pillar of fire.

  Golden Meri still has some empty rooms.

  Xia Ming and Jiang Long greeted them and entered the cabin.

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