Xia Ming blinked, walked directly, stared at him, and said coldly, "Do you agree?"


  A look of shame flashed across Cardo's face.

  Even if they were persuaded, they should be willing to persuade Qi.

  This is a shame, to be forced to persuade Qi Xiaming! When Xia Ming saw that he only said one sentence, he looked at himself angrily, and when it was cold, he directly said the knife.

  "No! Stop the ghost knife! You killed four 44 emperors!"

  His face flashed in surprise when he saw the red hair, and he shouted.

  However, Xia Ming just ignored it.

  A knife fell off, and his head looked inconceivable.

  Plasma flies into the sky.

  Cardo's staff were also angry, Xia Ming turned around slightly.

  looked at them coldly.

  "Don't you agree?"

  "You ghost knife, you are too much!"

  Deputy Captain Jie Dao said angrily: "Even if you become one, we must obey you, otherwise you will become a bare commander, not a real one!"

  One knife flashed, another skull flew.

  On the other side, Boya suddenly looked at Xia Ming with some anxiety and Shen said, "Hey, this state Xia Ming doesn't look right."

  "Ah, hardly, but he's going to be pissed now because we're supposed to."

  Violet stood beside Bo Ya and nodded slightly.

  Xia Ming stared at Cardo's crew who bit their lips.

  He looked at Xia Ming angrily, but did not dare to speak.

  Another knife flashed, and this time countless heads flew.

  Plasma spilled out, and the ice below was dyed like red flowers.

  Beautiful and charming, endless silence.

  "Looks very unpleasant."

  After a few words, Xia Ming turned around.

  He looked at the crew again and shouted: "How about you, do you agree?"

  "We serve!"

  “Clothes, we fully serve!”

  Horrified those who initially thought they convinced them to be Xia Ming, but now I know that in Xia Ming's eyes, they can kill ants! The redhead looked at Xia Ming, the scar just cut from his mouth has been bandaged , but the knife was not removed for a short time.

  He coughed a few times, snorted, and said in a deep voice: "They, they are all our teammates, will help you in the future, why kill you"

  "They're a lot of waste, not as good as a finger of mine!"

  This Xia Ming is staring at

  The redhead coldly and the redhead frowned and shook his head at this sentence.

  "And, I'm sad today!"

  "You are your weakness because of your woman.

  There are weaknesses.

  This is not a good thing.

  You will be an old star"


  The Xia Ming shook his head, turned to look at Bo Ya and the others, his eyes gradually softened, and said softly: "If the five old stars dare to touch my woman, they will take all the chips and it will die. .

  Terrible! It's my no-no.

  Absolutely, not even my crew, touch anyone!"

  The voice of the sentence was so loud that it entered Akainu's ears, making them look a little stiff, and nodded silently.

  In Boya and the others, although they have heard Xia Ming's rhetoric countless times, saying that they want to protect their own lives, so no one can hurt them, but this time, it directly talked to the whole world, listening to people all over the world! "Hey, since that's the case. , then you don't have to fight.

  I am willing to obey.

  You become one."

  The redhead shook his head and smiled inwardly.

  With deep fear, the pirate captains smiled bitterly and sighed: "I am willing to surrender!"

  "deep impression!"

  "You become one!"

  On the first half of the far road, the rebuilt Naval Headquarters is no longer located in Maryford.

  After all, the island was destroyed by Xia Ming, and the naval headquarters was directly rebuilt.

  Sitting in a small room, watching the bug screen TV broadcast some vague sighs, the history team said: "There's no way I know at that time, reputation shouldn't be considered, and even the four 44 didn't control what yellow, in the The ghost knife kills him when he is weak, there is no such thing. Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world.

  At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a figure came in, staring at the history of the base, a shocking figure, very different from the usual laid-back appearance.

  He looked at the history of the base, and Chen Sheng said, "I want to talk to you about the history of the base."

  Catherine Bourgeois, the center of the Holy Land.

  There was a burst of anger on Wu Laoxing's second child's face, but he just snorted and held back.

  "Let's do it when it matters most"

  "What, you will see this... a ghost knife addicted to killing, killed three or four by himself, Ming emperor, made him a commander of the bare commander, when we are done, we can kill at any time he."

  "Well, let's bring all the spirits back in the crunch time.

  Leave everything out for the three elders and up to two years.

  After waiting for eight hundred years, what is going on!"

419, the origin of the world! ?

  Regarding the request to King Xia Ming, the navy was silent, and the world government also chose to be silent.

  Today, this moment.

  Xia Ming killed one of the four emperors with a knife, plus the golden lion, three of the four emperors died in his hands.

  One man, one knife, pirates who plunder the new world, second only to four 44 emperors, join forces with four 44 emperors! One man, one knife, level the world, become king in one day! Ever since Jayme Hawk Twenty years after becoming Jay, this ocean appeared again! Looking at the small island in front of him, a smile appeared on Xia Ming's face.

  The secret of what is called a large one-piece is about to be revealed.

  Is this the devil's fruit or a priceless treasure? If it's the latter, then Xia Ming can't see the point, but if it's the former, it's unlikely. After all, if it's a particularly strong fruit, Mihawk Jack certainly won't be left behind .

  Thinking of this, Zai Xia Ming stretched out his hand, gently pulled Nami beside him, and said, "Nami, go to me.

  There you're thinking about the last piece of its history."

  After speaking, he gently held Boya to the right and smiled: "Boya, do you think you should become a pirate in the future?"

  Boya didn't hear his voice.

  Her eyes were already twinkling with countless little stars, she just felt that endless wealth was waiting for her.

  She was caught in the eyes of money.

  Xia Ming saw this, smiled helplessly, jumped up, got off the boat, and set foot on the small island.

  Beside him, Doflamingo was smoking a cigarette, Akainu dodged, Mihawk let out the room, had the ability to pass the time, and chose together with Xia Ming.

  In their eyes, full of anticipation and excitement.

  It was completely overwhelmed by the fleet that Xia Ming was far behind.

  Although they wished to know the secret, they could only watch from a distance.

  It's just that the redhead didn't come, he took his crew directly back to the territory.

  Love Drew is a small island.

  The whole island is extremely desolate, though not without grass.

  But there are very few weeds on the whole island.

  After Xia Ming set foot on the island, he felt a mysterious power spreading.

  Seeing that the color domineering failed directly, even his sword domain could not spread.

  His expression suddenly calmed down.

  Beside him, everyone's expressions calmed down in reluctance and excitement, and they looked around warily.

  These were instantly nerfed by more than half due to the inability to use visible colors or even abilities.

  This place is very strange! Xia Ming frowned and jumped.

  Although his vision could not be obtained, his physical strength did not weaken, he jumped to the sky with only one jump, and his eyes immediately swept everything to the eyes.

  The whole island is the summit of a hill.

  In front, there is a dark cave.

  There is a force in the cave, which makes Xia Ming a little surprised


  That power is the power of the origin! The devil's fruit is the power of the seal, and the power of the origin is in it.

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