After speaking, he quickly followed Poyanami and walked out, leaving only Xia Ming here.

  Xia Ming shook his head, calmed down, took a slow step, and walked under the crystal ball.

  "Success and failure turn around, green hills remain, sunsets are red"

  After a few whispers, Xia Ming stretched out his hand and shook it gently.

  A golden cut appeared in his hand, grabbing the handle, Ling Ran's ghost knife suddenly rose.

  Suddenly, the origin ball of the person above him trembled slightly, as if attracted by some force, trembling.

  The starting slide on the surface is no longer a circle, but gradually becomes the shape of a drop of water.

  Looking at this scene, the corner of Xia Ming's mouth showed a smile, showing a smile.

  If his ghost knife can directly attract the power of this origin to fall, then he is already semi-divine, but now he is not.

  This knife goes deep into the power of origin.

  For a moment, Xia Ming only felt that the white light was extremely dazzling, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

  When he opened his eyes again, there was endless darkness and deathly silence.

  Was this a failure? The inexplicable idea had just sprung up, and a shiny core suddenly appeared in front of him.

  The core grew rapidly, attracting the surrounding darkness, turning into a vortex, some inexplicable material poured in, and the bright spot became bigger and bigger, until it became a huge sun! At the same time, Xia Ming found that the rotation under his feet also began to occur, condensing and forming A planet is gradually formed! In this scene, Xia Ming is no stranger.

  During his previous life on Earth, he had watched several documentaries about the universe and the sky.

  But this time, I can't see how shocking I can see! Moreover, Xia Ming also discovered a secret, that is, the world is so big.

  The edges of the space are gray air currents that are even scarier than dark air currents.

  It keeps scrolling.

  This Xia Ming knew that, except for the holy level, once such a thing happened, it would end immediately.

  At this time, Xia Ming's eyes were attracted by what was under his feet.

  I see dark vortices spinning rapidly and planets forming rapidly.

  It initially took hundreds of millions of years to condense, which accelerated hundreds of billions of times.

  In a short time, planets were formed.

  The core of the planet is a piece that emits seven.

  This Xia Ming knew that this was the power of the origin.

  Moreover, it is not the origin of this planet, but the origin of this world.

  The next moment, I saw the colorful shrink, and then spewed out, and in an instant, the colorful directly decreased by one-tenth 10%.

  One tenth of 10% water, life on earth.

  This scene is nothing like those documentaries watched on Earth.

  Xia Ming admired, watching this scene, he knew that he should be the memory of the consciousness pulled by the source, leaving the power of swimming to the source, so in order to "see"

  These can be understood as dreams.

  Then, time sped up again, without the evolution of life.

  in a short

  In time, thousands of years have passed, and human beings have appeared directly! However, these people have large and small races, and there are many kinds.

  Next time, it gradually slowed down.

  Ultimately, giants are too big and stiff, and minors are too small.

  It's hard to make progress and get to the top.

  This is the normal human form.

  At this time, the emperor who ruled the world appeared.

  The later family.

  A few hundred years later, someone integrated it into the source.

  Become holy, even feel Xia Ming here, but in the end nothing.

  The divine plane, one with the origin of the world, is close to eternity, but not beyond the power of inexhaustible time and space, and is still governed by the time and space rules of this world.

  At this time, watching others become sanctified, another thought suddenly appeared in Xia Ming's heart.

  If you don't integrate the origin of the world, but use the ghost knife to suppress the origin of the world, then turn your ghost knife to the origin beyond the world.

  The divine level, the fusion of origin, is equivalent to borrowing the power of origin, and Xia Ming's idea is to directly take the origin of the world as his origin, because the will of the world is suppressed.

  I'm afraid it's a bit like that! Thinking like this, Xia Ming stared and continued to watch the development of the world.

  next moment.

  He looked calm, seeing the pounding of the world from the edge.

  The gray airflow is disrupted by force.

  That thing had a colorful glow.

  After entering, let Xia Ming look calm.

  It's a corner of a broken world.

  Five people, exactly what the five old stars looked like when they were young, each holding a corner to stabilize the world.

  At this time, enter the "one world"

  When the shattered world suddenly turned into white light, indented into the void, and became a "one world" with

  Parallel small worlds.

  Although it's still crashing, the speed has been greatly reduced without the grey air effect.

  In that corner of the world, there are not many people, only a few dozen people, and all of them are semi-holy! After they entered the world, everyone sank, their kinetic energy was mostly suppressed, and they fell directly into a realm.

  Then, Xia Ming saw that the war between the indigenous world and the outsiders had begun.

  Although there are five old stars pressed to be infinitely close to the semi-divine god, five people 5 still work with that emperor.

  The emperor was the old man Xia Ming had met.

  The war lasted for a hundred years, and the final result was a five-star victory.

  They used the cruel corner of the world to suppress the will of the world, and the picture in front of Xia Ming fell directly into darkness.

  Next, he can directly guess.

  It must have been the five old stars who started to control the world, swept away and covered up history, and those stars under his rule became the first generation of dragons, and their descendants became the so-called world nobles.

422, fall into darkness! ?

  Initially, more than a hundred countries joined after twenty countries and they had to be controlled by them.

  The kings of these countries may be uncles.

  However, since this war is in the "One World"

  so that although the five old stars won in the end, they did not please them, and the subordinates were so eloquent that they died on the eve of suppressing the will of the world.

  It is estimated that after suppressing the will of the world, he will be unable to act to destroy those emperors.

  So the emperor hid among the commoners and changed the emperor from the initials of his names to the middle letters of his names, to .

  Later, except for the five old stars who can live forever, the other elites are afraid that they are all about to die.

  Those captains should be locals trained by five veteran stars.

  In other words, the enemy of the world is only the world government controlled by Wu Laoxing and Tianlong people.

  Ultimately, this dreamlike experience fell into darkness.

  When Xia Ming opened his eyes again, he found that he was still in the cave with the original ball above his head.

  As if everything before was a dream.

  However, Xia Ming knew that this was not a dream, but the experience of realizing the birth of the world.

  Is it a failure or a success? This is almost from the source, and there is still a movie-like distance.

  However, this membrane is so strong that it doesn't seem to be able to rupture in a short period of time.

  I also want to come, Xia Ming has just entered the end of the ghost sword, and the realm is unstable.

  It is too early to enter into a semi-sacred state.

  Moreover, with the experience of this eternal dream, as long as Xia Ming cultivated for a period of time, it is easy to enter the semi-sacred.

  Xia Ming thought of this, Xia Ming smiled, shook it, and emptied.

  After putting it into his body, he glanced at the primordial ball in the air, and finally flinched without doing anything else.

  He still can't control the original ball and can't take it away.

  If he stepped into the semi-holy ground, it would have no effect on him.

  The most precious things in the world are the most useless things.

  What a contradiction! Xia Ming walked out of the cave and looked away, but suddenly he looked cold.

  In the distance, the holy sword should have stopped there, but now it is empty, the sea is silent, and there is nothing but the undulating waves.

  There was some anxiety in his heart, and Xia Ming's face shook.

  The man and the knife are one! Xia Ming sighed and turned into a golden light, getting higher and higher.

  The higher you fly, the farther you will be, about the height where the smell can cover the sea, Xia Ming flashes again, flying fast around this road.

  After a while, the golden light subsided, Xia Ming's figure appeared, and his face was a little happy.

  "I just want to say, how can this be ten thousand years but when this girl becomes a knifeman"

  Looking at a small island below, there are knives from time to time.

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