The two fell directly into the sea, but the blade would support a three-foot space, and the sea could not.

  There is no problem in this uninhabited sea, but to return to the holy sword, I heard that their own crew, only the Akainu walked alone to the endless land, everyone else can, Xia Ming did not want to be a coincidence. , let Magino be seen.

  The next moment, Xia Ming took Mackinac to the sky and flew into the distance.

424, a thousand years of waiting! ?

  Boya sat on the white chair on the side of the deck with the holy sword, staring blankly at the vast sea.

  Although there was no Xia Ming, their power still shook the entire Great Route.

  All those who disagreed were also killed by repression.

  Without Xia Ming, no one would dare to underestimate the Holy Sword Pirate.

  "Is it really a thousand years?"

  With a mocking smile, he placed the glass on the stone table in front of him, and drank the crimson wine in it.

  "We just have to wait and trust him.

  The promise of the little man, he will definitely do it.

  He's a man who doesn't break five, his words"

  Nami walked slowly, Poya sitting next to her, smiling slightly, but the depth of the smile was also somewhat lost.

  "A thousand years, it won't be too long for us to be loess. But if I can't wait for this life, I will continue to wait for the next life, and I will wait for the next life.

  Xia Ming endured the perseverance in his heart, ran to the port without looking back, untied his rope, jumped up, untied the sail, unleashed his own fruit power, pushed the boat away, left here, and left the beautiful island where he is now. .

  The speed of the boat from here to the street vendors on the sea is the slowest five days, five days, it should be believed that the abyss will arrive there before the destination, thinking of this Xia Ming is not in a hurry, sitting on a stable boat, you Start developing inner strength.

  Only internal strength can be cultivated at any time.

  Xia Ming sat on the boat, then eliminated all the troubles in his heart, and began to concentrate on practicing the nameless inner strength and thoughts.

  Xia Ming slowly entered the empty state.

  However, entering the empty state, Xia Ming's perception of the surrounding situation will be reduced to the lowest point.

  Instead, he observes his surroundings with his own perception to prevent Aquaman from appearing.

  However, with Xia Ming's ability, he was not worried that someone would attack him.

  Even sneak attacks on him are okay, so he can practice with confidence.

  Although the muscles of Xia Ming's body gradually disappeared, as his internal strength and internal strength continued to increase, Xia Ming's current physical strength was increasing every day.

  The inner force and the aura of heaven and earth have changed every muscle, even every cell.

  They become more perfect.

  In Xia Ming, as long as he still exists in this way, one day he will reach an extraordinary state.

  While sailing, I can't practice sword skills.

  Although Xia Mingjian's technology has not been cultivated much in the past five years, there are people who have come to precipitate what he has learned so that he can pass his own breakthrough.

  In the first four years, he continued to challenge, so that Xia Ming also reached the peak of this stage.

  Five years of ironing has indeed destroyed Xia Ming's level and became the sword of a second-level monster.

  Even though it's just a mid-level ordinary monster sword, it also makes him jump and move to the next level.

  Entering the level of the demon sword, Xia Ming knew that he had three 3-knife customers at the time to choose, was it naive? The demon knife and the handicapped knife were not at the same level, and the content that could not be obtained was the highest.

  Knives and knives are also between people! After repeating the round trip for more than four days, the five-day voyage finally made Xia Ming ignore it and fell into Xia Ming's spirit.

  Looking at the unique ship in the distance, it was the ship that appeared on Xia Ming.

  In the front of the boat, the boat has a slightly opened fish mouth, and the fin at the stern is an adjustment process.

  There are characters on the boat!

  "Has it finally arrived at Sea Street Vendor Takoyaki Hachi, I'm so glad I had the opportunity to develop the inner strength that not only empowered me and gave me the best chance to pass the time, not because of overly boring nervous breakdowns or anything!"

  But, although he is still immersed in expectations for the future, the illusory beauty is soon broken by the voice of a woman who sees a beautiful girl with white and dark hair standing on a boat.

  A small boat is beside its own boat.

  When Xia Ming saw her, she was a little confused.

  She didn't know such a girl, but when she saw the knife on her waist, her students shrank and shouted: "Are you Hancock?"

  "Well, you've lost a bit of your conscience, remember me or I'll have to go down this road and let me know about my bad situation."

  Hancock heard Xia Ming, and then, for a little angry Xia Ming Jiaohu, he said in her speech.

  Hand tighten the knife in hand.

  This girl is Hancock, Aye told Xia Ming a few days ago to take good care of her.

  She is also an eternal rival Hawkeye, and a sweet fish's best friend, daughter Wu Wang.

  "Xia Ming, have you run away this year?"

  Hancock was also very happy to see Xia Ming.

  A few days ago, she heard that Mihawk, the world's largest monster knife, would appear here, and she came directly here.

  I didn't expect to meet someone who couldn't find her here.

  Xia Ming watched her politely jump off the boat and asked herself.

  Xia Ming shook his head and smiled.

  It seemed necessary for her to explain again: "I haven't been there yet. I went to IWC on the island.

  Been there for five years!"

  "It's no wonder I've been looking for you in the East China Sea for five years, but I haven't found you?"

  Hancock sat directly on Xia Ming's boat, he didn't want to leave.

  Xia Ming smiled bitterly and said to Hancock: "What are you looking for?"

  "Hmph, you're embarrassed to ask, you treat me the same, but you didn't even tell me to run away, won't you let me come to you?"

  Hancock heard Xia Ming's question and suddenly yelled at him.

  "Well, it's ambiguous, don't say I abandoned you, it's easy for you to misunderstand this statement!"

  When she heard the reason she said, Xia Ming was very speechless, and even felt that she had left in a cold sweat.

  "All right,"

  Hancock heard Xia Ming's words, realized that he was wrong, and blushed and nodded.

  "I don't mind, you can marry me later."

425, the main characters appear! ?

  Xia Ming couldn't help chanting.

  That's what I had a fight with her at first, but I was wrong.

  "After the marriage with you, how did you come here?"

  Seeing that Xia Ming changed the subject, Hancock was not angry.

  In any case, five years is not bad.

  Sooner or later he will accept himself as long as he follows him, but he still says, "I heard Hawkeye Mihawk is coming out of this area.

  I'm here to challenge him"

  Xia Ming listened to Hancock's explanation, but he didn't know that Hancock had made up his mind, relying on himself, when Xia Ming was thinking about whether they should get here, I suddenly heard a violent explosion at Takoyaki Restaurant No.

  During the passage, Xia Ming glanced over there and said that it was secretly in his heart, "It seems that it is here, I must pass!"

  He turned, pointed to the sea street stall in the distance, and said to Hancock: "Looks like something good happened there.

  Do you want to see"

  Hancock also followed Xia Ming's hand and agreed without hesitation: Okay, no matter what

  Wherever you go, I decide to follow you!' "Well, well, you sit still!"

  Besides saying that he also promised Ayu, what else can Xia Ming say, otherwise Xia Ming will lose his temper, why should he fight for her here? That opinion? "Drinks"

  Xia Ming saw that Hancock was already on his boat, no matter what.

  What is Hancock's boat, standing in the direction of the bow, with his back to the seaside stall, he smashed into the air! A few minutes later, Xia Ming finally came to the seaside street stall.

  Xia Ming looked at the big boat, jumped up and said to Hancock: "This is the takoyaki stove at the seaside stall.

  what do you think"

  Hancock knew what Xia Ming looked like, and jumped onto the boat on the seaside stall.

  After watching the knee, he said to Xia Ming: "Very good!"

  "Okay, let's go and see.

  I think you'll know."

  Xia Ming took the lead and walked in "an acquaintance, what kind of acquaintance"

  Although he was curious and looked at Xia Ming's back who had walked in, he endured it and followed Xia Ming.

  I want to see who it is, Hancock said secretly.

  Xia Ming opened the door and saw the environment inside, good, bright lights, spacious venue, and active dining scene, unexpectedly good, Xia Ming led Han He, and found a table at random to sit down:.

  It didn't take long before the two sat down before the blond man came over with a toothpick and suddenly half-kneeled ex Hancock with a delicate rose in his hand: "Oh sea, you today God, love, you laugh at I endure torture.

  As long as I'm with you, whether it's a pirate or a demon, I can!"

  Hancock opened his eyes wide and turned his head back.

  He looked curiously at the blond cook in a suit, then turned back to the cook on the ground.

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