"Who are you how dare you look down on me, Lord Palu"

  The small iron wall in Palu's hands touched each other and asked Xia Ming.

436, the soul of the knife! ?

  Xia Ming touched the knife box beside him with both hands and said to him: "You can call me Australian Master, I prefer this name!"

  "How could you turn out to be a demon, how could you be here? Even if you are a demon, I'm not afraid of you, you can never break my iron wall defense!"

  Iron Wall Palu exclaimed, but beware when I reached these iron walls on my body, I felt relieved again and said I hit hard again with a loud bang.

  "All right,"

  Abis hit a huge mast and hit Palu on the head, then Abis jumped up and patted the dirt on him: "Oh, scared me, but I didn't fall in.

  Palu felt a nosebleed, and he was shocked.

  "This is very dangerous"

  Xia Ming watched Palu put the two small iron walls against each other, and said to him: "What's wrong, this person won't run out of the mental hospital!"

  "What's wrong with nosebleeds?"

  Abis asked his nose curiously.

  "All right,"

  A white flame suddenly appeared on the iron wall of Paro, "Paro flame, how wonderful!"


  , Xia Ming immediately saw the burning gun: flying out from Palu, shooting in all directions.

  Xia Ming smiled to himself, and didn't even draw out his knife.


  Suddenly, a huge wall of water was erected in front of Xia Ming, Abyss and the chef.

  Suddenly, those steel balls that were still burning were extinguished by Xia Ming's water wall and stopped directly.


  "How could my flame Palo actually be"

  Pali watched Xia Ming resist his proud attack so easily, and looked at Xia Ming in disbelief.

  "too hot"

  "how is this possible"

  "The devil is so amazing.

  How could he stop Flame Palo's trick so easily,"

  Although Xia Ming resisted the burning steel balls against his own people, for the pirates, Xia Ming was happy to see them wiped out by his own people.

  "Xia Ming is great, he's really the crew member I chose, hahaha."

  Abis proudly watched the water fall from the sky and said.

  Xia Ming let the water wall flow to the deck water of the radiator, and the pouring flame Xia Ming did not go out. Watching the flames burn more and more, he slowly put his hand in the machine tool box, and put himself Zhan Lu. and the ruling was reversed.

  Seeing this scene, Clark immediately.

  Big: "The devil fruit can control water.

  This is incredible.

  I don't think I can keep it."

  After that, he shook his star hammer and was smashed by Xia Ming.

  Passed Xia Ming "Laugh"

  Approaching his son slowly, immediately draw...two knives, and meet the enemy.

  "Super Rally Rocket Launcher"

  Abis immediately blocked Xia Ming, hit the sub, and said to Xia Ming: "He is my opponent!"

  Xia Ming looked at Carat in the distance and said to Abyss: "This time I will give it to you, next time I will challenge the best!"

  Xia Ming sneered at Palu, and suddenly his inner strength burst out and disappeared in front of their eyes.

  They didn't expect Xia Ming to be so fast, Patti

  The wall's way is to dodge, but it's too late, Xia Ming's two knives immediately.

  Save a blow, "Rod flow volley crosscut!"

  Moment was cut through Palu's head, blood erupted, and Palu's head was immediately separated.

  Before he died, his eyes were still wide open, he couldn't believe how he could be wiped out so quickly as an iron wall, and with a bang, Palu's body fell on the deck.

  Xia Ming is used to throwing the blade in blood, although in the crystal Xia Ming blade has no blood left on it.

  Xia Ming didn't even look at Palo's body again, but continued to focus on other people.

  Looking elsewhere, I found that Abes had already fought that Clark.

  Not much to say, but Abbes is very strong in resisting consciousness.

  Soon he got used to Crick's attacking style.

  attack it.

  Redhead also has battle pirates on deck at this time.

  I didn't expect the redhead's feet to be so good and fast.

  The pirates were kicked into the sea without responding.


  Chip screamed from behind, his voice made both Xia Ming and Red Hair stop and look at him.

  I saw Ah Jin stepped on his back, pointed a gun to his head with one hand and said, "Stop now!

  How powerful people used to be, now they are all ordinary chefs.

  shot him in the head.

  You have to save this man, so please get off this ship, I don't want to kill you."

  Xia Ming has red hair on one side now, and he can only see the red hair lightening the cigarette lightly, and said to Ah Jin: "I don't want to leave this ship, you like this ugly, smelly old man very much, how can he be a diligent The chef's owner"

  Zapp's expression remained the same, not realizing he was a hostage: "I don't want to be criticized by your little goblin"

  "What's your name, stinky old man, when are you going to treat me like a child?"

  The redhead heard Zip call him a little ghost and suddenly shouted angrily at him.

  "This man with red hair" didn't he die for his boss?

  The redhead ignored the noisy cook and said to Akin: "Akin, point the gun at me"

  "Mr. Redhead, why"

  Akin asked suddenly and heard the redhead's words.

  At this point, Xia Ming had put his Zhan Lu back into the scabbard, holding it in the hands of the ruling party, waiting for an opportunity to rescue him.

  At this moment, the redhead's words distract Ah Jin, which is a good opportunity.

  Xia Ming immediately.

  Disappeared in that place, appeared next to Ah Jin, a knife cut him down, Ah Jin is also worthy of an experienced person, felt the crisis at the moment, but still easily raised his flap for a blow , dodged Xia Ming's fatal blow.

  "laughing out loud"

  However, Xia Ming ruled that he was not a vegetarian, and for Ah Jin Gun: Shi's fatal blow, it was just that the knife Qi took out a big cut and cut his arm, and the blood rushed out like money.

  Xia Ming originally wanted to destroy Ajin.

  After all, this is the perfect opportunity to save the hostages.

  I didn't expect Ah Jin to react well and give up his gun to save his life.

437, Mind Attack! ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

437, Mind Attack! ?

  "drink wine"

  Ah Jin who was still ruthlessly did not know where the iron ball was taken away with a cane, Xia Ming's attack was over, Xia Ming turned slightly sideways and directly avoided his attack, he took the knife and he attacked.

  Ai Jin kept his big iron ball, Xia Ming smiled slightly, the inner strength of the whole body was mobilized, and it exploded in an instant, his heart was furious: "Ghost knife line"

  The Zhidao in the hand suddenly burst into light, and the light on the human body jumped to Ajin's side, while the power Xia Ming carried in the ruling hand directed towards Ajin's air.

  "All right"

  Ah Jin Lengheng quickly turned around, weapon in his right hand, and looked directly at Xia Ming, a knife.


  The intertwined sound of gold and iron, hoarse screams resounded in the sky, and the weapon in Ah Jin's hand was interrupted by Xia Ming's blow.

  When Xia Ming felt inconvenience in the air, the weapon attacked Xia Ming's head again, but Xia Ming was hit just now.

  Just when Ah Jin was shocked, he suddenly interrupted Xia Ming's attack.

  Xia Ming roared again, the edge of the ruling knife, even before drawing the mouth of Ajin's knife, blood rushed out! In desperation, Aijin took the weapon in his hand, and the blood stopped immediately.

  The weapon in his hand turned into a burst of black light, hitting Xia Ming directly.

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