"Pirates! Catch them!"

  Although still excited, the movement here finally shook the navy who was fascinated by the heavy fog of Xia Ming.

  Looking at the mark of the straw hat, several warships passed by.

  Everyone's excitement faded at the cry of the navy, and they got busy.

  A handful of eagle eyes leaped to the golden horn.

  Only Abish had to stay on the scooter to take care of the dragon, and everyone was reluctant.

  Help strap the scooter to the Golden Horn and sail with it.

  Robin watched their day come to an end, turned to the abyss and said, "Abby! We're getting out of here, the navy has been caught."

  "Okay, off to the lost island!"

  Abis shouted with joy when he heard Robin's words.

  Mihawk sighed and said helplessly: "But where are we going?"

  "Well, here or there I don't know!"

  Abis said, shaking his fingers back and forth.

  Satisfied with this new weapon, muttered in disappointment: "Is this really good?"

  "And, just talk!"

  Hawkeye leaned on the golden fence excitedly and said, it seems that the intensity of the battle just now has not disappeared! Xia Ming nodded and agreed with Hawkeye: "Hey, this is an adventure!"

  Hancock leaned lazily against the railing and said, "Yes! Adventure is lucky!"

  "You can't find it on the graph! Find your way!"

  Despite Robin's great sailing skills, he can't find the unknown island right away.

  He can only get out of the predicament in front of him.

  "This decisive Robin is also charming!"

  The redheads are dead, he said, to the praise of Robin and Hearts.

  After listening to everyone's opinions, Abis raised his arms and shouted: "Go!"

  Lost islands are islands that cannot be found on the chart.

  Even Robin didn't know where to go.

  Everyone guessed that since the Millennium Dragon can come here, the lost island is not far from the warship.

  Sailing on Warship Island.

  In terms of navigation, in addition to Robin Aviation has been researching the route, we are also doing our own thing, Mihawk is the most unusual, because Xia Ming just gave him a weapon that he didn't even move, which greatly stimulated him, I am working hard to train basic physical strength to do the basic exercises taught by Xia Ming.

  Robin is curious how, who has always loved to play, became: so diligent, and did not lift until Xia Ming finished explaining.

445, the hidden attempt! ?

  Hancock Tires and Hawkeye aren't idle either, they're doing the basics.

  They have the foundation of martial arts and almost complete the movements taught by Xia Ming.

  The redhead is also very talented, and he has learned more than half of his combat leg skills.

  He didn't relax like Hawkeye, practiced for a while, and seeing that it was getting late, he went back to the cabin to cook.

  They are all busy.

  Xia Ming must be arrested by Robin to drive the Golden Horn.

  Otherwise, Abyss will not be allowed to come.

  He might control the boat where he goes.

  Although Xia Ming drives the Golden Horn, it is not so boring.

  For the past two days, the ability to use Devil Fruits one after another made him realize.

  Driving the Golden Horn and looking at the sea will make him think quietly.

  The most leisurely are Abis and Abris, who play together on "Dragon King".

  "We can have dinner together!"

  The voice of Abis passed from behind the stern, breaking the silence of Xia Ming here. Xia Ming smiled and shook his head slightly, not caring, but the knowledge-colored super god put out, "Look"

  She carries a pot of rice in her hands.

  Hearing the words, Abbas was the first to react, grabbing her hand and reaching for the pot in her hand, saying, "It's so good, you can eat it!"

  Cracks can't let: the past pot hands, the giant hot hands that reach the pot, let the abyss let go, let this change redhead saw suddenly fire, this is junk food, will be the biggest redhead taboo.

  The iron pot that flew into the air did not fall into the water, but just landed on the head of the Millennium Dragon.

  So it seems that Abish dragged the rope from the boat to the raft in a worrying way, and her neat manner without dragging the water was enough to show that she cared about the Dragon King and came to the Dragon King to help him Get rid of rice on his head.

  The redhead looked at Abyss's movements and didn't stop.

  Instead, he complained to Abbes: "Indeed, this is a waste of the food you prepared!"

  What happened here didn't affect the next few people at all.

  Not even the curious and heavy Mihawk came.

  He focuses on practice.

  It seems he can't afford new weapons until he can afford them.


  Mi Huoke all this, not to mention Hawkeye and Hancock who want to become a big demon knife.

  On the back deck, in addition to the red hair, the navigator Robin was there to see if he could get some information from the Millennium Dragon! After a while, Xia Ming saw Robin running over and watched her panting Gas and booing.

  Xia Ming who had been drinking wine leisurely and passed the wine gourd, Robin picked it up without hesitation and drank it.

  Robin took a sip, took a breath, wiped the water in his mouth, handed the wine gourd back, and said Xia Ming, "Long Ye remembered it and said that the lost island was in the warship.

  East, you immediately turn and sail east!"

  Although Xia Ming received the color knowledge very early, he didn't see what happened, but my heart finally had a bottom, I was not surprised, very calm, clicked

  The head said: "!Okay,"

  Xia Ming pulled the lever and turned it.

  Head down and head east.

  Golden numbers are very easy to control and don't need to be complicated, just make the right orientation correction.

  Xia Ming said that this is a good thing, to promote Mei Li, it is better to say that he is free.

  After the direction of the gold changed to the east, Xia Ming ate at the table.

  At this time, the redhead put the rice on the table, ready to cook.

  After everyone arrived, it was finally time to cook.

  The cooking skills of the redhead chef is so delicious, he will change the tricks to cook for everyone, which will not make everyone feel tired.

  Most of the meals for the redhead these two days are nutritious meals.

  Chefs are also the ethical responsibility of nutritionists.

  Of course, I know everyone consumes too many calories and needs a lot of food to replenish.

  After dinner, Meimei liked Xia Ming very much, and then she read a book leisurely and continued to study his great cause.

  The rest took a break, but their runs also tended to tend, leaving Hancock in the sink in the sink, everyone wants to practice these days, but for everyone going around the sink, of course The abyss is excluded, he only plays bowls.

  "Everyone's here! There's a dark fog!"

  Xia Ming was immersed in his notes, and suddenly heard Robin's voice from the bow of the boat. He looked up and saw that Hancock was in a daze by himself.


  Xia Ming smiled and said, "Does it look good?"

  "Good! It's charming when it's quiet!"

  Hancock said, still holding his chin in both hands, staring at Xia Ming.

  Xia Ming walked to Hancock's side, hugged her gently, and said, "I'm Xia Ming! It's nice to have you together for a lifetime."

  Hancock did not feel complacent about Xia Ming's words, but said more kindly: "Okay! Me too, I will accompany you to grow old with Sister Robin!"

  Xia Ming nodded, I no longer landed, I walked out of the engine room and walked to the bow.

  On the bow of the boat, everyone noticed that they were staring into the distance with expressions of surprise on their faces.

  Xia Ming couldn't help looking at it, and found that the reflected golden horn appeared in the distance.

  "Enchanted++ how could this place have this thing"

  Xia Ming looked at the reflection in the distance, and couldn't help but hear his voice.

  The voice Abbas heard called Xia Ming.

  He sat on the sheep's head and asked, "What is the enchantment?"

  "Yes, Xia Ming, what kind of enchantment"

  Robin asked Xia Ming directly curiously.

  Xia Ming glanced at you, saw everyone's faces full of curiosity, lowered his head, pressed his hat, and said, "Enchant++ can be used anywhere, and rare seals in special fields can be isolated separately.

  A unique defense that protects somewhere."

  Hancock looked at the images of everyone not far away, and said to Xia Ming, "Will you find this kind of barrier useful? Who will stop us from entering?"

446, The Appearance of the Millennium Dragon! ?

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