After looking at it for a long time, Abyss finally reacted, exclaiming his hands in surprise and putting on his hat: "Awesome, big picture! But what is this"

  "It seems to be a map!"

  A sniper indeed, his eyes were so good that he quickly noticed the difference in the frescoes.

  As soon as his words fell, Robin seemed moved on the side.

  Even though the movement was small, or Hancock's side was discovered, Hancock came to Robin and asked, "What did you find."

  Robin looked at Hancock's expression, nodded slightly, and said, "Mihawk! The words inspired me, this is probably not the lost island"

  Ignoring, who is noisy with children, asks Robin in doubt: "How do you know, Robin"

  Robin, still staring at the frescoes on the roof, says to you: "Look carefully at the frescoes above.

  Here is a map showing the location of the lost island.

  The island with the domed building is the island, the dome.

  The building is this house!"

  The redhead followed Robin's words and agreed with both hands, "That's exactly the same!"

  Robin stopped, then pointed to the mural on the roof and said: "The people around the building are people who used to live here.

  I think this may be the ancestor of Abish!"

  Xia Ming couldn't help but nodded.

  It is indeed Robin, the sailor and military division of the Straw Hat Pirates.

  He cleared his mind in such a short time and explained it to everyone very clearly.

  Xia Ming now regrets knowing the plot in advance.

  I quickly lost interest in the known, and went to the side of the wall and tapped the wall of the building lightly.

  I have no idea.

  I'll take a closer look before going to the next step.

  Although Xia Ming doesn't know much about architecture, I have read architecture books.

  Based on the exposed features of the wall, I'm afraid the building has already been counted.

  For thousands of years.

  Who should Xia Ming find this contempt and put it away immediately, and began to explore the bricks and stones on the basis of which this building was built, to age Shijing to determine the age of the building, but Xia Ming was more and more shocked by nothing, feeling that it was really Let the world down! "Hawkeye!"

  When Xia Ming carefully studied the construction year of the building, he suddenly felt a ferocious attack, and he was still facing the eagle eye.

  Xia Ming couldn't help shouting.

448, stop the power of the wind!

  With a bang, Hawkeye almost put down the words of the main sword, so that the edge of the sword was exposed, and Hawkeye almost held his hand.

  Robin asked curiously: "What's the matter, Xia Ming Eagle Eye"

  Hancock came to Robin and explained: "A murderous spirit came in Hawkeye!"

  "Hahaha, thank you, I not only found the keel, but also the dragon cave!"

  A figure appeared beside the cave where everyone had just fallen.

  "you again!"

  Abis said clearly when he saw the man coming.

  The man ignored Abis' words and said, "But if the dragon cave is at the bottom of the sea, it doesn't make any sense, so I can only take the Millennium Dragon!"

  Xia Ming glanced at him and said to Hawkeye: "Oh, yes, Hawkeye, for such a small role, are you incomparable? Do you want me to help you and destroy him?"

  When Hawkeye heard Xia Ming running on top of him, his face turned into an angry voice and shouted to Xia Ming: "Who wants you to help me, as long as I am serious, I will destroy it!"

  "Is it a commodity like a small person, hehe, I let you pay for what you say!"

  Seeing that Xia Ming and Hawkeye ignored him directly, he regarded him as a low-level person who could easily die, and laughed angrily.

  Hawkeye ignored his words again, walked to Abyss, and said to him very confidently: "Abis, you bring the Dragon King back to the ship first, and I'll come back later!"

  Seeing Hawkeye's confident expression, the abyss smiled and said, "I know."

  Mihawk faced the abyss and said, "Although I want to go out, I don't even know where the exit is!"

  Xia Ming spoke from the abyss, and his smashing wind pierced the direction of the amount of gold that was behind his hand. He waved it twice in the air, and saw two knife Qi Qiqi twice, broke through the air, and the city wall was cut into paper. piece.

  Eric saw his students shrink involuntarily, and exclaimed in his heart, "What, it only takes one blow to get to such a point!"

  Abby saw that Xia Ming had opened the exit:, pulled the rope and rushed the water out, and saw that several people had quickly jumped on the raft, Eric obviously hit two knives at will by Xia Ming, scared to death Now, it's a wise choice, don't stop a few people from leaving.

  Xia Ming looked at the raft that had already left, and laughed at him: "Be careful, don't get lost!"

  Afterwards, he tapped his foot lightly and jumped on the crashed raft.

  Eric looked at the Xia Ming, who left before he jumped off the top of the mountain.

  When he saw it, Hawke directly laughed at him: "In the end, he's still a little guy, hands scared!"


  Hawkeye is not Xia Ming.

  Eric saw that he was, troubled in his heart, awakened the power of the Devil Fruit, and shouted: "Scythes stab them through space"

  , followed by a sharp slanted line of one shot towards Hawkeye.

  Hawkeye stepped on it lightly, and his body bent back and jumped down.

  The three knives immediately came out of their sheaths, landed not far, and raised their head to rumbling, where the eagle eye was just behind the slate and was torn directly by his wind turbine blades.

  Seeing this scene, Hawkeye was not hit, but aroused his desire to fight, and tied it up to symbolize the solemn headscarf, with two knives pointed towards Eric's hands, he could feel the movement The strange body, the three knives slightly exposed the awe-inspiring blade, locked Eric's distant body, and then put on the posture of the right hand crossed.

  The display of this pose shows that the eagle eye has indeed moved.

  Hawkeye had a serious expression in his mouth on his face, with a broken sky staring at Eric, saying: "I don't have time to play with you, otherwise I'll be laughed at by Xia Ming, Han Kao Gram, and Satyr Chef!"

  Ghost Slash is abominable! I didn't expect that Hawkeye's ability is not weak.

  When it came, it was so ferocious.

  Eric couldn't help being caught off guard.

  His right finger danced anxiously.

  Qiang three knives were wrapped in a layer of light green knife air, a series of broken Eric Feng Ren, Eagle Eye Emperor was very fast, his whole body was under pressure, facing Eric and approaching the front, the third knife was caught. It disintegrated and pressed down hard.

  Although Eric's ability is not Xia Ming's, it is not low. Seeing Feng Ren waving them, he was all torn apart by Hawkeye. He knew that in front of Hawkeye, it was impossible to wash down people. He disappeared from the abyss on one side, and so on. .

  The cave entrance jumped down.

  The eagle eye cut into the space, strong air waves propagated inside, and the building was shaken.

  Moaning incessantly, watch Eric jump out, then jump up and down the vines.


  Hearing the news from behind, Eric knew that Hawkeye was following, then turned slightly sideways, then turned and swung a few wind swords at Hawkeye, saying: "Going to die!"

  Hawkeye saw that it was quiet, he broke the swords, looked at Eric who was not far from him, and said to himself, "You are playing tricks, are you?"

  I wasn't surprised to see Hawkeye break his air knife.

  He jumped from a vine on a tree to a platform on the side of an abandoned building.

  He saw Hawkeye also jumped over.

  It did not wait for Hawkeye to stand still, and several gusts of wind blades waved, but the target was not Hawkeye in the air, but the buildings around Hawkeye.


  There was a sound, and a considerable amount of dust was also raised, which greatly obstructed Hawkeye's sight, and Hawkeye fell to the ground, staring at the dust around him, guessing what Eric was thinking, I wanted to seal the eyes with dust, The eagle's eyes pondered this carelessly, looking calmly at the surrounding environment, waiting for the wind to appear at any time.


  Eric is also a smart guy.

  As he sealed the eagle's eyes with dust, he ran up and down, waving his blade from all sides, toward the center of the eagle.

  Looking at the wind leaves flying in all directions, Hawkeye's face was shocked.

  I didn't expect this Eric to be so smart.

  By blocking his sight and not afraid to move, he waved the wind blades and blocked his movements.

449, once powerful! ?

  Chi Chi Although Hawkeye swung three knives to block Feng Ren, Feng Ren still had too many. He fell down Hawkeye's body a few times, leaving blood and wounds on his body. He didn't delay his actions.

  It's like cutting his body, not cutting his body.


  The obvious change is that the demon in the eyes has become: heavier.

  Looking at the bloody eagle eye in the center of the vanishing dust, he was happy to know that his method would work, and then waved the wind blade at the eagle eye again.

  The dust quickly disappeared, watching Eric appear not far away, and seeing that he was ready to act again, before waving the wind blade, his hands showed different postures, the blade was pointing up, the blade was pointing down, He shouted: "Three swords uprising, three thousand worlds!"

  Hawkeye did his best.

  Eric saw only a flower in front of him.

  The eagle eye has appeared beside him.

  Eric still kept his fingers wiggling.

  Hawkeye finished the stunt play, not caring about him, but slowly put the three knives back into their sheaths, until Hawkeye slowly disassembled the scabbard, snapped, and fell before seeing Eric spray from his body Three bloodstains.

  Eric looked back hard at Hawkeye and said, "How did you do it"

  He couldn't figure out how Hawkeye appeared and died.

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