Although Robin is a navigator, her sailing skills are also excellent.

  Each time, she easily escaped the shell from the other side.

  If it can't be avoided, Abyss will use his signature stunt to bounce the shells back.

  counter them.

  Maybe it couldn't be attacked for a long time, annoyed the commander on the opposite side, the main gun of the main ship used, Xia Ming slapped it, and said to, who is busy with counter-sniper, "they took out the main gun and It would be a hassle to save this!"

  In fact, needless to say Xia Ming, Mihawk also aimed at the opponent's main gun.

  I heard Xia Ming's voice and hit the main gun's bullet.

  "Boom" from the other side

  Sound, Mihawk's snipers played a role, letting their shells explode directly, destroying their vital claws first.

  The sniper worked, immediately made proud.

  Even Abish, sitting on the raft, praised Mihawk's approach.

  This time, even more proud.

  At this time, the Jin was very close to the warship, and Xia Ming shouted to the front in front of the abyss: "Abby!, please."

  "Okay, look at me, Eraser Bridge"

  Xia Ming just explained the plan to him.

  He nodded immediately, and when he heard the cry of Xia Ming, he stretched out his arms and grabbed the opposite warship.

  Xia Ming, Hawkeye, Red Hair and Hancock came over by the arm of a fast abyss, until the abyss also came, Xia Ming said to us: "Hawkeye and Hancock went to cut the chain twice, Redhead and I, just sent out the troublesome navy!"

  Hancock looked at Hawkeye's expression and said to him, "You cut it off, not everyone gave it to me."


  Hawkeye heard Hancock's words, and immediately pulled out the broken sky, shaking the chain twice.

  "Without what I'm constantly cutting, I have to cut more than you!"

  The navy didn't wait: After everyone said a few words, they rushed over from the warship and surrounded Xia Ming.

  Xia Ming glanced at them and said to Abes' red hair: "Start, be careful!"

451, the abyss comes! ?


  The abyss and long red hair should be crying, the crowd poured into the navy, Xia Ming looked towards his navy fleet, shook his head, did not pull the knife, but tossed with his right hand, walked out of the ice knife, and rushed into the navy in front of the crowd.

  Lastly is the navy.

  The entire fleet is in second place.

  Even though Xia Ming eliminated many soldiers, these soldiers continued.

  Even if he is tired, Xia Ming may be exhausted.

  Xia Ming quickly lost patience and jumped out with his feet.

  After the siege, the two hands were tightly together and shouted: "Jian Qi Guilian opens the bridge!"

  Xia Ming sprayed a lot of water droplets from his body, which were then condensed into ice needles and shot at the foreheads of the nearby navy soldiers.

  "Puff puff puff"

  The whole ship did not give any warning to all the fallen soldiers, and Xia Ming who released the trick at the last moment suddenly turned into a demon.

  Xia Ming, who is a demon, suddenly softened his heart, he didn't use too much power, and his attack range was not very wide.

  Only the entire warship, where Xia Ming was located and the surrounding navy soldiers were killed, but did not miss the soldiers on the surrounding warships, but it was not enough to stop the surrounding navy, they were frightened and fled here.

  Seeing the surrounding navy fleeing here, Xia Ming leisurely looked at Xia Ming and said happily, "Haha, it's awesome.

  This is really my fantasy!"

  The redhead was much quieter than the abyss, laying leisurely on a cigarette, sucking, but looking at his folder-smoking posture knowing he didn't show a craving for calm ability became heavy.

  With a loud bang, the eyes of the three turned away.

  Seeing that Hawkeye and Hancock are on par with each other, they also cut two chains, but the performance isn't great.

  Through the unremitting efforts of Eagle Eye, the gap between the two has gradually narrowed.

  "rubber bow"

  The task has been completed.

  Robin drives past the Golden Horn.

  Abis glanced and bounced everyone back to the golden horn.

  Abbeth's raid left everyone unprepared.

  While lying on the deck of various forms, Xia Ming stood with a headache and said, "You can say hello next time"

  "Feel sorry!"

  Abis responded, he looked at the navy who could not see in the distance, looked at his careless appearance, and was obviously not tempted.

  The man next to him shook his head silently, and the more a captain like this could say, the more he would have a headache.


  Xia Ming and others gave up the attack, which does not mean that the naval commander also gave up.

  The continuous shelling made Xia Ming almost impatient at first.

  Turn [-] to Abis: "I want to kill Admiral Abis who wants a keel, what do you think?"

  Looking at Xia Ming, Abis shook his head very familiarly and said, "No, no!"

  , I have never seen Xia Ming angry.

  It can be seen that Xia Ming's patience is still very strong, but usually very stable.

  Suddenly, he was suddenly angry, so Abis had a bad premonition.

  You must know that honest people are more angry than Ren.

  from "Bomber"

  The waves on the other side attacked one after another, and there were no signs of stopping.

  Xia Ming looks at

  The other side's main boat, his feet stomped down, jumped on the golden arrow tower with thrust, and held him in the big fat man who was enjoying his cool purpose, he drank, "Knife Qi throws a bomb! Xia Ming's hands gradually formed An ice javelin, ignoring those who were surprised to see him below, and pointed his right hand at the fat man on the other main ship.

  In Xia Ji's full power, there is no mercy.

  The speed has reached the limit, and there is no trace.

  The people below felt that the javelin was out of Xia Ming's hands.

  Xia Ming threw the javelin out, ignored it, and jumped directly from the watchtower.

  As a result, he already knew it and no longer needed attention.

  Sure enough, before he waited for Xia Ming, he stared at Mihawk on the opposite side and shouted: "Hit! It's amazing!"

  Robin has been waiting for the result, and when he heard the words, he asked anxiously: Xia Ming was annoyed by hitting the opponent's artillery, he would not destroy all the opponent's artillery or the entire fleet with one shot.

  "Ah! Opposite of Xia Ming's icicle hitting a fat man's heart directly from him.

  Looks like he should be a commander.

  Most importantly, the icicles were still blasting out of his room.

  Fragments! Spit"

  He said as he fled and vomited.

  Xia Ming's attack made Hawkeye gossip, and Hawkeye usually doesn't care much about foreign affairs.

  He stared at the opposite scene with the binoculars and said absurdly: "You are really scared.

  You can destroy him from such a distance!"

  Xia Ming chose to ignore his words, and said slowly: "You must know that the thief first captured the king and wiped out the governor, and these naval fleets will disperse!"

  Hancock suddenly snatched from Hawkeye, snatched his telescope, and skimmed the main ship, "Oh, how did you know the Navy was going to leave, I think they might avenge their chief!"

  "I think Xia Ming is right.

  By this... Admiral it's clear he's selfish.

  No one would respect such a chief, but he feared his position.

  Now he is dead.

  The navy will be defeated immediately.

  "The red hair still held the telescope, looked at some Xia Ming results, and then passed it to Abis who was sitting on the sheep's head, then lit a cigarette and analyzed it."


  The redhead's analysis was complete, leaving Hancock a little loose, but she was a little skeptical.

  Soon the result was Xia Ming's judgment.

  As Xia Ming guessed, the governor died.

  Not having the courage to stay here, after a long period of chaos, the frightened naval fleet on the opposite side was reunited.

  He got up and left, leaving here with the main ship.

  As Abis watched as the Navy finally blocked the road, he raised his arms and shouted, "Okay, let's go to Warship Island!"

  "Buzz" as everyone was ready to promise

  There was a shock from the bottom of the sea, Robin frowned nervously, looked at the sea, and shouted: "The whole is still shaking, what's happening, what's going to happen "what's the matter, what's going on"

  The shaking of the Golden Horn almost pointed Abyss toward the sea.

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