I didn't think to use it here.

  Man Xueli didn't expect Xia Ming to suddenly turn into magic.

  At such a short distance, it's a bit evasive.

  He was blown away.

  How could he not think that Xia Ming looked so powerful that he wanted to hook him.


  "Alara, I didn't expect that I was really careless, and you would be used!"

  Man Xueli didn't care about wiping the blood on his mouth, his breathing was casual and lazy, and he began to look at some serious Xia Ming.

  "Fortunately, it is best to have an armed super Xia Ming to protect the body, otherwise there will be an explosion, even if I, this person is indeed a huge threat to the Navy!"

  Man Xueli looked at herself seriously, he stood not far away, at any time, I wanted to find Xia Ming who came to attack, and thought in my heart.

  Xia Ming saw the change in the eyes of Man Shirley on the other side, and immediately knew that the other side was getting more and more serious.

  Just thinking about this trick won't work anymore, but the blow just now definitely worked.

  Thinking of this, Xia Ming became more and more serious, pretended to be cold, and hummed to Man Xueli: "Then you have to be careful!"

  The water then clenched his fist, it was the water vapor that Xia Ming mobilized from all over the place, Xia Ming who kept the rippling outer disk of the quiet tornado front pool, the change of Xia Ming's fist, it seemed that there was a lot of water and turbulent waves.

  Water chaos is not only a punch, but Xia developed it with the dark power of previous martial arts.

  The water fist follows the dark power contained in Xia Ming's fist, and the attack is scattered into one.

  The water flow directly blocked Man Shirley's action space.

  Seeing this scene, the partners who did not leave were shocked.

  Although it was rare for each brother who obtained it together with the other, Xia Ming used all his abilities, and when he saw Xia Ming's full blow, his face was a little shocked, but most of it was in the happy element of shock.

  Man Shirley disappeared for a moment.

  , Because of contempt for Xia Ming, he has already lost once.

  Naturally, he would not come again, he disappeared directly in front of Xia Ming.

  "Quick, is this the Navy?"

  Shirley, who was watching at Xia Ming, suddenly disappeared from his senses

  , was suddenly startled, but he calmed down instantly, he turned around suddenly in his heart, and he began to pay attention when he saw the air flow around Wen Xi.

  Man Shirley has obtained Xia Ming's ability through several fair negotiations with Xia Ming. He will not say that the threat of the devil based on natural fruit brings the Navy. His ability is a huge threat. It would not be so easy to leave Xia Ming.

  Shirley's man appeared on the side Xia Ming used, it was difficult for ordinary people to detect the speed, pierced it at a very tricky angle, and attacked Xia Ming's ribs, which was also his dead end.

  Confident in his abilities, he believes his attack will ensure that he will be seriously injured here even if he cannot be eliminated.

  Man Xueli's speed is really fast, so that Xia Ming's color knowledge can't react, but Xia Ming instinctively likes to take a small step, the right to take a small step, but it is compared to Ren Xueli's attack on Sharp, It is clearly not enough.

  However, when Xia Ming put down this small step, his body flickered and appeared, Man Xueli suddenly felt that she had been blurred for a while, Xia Ming appeared in a place that should not have appeared, slightly deviated from the expected position.

  However, it was these extra points that made Man Shirley hit or higher and erased Xia Ming's armpits.

  "how can that be!"

  This scene fell into Man Shirley's eyes.

  As his inner shock intensified, he became more afraid of Xia Ming in front of him.

  "Luckily, I also learned about spurious steps.

  If it weren't for the visual effects caused by the stray step special effects, it would be explained here today!"

  Xia Ming watched the seal track under his armpit with a little luck, in his heart.

  Can't help thinking that Man Shirley looks scared.

  However, once Xia Ming's power turned around, his body began to hydrate, and with a little shock, he shattered the reduction marks on his body.

  Although knot reduction doesn't affect him, he always affects his behavior.

  Different from Xia Mingxing's mood, Man Xueli is unbelievable.

  He is confident in his attack.

  He never makes mistakes.

  In this case, Xia Ming will use a method he doesn't know to make himself who he is.

  The attack failed, it seems that this man is not only as simple as a pirate, but also a knowledgeable man who is already knowledgeable and should be succeeded by the strong man.

  Man Xueli carefully checked Xia Ming, and combined the Xia Ming data in her mind, she almost got a good explanation.

  The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his method was correct.

  After all, after Xia Ming went to sea, there was zero information about his hometown registration.

  Yes, there are no traces at all.

  If it was sheltered by a strong man, it would make sense that the Navy would not find the information.

  Man Shirley deserves to be selected by the Warring States and was selected as a backup candidate for the future Admiral of the Navy.

  His mind is also very flexible.

  Relying only on incomplete information from the Navy and his own speculation, he almost touched on Xia Ming's background.

  However, what he didn't know was that even though Xia Ming was the heir, that... was just the fruit of the devil, and he didn't get the professor from that strong man.

  The tricks he couldn't guess were only what Xia Ming learned from the previous Wu Lin family.


457, the real ability test! ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

457, the real ability test! ?

  "It's a distraction and a great opportunity! Twin water fountains!"

  Of course, Xia Ming didn't know that Man Xueli was thinking about his origin and background, but Xia Ming seized this opportunity and played an unusual role.

  all your power.

  With the efforts of Xia Ming's boxing, Xia Ming formed in front of the huge waves at this moment, and suddenly placed the Buddha in the general tsunami position, and suddenly rushed towards the position of Shirley Cayman, drowning Man Shirley in the huge waves.

  We must know that although water is the source of life, it nourishes all things.

  But on the contrary, water is also the king of destruction, with unparalleled destructive power and ubiquitous microscopic destructive power, which cannot be found in other eastern countries.

  "Win, beat him!"

  "Xia Ming defeated the general!"

  "we won!"

  Everyone who lived in the distance saw this scene immediately.

  Rejoiced, but only a few remained vigilant, they just saw the terribleness of the man Shirley just now, and the sea froze.

  This includes Xia Ming who made this move.

  Another major move used by Xia Ming Super, almost consumes very little energy, and quickly mobilizes the remaining internal strength, trying to restore his physical strength, and he is out of breath.

  Looking at the puddle not far away, yes, yes, the plain at this moment has become a puddle.

  He knew that Mansherry would not be defeated in such an easy way.

  Mansherry took a breath.

  It was only a brief time to breathe, a chance to escape, and only time to freeze an abatement house around him to prevent him from drowning in the surging water.

  However, Naive has no habit of staying underwater.

  If this stalemate continues, sooner or later it will run out of energy, trapped here, the body will shiver, and the coldness of the body will be removed.

  One foot on the ground, persistent cold, sudden leak.

  When Xia Ming was alert to Man Xueli's attack at any time, the puddle in front of him instantly became a reduction, and when Man Xueli stepped on the reduction block, she slowly climbed out of the ground.

  "Alara, this island is almost destroyed!"

  Man Shirley is an admiral.

  Even when he gets to this point, he still doesn't pay attention to his surroundings and says.

  Hearing Man Xueli's words, Xia Ming was moved, and when he heard the news, he immediately understood the situation on the island.

  The two natures are at war with infinite power.

  In a situation where one person has almost no power to use, this is still the case. Although Xia Ming is currently doing well, he is still not an opponent.

  Man Xueli's momentum changed again, he regained his lazy appearance again, held his breath, looked at Xia Ming cautiously in front of him, and asked: "Your performance is much better than those who are half-stepped.

  Judging by your current mobility, it seems that you have entered the micro level, but you have not yet integrated the super god.

  Obviously, this is not the micro level.

  What a strange person!"

  Xia Ming looked at Xue Li's appearance, and he became more and more nervous.

  Hearing Man Shirley's tone, he seems to have stepped into the micro level, but this is also true.

  How the Admiral has no dimensions, but microscopic

  and half step into the micro level, although this is half step before getting up, but only half step.

  The difference between the two is huge.

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