Robin looked at the intimate appearance of Xia Ming and Hancock, his mouth pouted, tasted some food, and said: "Xia Ming, you are awake, it's only Sister Hancock who just woke up, True color here!"

  Hancock saw everyone back.

  Her skin was so thin that she could no longer stay in Xia Ming.

  She ran out of Xia Ming's arms with a little effort.

  Xia Ming looked into everyone's weird eyes and explained to Robin awkwardly: "Cough, I just woke up!"

  Seeing Robin's mockery, Hancock suddenly turned red and said quickly: "Sister Robin, this is not your way!"

  Robin is also very optimistic about Hancock's personality.

  When he saw Hancock's blushing, he no longer laughed at her, but turned around and climbed onto Xia Ming's shoulder: "then what should I do, do you want me to go with you?"

  The redhead looked at Robin's active devotion and said jealously: "Ah, this bastard, Xia Ming, I'm going to kill her, I'm so envious!"

  Abis is not red-haired and has no interest in feelings, just laughing and shouting at everyone: "Haha, because Xia Ming is awake, let's go sailing and become the target meat city!"

  Helplessly said when he heard the words: "Hey, you just listen to your children"

  Xia Ming didn't care about that.

  He raised Robin's chin with one hand, smiled and said, "Hey, okay, let's flirt with you!"

  Then kiss Robin's rosy kiss.

  Gluing her lips together made Robin instantly.

  Hardened and wide-eyed, it seemed unbelievable.

  What he didn't expect was that Xia Ming was so conservative and usually kissed her in public.

  This is her beginning.

  Unexpectedly, she was just joking about Xia Ming, but what she didn't expect was that Xia Ming was really playing at this time.

462, set sail? ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

462, set sail! ?

  Hancock looked at the two of them, not jealous, but sighed inwardly: "Sister Robin is so bold!"


  The eagle's eyes glanced, muttered to himself, and fell asleep on the outside.


  , and Dino was shocked by the tenderness.

  I didn't expect Robin to have such a soft side

  After the kiss, Robin looked weak and fell into Xia Ming.

  He looked at Xia Ming and said, "Very good, ah"

  Indulge in Robin's kiss and then remember being there, all of us watching, right away.

  After driving away the embarrassed few Xia Ming, he went to the other side of Hancock.

  Xia Ming looked at everyone's strange eyes, smiled hilariously, and immediately turned to the topic and said, "Yes, I slept for a few days"

  Hancock also knew that Xia Ming was relieving the awkward atmosphere, he glared at him and said, "You have been in bed for four days!"

  Xia Ming was taken aback, but immediately calmed down and said, "It's been so long for four days, no wonder why my muscles are stiff!"

  Xia Ming didn't know that this was due to the excessive consumption of his unconscious spiritual power. Even if he himself did not feel the knowledge of the color supernatural, his spiritual power had improved a lot, which led to an improvement in his overall ability.

  Everyone quickly forgot about the embarrassment and started discussing what to do when they reached the next island.

  Xia Ming looked at the sea and had nothing to do, so he said to everyone, "It's okay.

  You are playing here now.

  I'm going to take a bath.

  It's been weird sleeping these days!"

  "We will go!"

  Hancock and Robin nodded silently when they heard Xia Ming's words, and responded to Xia Ming.

  The red hair also said to Xia Ming: "As long as you take a bath, I will prepare some nutritious meals for you.

  If you haven't eaten these days, I'll cook for you!"


  Xia Ming waved his thanks to the red hair.

  "Ah, I want to eat too!"

  As soon as he heard about the food over there, he became interested, and raised his hand, and shouted at the redhead.

  Redheads are accustomed to requests, but simply reply: "Okay, you wait here!"

  Xia Ming took off a suit of clothes from the cabin and went to the bathroom. Xia Ming looked at the clothes, and suddenly the front of his sister disappeared. It's been so long. I don't know what happened to Sister Ayu. Are you worried about yourself and Hanku? Kemo turned on the shower head, water sprayed into the body, Xia Ming came from that trace of yearning, sister Ayu has the care of her future father, King Wu Jing, and should not be bullied.

  Xia Ming and the bathroom began to recall some things from the past, saying that after my sister came to this world, the first person to let her feel her feelings was obviously Yu, who knew nothing about herself, but dared to treat this person. bring home.

  It's really interesting to think about now.

  I'm worried that I'll destroy so many pirates, causing the

  The disgusting sight made her vomit for so long before finally daring to recognize her as her brother, and without... fear, gave the sword to her family.

  You yourself need to know that if you are a general pirate hunter and find her family, you will not be satisfied.

  I really don't know her method at the time.

  Is this a relationship issue? "At the end of the journey, I went back to see you, Sister Ayu!"

  Xia Ming Bai Lebai's head, distracted his attention to his mind, he told himself.

  After all, Xia Ming is also someone who has washed his veins.

  The fuselage will not exclude the magazine at all, and there will be no dust.

  It's just a simple shower.

  Xia Ming restrained his mind and quickly ended the bath.

  Put on a piece of casual clothes and step out of the cabin.

  Because once Xia Ming stepped out of the cabin, they heard the compliments and Xia Ming raised their heads.

  They were all standing on the bow, looking at Merry.

  Xia Ming heard their screams, ran over curiously, ran to the bow, and saw the scene in front of him.

  Xia Ming also sighed excitedly, it is beautiful, this is indeed the capital of the seven waters, although I have seen it before in the animation, but it is far from the excitement of seeing it with my own eyes.

  I don't know if the capitals of these seven 7 waters are natural or man-made.

  Don't say anything, the design of the huge fountain in the center is enough to shock everyone.

  When Meri approached the capital of seven waters, people found that the civilians here were not afraid of pirates when they released Buddha, but they were very indifferent to the appearance of the party, and they seemed to be accustomed to pirates.

  These civilians see Abbis and his government directly as civilians.

  Not only are they not afraid of themselves, but they enthusiastically show the way for everyone.

  When Meri entered the backstreet of the Seven Waters, everyone sighed for the city.

  Surprisingly, this capital with seven 7 waters turned out to be a sea city, a very beautiful city.

  According to enthusiastic citizens of the seven 7-water capitals, they showed everyone their way, and it wasn't long before they found where to stop Meri.

  "Ok, let's sail!"

  Merry stopped, and Abiston called out.

  Oh, and Hawkeye, who was closest to the main mast, started pulling up the ropes, and when Hawkeye pulled up, the main mast suddenly fell, startling everyone.

  The most worried Merry saw that the Mihawk mast was broken, and immediately.

  He tensed up to Hawkeye and said, "Wow, what are you doing, you bastard?"

  When hearing the question from, Hawkeye explained by holding the fallen mast, "No, I just pulled the rope down:"

  Hawkeye was careful to straighten the mast and said a bit late, "frightened me, I have no hope of Merry being destroyed like this." When Xia Ming saw this, he walked over quickly, knocked on the main mast, and said: " You have to quickly find the best shipyard and fix it!"

463, must not be shot! !

  "it is good!"

  Mihawk is not someone who doesn't understand the situation.

  Hearing Xia Ming's words, he nodded.

  Robin frowned at the damaged Merry, frowned at everyone, and said to everyone, "Speaking of them, why don't the people in town seem to be afraid of pirates at all?"

  Hancock looked at the Seven Waters not far away and said to Robin: "For the shipyard, whether it is a pirate or a navy, as long as they come to repair the ship, they should be regarded as guests!"

  Xia Ming took out the knife box and backpack and said, "Maybe these people are used to pirates.

  Since they are the best shipyard in the world, they must come here to build ships with fewer pirates!"

  Robin groped his chin and said, "The city may also have bodyguards to fight powerful pirates!"

  "All right,"

  Each of Robin's explanations was considered to have won skepticism and nodded.

  The redhead agreed with his face, saying: "It's no surprise to have such a great city!"

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