Xia Ming looked at the power that disappeared in place!"

  Even though Oz's speed was several times faster than now, he still didn't escape Xia Ming's feeling.

  at this

  On the fog-shrouded island, this is Xia Ming's home, which saves time and energy by using experience.

  "Water fist big waves!"

  Xia Ming's voice didn't drop, it just disappeared suddenly in that place, but the sound spread clearly in the area.

  The voice was weak and there was no trace.

  There seems to be a voice on all sides.

  As the voice dropped, Xia Ming appeared a few dozen meters away from the position where he just stood.

  Watching Oz raise his fist in front of his fist, his shoulders shook slightly, and a majestic explosion exploded in an instant, completely replacing the previous fist.

  Lazy breathing.

  Xia Ming's palm has been waved at this time, and a violent turbulent wave suddenly appeared in front of them, just like a huge natural disaster that suddenly appeared, roared and slapped in front of them.

  "A super rally is not a super rally, but it's still a jet gun:!"

  Oz's response was unpleasant.

  When he changed his tactics, he saw huge waves suddenly appear in front of him, enough to devour himself.

  His stance changed, his fist sticking out like a bullet from a machine gun.

  The fist slammed into the huge wave in front of him.

  The speed of the spray gun was extremely strong, and the air waves it produced even slightly blocked Xia Ming's towering waves.

  "A praying arm is a car, it's ridiculous!"

  Xia Ming looked at Oz, his fist fell on the big waves like raindrops, and smiled disdainfully at his.

  You must know that the fist of this fist is from Aquarania in the city of seven waters, and what I have learned from the above is definitely stronger than that.

  If natural disasters were so easy to resist, things wouldn't be too much.

  The airwaves from Oz's airbrush punch slightly blocked the huge waves in front of him, and he could no longer stop the surging waves.

  He blasted out of the air, knocking Oz into it.

  "Super Rally though not Super Bounce, Tomahawk!"

  With a loud bang, Xia Ming was kicked out of the air by Oz, the ground exploded, and Xia Ming was exposed, still unharmed.

  Xia Ming watched the sound of the explosion land, put his foot on Oz who was calling him, and said to himself: "I didn't consider your speed, I even avoided the waves.

  "Water Fist Crazy Dragon Sky"

  Xia Ming looked at Oz, who kicked over with the help of the descending troops.

  Xia Ming did not evade, and proposed a situation of improvement.

  Xia Ming slammed his fist, and the body was submerged in the flood.

  He immediately.

  Arrive at Oz.

  The floods formed a huge, gigantic dragon that headed straight for Oz.

  Since Xia Ming started to do it, he will never show mercy.

  Dragon immediately.

  He stood beside Oz.

  Before he could respond, he followed his legs down, immediately.

  covered by it.

  Next to the cover, tightly wrap the Wizard of Oz Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collection, recommendation,

479, the follow-up of the world! ?

  ",Can't move!"

  Oz looked at the entangled body, struggled, and said dully.

  "Can't move, how can it be so simple"

  Xia Ming looked at the wicked, wry smile that was struggling in the air, but couldn't get rid of Oz.

  "Reduce punch slip reduction!"

  Waiting for his words to finish, he raised his fist in the cold and hit the ground hard.

  As Xia Ming's fist fell, the violent cooling energy exploded.

  A few tens of meters around Xia Ming, the waves were only instantly reduced by the laid-off Xia Ming, and the smashed and violent force exploded, forming hundreds of slender ghost knives, carrying a cold reduction like frost reduction.

  Fly around.

  Suddenly, the water-filled area became: shiny, shiny, and a deep cold enveloped it, completely freezing the area of ​​rice.

  Oz looked at the trap Xia Ming set for him below.

  Even if he was slow to respond, he knew he was in a very bad situation.

  If he allowed himself to fall from the sky to the ground, there would be no death.

  "Damn, I don't want to be pulled by you, super pull though not super pull, balloon!"

  Ozzy struggled and struggled, unable to get rid of Chi Peng's restraint, and was finally forced to breathe and swelled his stomach.

  With a loud bang, Oz's massive body turned into a huge balloon at once, and Chi Peng, who was restricting his movements, was also released.


  Oz also has the wisdom of Abyss transformation.

  Looking at the blade near him, his stomach sighed and his head spit out to the ground.

  The body also uses this reaction force to fly into the air.

  Under Xia Ming's feet, he gently slipped on the tip of the slippery shoe.

  Looking at Oz's movements, he had to sigh that Oz's reaction was really fast, but it was far from over.

  When Xia Ming's voice sounded, there was a loud noise next to Xia Ming, and the waves were rippling.

  Watching Oz fly into the air, he slammed into it.

  The air hummed and the waves roared, heading straight for Oz.

  Xia Ming once again condensed the turbulent waves, and the power was even higher than before.

  One-sided rhythm.

  "Super rally, although not a super rally!"

  "What the hell did Moria do to have a body designed for him based entirely on Abyss's shadow?"

  This is completely inconsistent with the original version, which is the reason for this kind of butterfly. A loud noise is enough to make the people around him deaf, and the surging wave of Xia Ming is repelled by Oz.

  It landed on the ground with a thud, and the island trembled violently.

  When I wake up, I feel like there's a chance of collapse and split.

  "Well, it's actually the opposite. In this case, I can also use its tricks."

  Xia Ming looked at the overwhelming wave of Oz.

  In fact, he was rushing back, and there were not too many surprises. After all, Xia Ming abyss, he still knew his ability, he raised his right hand and shouted, "Come on, Yuan Dao!"

  The myth of the Nine Snake Island.

  Heavy water is still the heaviest magic water in the world, one point can reach a ton! Heavy water is just the water in the world, which condenses into one yuan of heavy water.

  Xia Ming also hopes to use this name to encourage himself, so that he can achieve the ability of that state, so that every drop of water in the body can reach the state of one yuan heavy water.

  Under Xia Ming's voice, water kept pouring out of his right palm, and his right hand appeared, the head, which was a huge fish-head knife about ten meters long and six feet wide.

  Xia Ming once thought about this, let go of the six swords in his hand, and devoted himself to developing his own strong ability and going his own way. The new one should not imitate others.

  As soon as the redhead was about to move the jib, he noticed that the wind had changed, and immediately set out to collect electricity to the headquarters.

  Seeing this person here, coupled with Xia Ming's actions, Hancock's heart clicked a clear understanding, no wonder Xia Ming didn't answer her original goal of standing here.

  Without waiting for Xia Ming to speak first, he stood up and asked him from the side Xia Ming, "You are the pastor"

  The pastor still didn't hear Hancock's question.

  He stopped, crossed his arms, stared at Hancock, and said nothing.

  Hancock is not the color knowledge Xia Ming, Gedaz did not hear the sound, just looked at the front face of the high priest and kept provoking, Hancock's temper was not good, an angry expression appeared, and yelled at him: you Talk, you bastard!"

  Odin, who is behind, he directed at the sight: "Master, you cannot speak without your voice, and no one can hear you!"

  After hearing the reminder, I realized that I lowered my head and said, "I forgot, I'm really confused."

  When Hancock heard his words, provocative power continued to erupt on his forehead. Seeing this scene, you knew that the anger in Hancock's heart had reached its limit, facing the curse in front of Gaidaz: "Bastard, how dare you play me?"

  On the side Xia Ming or against Hancock reminded: "Hancock! He is four 44 neurotics who have changed into a thousand poses. He just said to himself that it is not only a color that can be heard by people who know it."

  "Okay, Qinghai people, I didn't expect you to know the heart network, but this does not prevent your fate.

  This area is under my control.

  Here I buried a swamp cloud.

  I can't escape on my own. Yes, the survival rate of this place is only, to put on trial!" With a snort, he explained it to the two, saying that he slowly sank into the dark clouds.

  Hancock heard him, watched him sink into the swamp, blinked, and said Shen Shen, "Swamp swamp can you avoid that sinking thing, can you?"

  What Xia Ming saw was that Hancock had entered a state, no longer disturbing her, but stood quietly, ready to watch the two people fighting.

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