
  "The major general was killed by pirates!"

  Xia Ming wiped out the main major in front of him, immediately hitting the momentum of death, like pouring a basin of cold water, immediately awakening those naval soldiers.

  "Xia Ming's ability to become stronger is actually a trick to get rid of the major general!"

  Seeing Xia Ming's ability to improve his speed, Hancock suddenly felt a light wind blowing from the pressure, he didn't expect Xia Ming to be released so far.

  Robin and Hancock had very different attitudes, and said with a smile: "It's really the one I like, hehe"

497, wait for you to beat me!

  The rest of the partners, probably only Hawkeye and Redhead, felt the speed of Xia Ming's adaptability improved, but their performances were similar.

  They thought it was too common.

  How could a man elected to be a general, or even a major general, fail to defeat it.

  Some Xia Ming people cheered a few numbers, Xia Ming once again led the main kill, and soon the soldiers' warships and schools will be heaven or expelled.

  "Everyone has no facts.

  This is great!"

  Dino ran to everyone and glanced quickly at everyone.

  He found no major wounds and was relieved.

  "Wow, Miss Robin"

  The redhead saw that Robin calmed down, and suddenly many red hearts suddenly appeared, and ran away excitedly.


  Hearing the redhead's shout, Robin immediately.

  Diverted Dino's attention.

  Dino took a step forward.

  He hugged Robin excitedly, letting the redhead catch the air and land on the outside.

  "it is good!"

  Hawkeye, who didn't like to talk, also nodded to Robin. Obviously, everyone who Robin sacrificed was recognized by Leng Dao's disability.

  "Robin, I'll get you that and let you do it!"

  Xia Ming suddenly saw who was thrown into a corner outside and patted his head.

  "That's it!"

  Robin saw his pain. Although Robin was not very cold, it didn't arouse any interest at all. After all, Xia Ming and others started it long ago and did not cause Robin to suffer the pain of the original.

  Of course, I can't take revenge.

  "Why do you keep that... rubbish just kill it!"

  Hancock is different from Robin.

  It's not easy to deal with.

  With the flash of light, being screamed he screamed.



  Robin couldn't help but want Hancock to do his job, and faced Hancock Road, crying thank you.

  Hancock shook his head slightly, nothing, turned his head and saw that Xia Ming's expression was not relaxed.

  At this time, Xia Ming and Hawkeye had already jumped out of the warship and slowly climbed up the stairs along the stairs.

  When Mihawk chooses a warship, he just chooses another warship.

  If he directly broke into the wanted fleet, he feared that he would not be able to insist on the support of Xia Ming and others.

  Therefore, it would be pointless to eliminate the navy on the ship.


  "Xia Ming, Eagle Eye!"

  Seeing the two of them, Mihawk also jumped down and quickly followed.

  Each followed a few followers, jumped off the warship, and ran to a bridge above the stairs.

  When everyone ran up, they saw an extremely cruel scene.

  The cannons constantly surrounded by warships bombed the island of justice, and the island of justice was gradually destroyed by artillery shells.

  "It's just that we're safe here and not attacking Nicole Robin should be a big order," Field said.

  He carefully observed the bombed buildings around him.

  "Then why don't you enter the bridge now?"

  Not stupid, the words came out, he immediately.


  Eagle eyes stared, which clearly indicated the Navy's: "Don't let her die, it means she still wants to bring her back!"

  "After the island of justice has been completely destroyed, you plan to fight Nico Robin hand to hand.

  , do you serve?"

  Field said, quietly watching the shelled island of justice.

  Mihawk is also aware

  The situation is not good: the situation seems to be a little unfavorable, everyone's physical strength is a little out of reach, and there are some masters on the warship!"

  "Anyway, we have to stand still.

  This warship is our retreat route.

  We must reserve a retreat route for Abyss!"

  Xia Ming took off the waist of the wine gourd, took a sip of the red wine, and let the Buddha go.

  The greatest difficulties have been foreseen.


  The red-haired Sawfield's face suddenly changed: ugly, asked with a careful voice.

  Field suddenly remembered what Mihawk had told him.

  To save him, his younger brothers came to the Island of Justice.

  In this case, the Isle of Justice has been destroyed and they will survive.


  Just as Field's face turned ugly, Robin's phone bug rang suddenly.

  "Hello, phone bug, who is it?"

  Confused, Robin took the phone bug from the phone.

  His phone number was little known, and when he pressed the wrong switch on the phone, he heard Coco's voice.

  His voice came over: "Du Juan, it's you!"

  Field heard her voice, then let out a spirit, "It's Coco!"

  Coco's mother-in-law is still alive.

  His brother is not dead yet.

  He immediately snatched the phone bug from Robin and asked, "How are you, dear little brothers"

  "Well, haha, we escaped Judiciary Island by train.

  Don't worry about us!"

  Luo's ebullient voice came from a phone error.

  "Brother, come on!"

  "Brother, don't worry about us!"

  Then, it was the call of his dear brother.

  Hearing these loud voices, Field's drooping heart suddenly fell back and cried: "Oh, you bastards are not very good!"

  Still remember the two giants who rebelled: "Are you together?"

  "We're fine!"

  Casio Immo's loud voice comes from the phone bug.

  Xia Ming nodded and wiped the stain on his lips: "Okay, don't worry now!"

  Hancock admits: "They know how to go forward and backward and know that staying will get us in trouble!"

  Robin brought back the phone bug from Field and continued: "Great, Coco Ronaldo, you're the first to escape Justice Island, we'll find a way out, and we'll catch up in a while!"

  "Sister Pirate, you must come back safely! Meow"

  Qi Mengni and Kunbei also reconciled beside Coco.

  "Well, we'll be back safely!"

  Robin answered, then hung the bug on the phone.

  As the cell phone bug Robin hung up, the sound of shells exploding sounded next to the bridge of the bridge.

  It seems right that the warship wanted finally wiped out the island of justice and brought his attention.

  The ten warships on the wanted list are indeed the elite of the Admiralty.

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