At this point, the island of justice has been destroyed.

  The power to suppress the super god has long since disappeared.

  Xia Ming's super god has also been mobilized.

  When the generals came, Xia Ming noticed that although he was in a hurry, he couldn't solve the problem in such a hurry.

  Xia Ming felt completely anxious at this time.

  With the urgency of the war, his thoughts became clearer.

  Internal forces seemed to have played a role, his mind turned quickly, and a solution was quickly considered.

  "There is no match!"

  Suddenly, Xia Ming's body shone instantly, and the surrounding Xia Ming returned to the sky with the swirling current. With the enhancement of Xia Ming's ability, the in-depth study of the fruit-bearing ability, and the comprehension of swordsmanship, it not only has the same defensive ability, but also Has the attack power of a giant spiral pill.

505, master the amazing power!

  Xia Ming thus defended Hall's barbell Grant's joint attack, and even Xia Ming pressed Hall's barbell Grant's three-person 3 out of his side by virtue of the elasticity of the rotation.

  Looking at the three 3 Sea Kings in front of him, Xia Ming's expression gradually calmed down from anxiety, he looked at it freely and said: "If you have more lice, don't be afraid to bite.

  bring it on!"

  The barbell man tossed the knife in his hand, looked at Xia Ming and said with disdain: "arrogant!"

  The barbell man is the sea king, and naturally has its proud capital, even if they don't use its ability.

  Even so, the barbell didn't stop the Major General who walked over with himself.

  After all, the major general can not only attract most of Xia Ming's combat power, but also reduce the time to capture Xia Ming.

  When Xia Ming's expression changed, the momentum on his body exploded immediately.

  As the kinetic energy of his body exploded, the demon in him also appeared.

  Evil spirits are not, they cannot be accumulated through killing, but are determined according to individual determination.

  Whoever major general thought about the evil spirit, Xia Ming and the pirate chief hall were inexplicably nervous in their hearts.

  They seem to open something that shouldn't normally be opened, but this method was quickly obsoleted by them.

  They only trust their hearts.

  Absolute justice.

  , Xia Ming's body flexibility exceeded everyone's expectations.

  In Xia Ming they imagined, but not destroyed by their blows connected with Xia Ming flash.

  Major General, besiege three 3 Sea Kings.

  Xia Ming ignored their surprise at his actions.

  When the body moves, the six-handled is like a sea whale in his hands, and brings a flicker of light down between dancing, like a soul fighting rune.

  The major general next to him was omitted.

  "Pop poop!"

  Xia Ming's prediction was correct, so these major generals, due to the influence of the war on the Sea King, Xia Ming's arms were deformed and twisted, which avoided guarding in front of the Sea King. Lu He judged, cut into slices by shape, whether Xia Ming's two four-knife hand knives were the sharpest weapons.

  "Shadows are scary!"

  Grant did not expect that Xia Ming would destroy a major general under his nose, this is definitely his shame.

  The knife in his left hand shook and punched Li Feng.


  "Don't think I'm a bully!"

  The battle became more and more intense, which also aroused Xia Ming's madness, which was an arrogant temper.

  After some depression, I didn't expect to be inspired by these people again.

  When I think of Xia Ming here, I only feel creaking.

  A door seemed to have opened, and my mind immediately.

  clear up.

  After being in a state of depression for a long time, I immediately felt that I was about to explode, and even the internal power of the body was running rapidly.

  After a while, the critical point was reached, and the third pulse of the eight-odd meridian was immediately interrupted.

  Although it's a long process, it's not done, and done without any knowledge of ghosting.

  After the breakthrough was completed, Xia Ming raised his head and found that the appearance of the naval king around him had changed.

  Grateful expression.

  Xia Ming's expression changed

  , Hall's sharp mind also found that he couldn't figure it out.

  An anxious look turned into gratitude for the loss.

  Xia Ming couldn't tell them, found the original idea, the chicken broke through the hands of the ruler Lu Lu, turned around, and stabbed Yi Liao with two knives under his feet, ignoring Major General Sea King's eyes, and left towards Grant Clive.

  With a cold sigh, a trace of mockery flashed in Grant's eyes.

  Although Xia Ming's ability is good, he also compared with his peers.

  "Armed Colors!"

  Feeling the strange aura, Xia Ming suddenly sobered up, not afraid to give another example, but was very excited, and sent out the desire to fight from the heart, the method of the double-blade posture is not to change, to be straight.

  Xia Mingbangbang felt his hands numb to death. The moment he ruled Grant, he collided violently with Zhan Lu. The huge Fan Zhenli almost sold the sword in both hands. He saw that terrifying black fist slapped at him, and then his body twisted and his right leg was slapped. The blowing snow hits again.

  "You're so careless, slash!"

  The figure of the barbell suddenly rang from Xia Ming's side, immediately.

  Shocked Xia Ming, Ling Ranqi, the empty carrier, also cracked in the past.

  Things have changed in the battle, in a blink of an eye, Xia Ming blinked to deal with the past, the six treasured swords on his body collided with the sea king and crashed.

  The roar of the roar sounded, the violent waves spread out, and the ground was lifted up on the ground, Xia Ming spurted out a stream of blood, the whole body felt a lot of pain, his body joints were disorganized a lot, and his ribs were also used.

  The clumsy Major General interrupted a lot.

  "I'm not going to give up on this, let's show you how crazy people got my face back, water fists, all fists!"

  When Xia Ming was hit and flew away, he didn't wait for his body to fall.

  He slammed the Major General with two punches.

  The two punches hit the air with a thud, as if they were hitting the real thing.


  Due to the breakthrough of internal force, it has raised the grade.

  The sound of chanting spread, and Xia Ming waved two punches, when they relaxed and screamed out, the second general got close to Xia Ming's head and directly hit You Xia Ming.

  The sound of the explosion was the strength of the two fists, causing Xia Ming to violently fall out. Xia Ming bleeds again, and then turned over and jumped from the ground.

  Even the blood on his mouth doesn't care about him, seems to have been hurt.

  Not yourself "crazy!"

  Hall looked at Xia Ming like this, destroyed a thousand enemies, injured [-] fighting methods, and gained his title.

  Hearing his title, Xia Ming showed a crazy smile, looked at the three sea kings and seven generals in front of him, and said, "Hey, thank you for your compliment, I thank you very much, you inspired me.

  My temper is crazy!"

  The three 3 Sea Kings looked at Xia Ming's crazy expression, frowned slightly, did not speak, and quietly waited for Xia Ming's next word.

  In any case, at this point, he also reached the end of it and couldn't find much spray.

  When he tried to take a deep breath, the strong smell of blood was sucked into his lungs, Xia Ming said happily: "It's been so many years, I almost forgot the madness before.

  I thought those things made me lose myself and my temper, didn't expect, didn't expect to be inspired by you again, haha"

506, the power of the elements! ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

506, the power of the elements! ?

  Although Xia Ming is crazy, it doesn't mean his brain is stupid.

  As he spoke, he was secretly lucky to recover and adapt.

  He is not a stubborn person.

  He still needs to adjust and needs to rest.

  The most recent kill has consumed most of his stamina and stamina.

  There is anger.

  Looking at Xia Ming looking like the vicissitudes of death, the barbell suddenly said: "You just deliberately let me and Grant Sea King hit you!"

  After Xia Ming heard his question, he said secretly in his heart.

  Although he made a breakthrough, he did not bring much internal support to Xia Ming, but consumed a lot of internal strength.

  His procrastination is in line with Xia Ming's method.

  My heart was overjoyed, but with a crazy expression on my face, I said, "I didn't expect you to be stupid and didn't let you fight on purpose, how could I take this opportunity to destroy the two generals!"

  Grant was nervous when he heard the barbell man talking to Xia Ming, he didn't dare to transcend the stunned fear, not afraid of life, a crazy person, but he could be more reckless with his extraordinary style of play.

  Looking at Xia Ming's madness, he chanted for a while, and said in surprise: "You have mastered the super god!"

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