Holding an empty shark in one hand, Abis kept biting and eating, and he mumbled, "It's delicious! You eat too!"

  Robin sighed helplessly: "Really, you can eat anything!"

  He said, "We are not as good as you!"

  Xia Ming looked around and said to everyone, "Yes, please take a moment to describe your experience and see if there is any important information!"

  The first to stand up and tell everyone about the experience of the three of them and the battle process.

  "Ah, Mihawk, aren't you bragging this time?"

  Hawkeye mocked Mihak in disbelief.

  When he heard the words, he immediately.

  Angrily, "Yes, you don't believe in asking redheads!"

  The redhead was preparing dinner when he heard Mihawk say, "As much as I hate to admit it, it's really Mihawk!"

  Xia Ming pays attention to Mihawk's fighting process.

  After listening to Mihawk, he couldn't help but praise him and said to him: "Mihawk, you are really nice.

  You have mastered the devil's fruit so quickly.

  It's hard to realize this is hard to achieve.

  Partial demonization of animals by the animal department.

  Hearing Xia Ming's praise, Mihawk felt that he was almost floating in the air, and said proudly: "Of course, I am a brave man at sea, Mihawk!"

  After listening to Mihawk's explanation, Xia Ming looked at Dino again, Dino nodded, and recounted his experience.

  Xia Ming nodded, looked at Dino's ashamed look, and praised: "! You have become too strong, and the ball can turn blue, it's really amazing."

  After hearing the words of Xia Ming, Dino immediately.

  Shaking his body, he said, "Really, even if you say that, I won't be happy, you bastard!"


  Everyone looked at Dina and shook his head helplessly, really not good at covering up his emotions! Dino suddenly remembered something and asked Xia Ming: "Ah, yes, all my injuries are alright, aren't they? "

  Xia Ming didn't answer, but asked Dino directly: "Oh, what's the result of your own inspection?"

  Dino shook his head and said, "I didn't check!"

  Xia Ming thought for a while, and explained to Dino: "Well, in this case, I think it should be a good thing.

  The energy hidden in the golden horn of the unicorn lion can not only repair injuries, but also strengthen your body along the way.

  Your body! Even if you get hurt in the future, you can recover quickly on your own!"

512, the shadows are heavy! ?

  Dino heard Xia Ming's words and said happily: "Really, that's great!"

  Mihawk heard Xia Ming's words and said enviously: "Wow, so envious!"

  Robin also told everyone: "Everyone has been through this battle.

  We found out that the island is actually part of Gaya Island.

  The land of gold does not sink into the sea, but floats in the air!"

  Pretend to say clearly: "Oh, this island is the home of gold that Montblanc has been looking for!"

  Abbas threw the skeleton of the big fish in his hand and exclaimed: "No"

  Robin clapped Abyss with a helpless hand and said, "Hey, you're slow!"

  Abbeth stood up and said excitedly, "Hey Kim, I've been waiting for this adventure, so excited!"

  Robin replied: "So I have to go, didn't I tell you earlier!"

  Robin remembered what Xia Ming said, and said with a smile, "Hehe, it looks interesting!"

  Hancock nodded and said, "Yes, it's a worthwhile adventure!"

  The redhead put away the cooker and said, "For a pirate, as long as there is treasure in front of you, you can't ignore it!"

  Xia Ming lay on the suitcase, looked at the fire in the middle, and said, "God killed him, my ability should be improved!"

  Hawkeye grinned and said: "The enemy is also very strong, so it is difficult, really happy!"

  Mihawk shrugged and said, "Yes, I also want to see what the power of God is."

  Dino looked at everyone and said to him, "I'll try to help everyone!"

  Abis listened to everyone's opinion, smiled, and announced to everyone: "Ahahaha, well, let's go, find the gold!"

  Everyone's opinion is very unified, Captain Abbes has also made a decision, everyone is waiting for tomorrow's adventure, but now the most important thing is to prepare dinner and red hair, to assign tasks to expel everyone, to find some viable edible fruit, etc.

  After all, the redhead is the cook, we both grudgingly accepted, assigned some tasks, Mihawk carried his giant slingshot to find good wood, Hancock escorted Robin to town, the pure abyss was chaotic , no one took him there, left him there, and Robin was there to sort out his navigation map.

  Xia Ming walked back effortlessly, carrying a large basket of fruits, two hares came to the red hair and said, "I found these, where are they?"

  The redhead cooked the fish on the cutting board and said, "Well, it's hard, throw the fruit into the pot and the hare gave it to me!"


  Xia Ming responded, pulling the red hair next to the rabbit, opening the lid, and throwing fruit.

  Xia Ming just finished eating, and Hawkeye and Dino also came back, holding hands with some food, such as walnuts and aloe vera, behind Hawkeye with frogs and mice, the redhead should be crying, and even directly asked them to throw the food in pot.

  Robin raised his head curiously, saw the frog in Hawkeye's hands, ran over angrily, hit them with a stick, and then yelled at the redhead: "Can this thing be eaten?"

  The redhead immediately cheered: "Robin.

  I know, pay attention next time!"

  Then Hancock and Robin also came back, Hancock was jumping with some empty fish, Robin was holding a shiny crystal in his hand, Robin saw Robin's hand, he was shining," Luo Bing, what is that, gem"

  With a fish in hand, Hancock went over to the redhead, put the fish on his menu board, and went only to Robin.

  Robin smiled at Robin's words and said, "It's beautiful, but unfortunately not!"

  But the redhead saw what was in Robin's hand, and said in surprise, "It's salt crystals, you're amazing, Miss Robin!"

  Robin smiled and said: "I was fishing with Hancock at the lake

  When I discovered it, it was so easy to cook with!"

  The rabbit in the red-haired chef's hands nodded and said, "Yes, this is the salt that is closely related to our lives!"

  After the conversation, I ate the food and put everything in the pot and simmered.

  Looking at the eagle eye is nothing but boring, let the eagle eye, with the help of the past, take the knife and bake it on the fire, when the temperature of the gem is reached, it is thrown directly into the stone in the pot.

  To the curious eyes of Abyss, the redhead's cooking is pretty much the same.

  Xia Ming saw who was carrying the wooden altar and shouted directly to him: "Okay, stop now, wait until after dinner"

  "alright, I got it!"

  He responded, let go of his work, and slid off the Xia Ming ice bridge.

  The two returned, the redhead was distributing food to everyone, everyone received their own food, and everyone found a place to sit.

  The redhead was disappointed by the heart-shaped carrots his Mihawk and Tino both ate.

  Robin sat next to Xia Ming with food and started a battle meeting.

  Although Mihawk's abilities have improved, his good nature has not diminished in the slightest.

  A pair of brave dragon eyes looked at them and made a frightening voice: "Stupid people, get out of here, this is my hometown, don't disturb me, or I will eat you!"

  Hearing that Mihawk was full of demons, and then a feeling of fear, suddenly took over their hearts, though those with anger were full of rage against the blood.

  But they will inevitably be humanized, watching Mihawk reveal his true body, drop the weapon directly in his hand, and scare away.

  Worthy of being the king of words, just one sentence, coupled with a horrible appearance directly overshadows those ignorant villagers.

  "Oh well done, it's easier to do this!"

  Xia Ming saw the farce, and walked away in grief, took a sip of wine, and nodded with satisfaction.

  The good method is sometimes more effective than the elimination method, although this is just Mihawk's lying instinct.

  "Xia Ming, these people actually want to shoot in the Golden Horn.

  It looks like something happened to Abyss, or you can't find it here, or you should go and see it first!"

  Mihawk looked at those who were scared away.

  The villagers left the coast and recovered, looking up at Xia Ming, who was watching a movie there.

  After Mihawk finished speaking, Xia Ming stopped drinking, stuffed the wine gourd in, and tied it around his waist, just watching Mihawk wondering if he wanted to go back.

  Thinking that Xia Ming was worried about his hesitation, he continued: "Don't worry, come to me, I will protect him better."

  "Okay, I'll go see if there's a phone loophole!"

  Now that Mihawk said this, looking at the dark sky, no longer wanted to stay here, nodded and turned into a stream of water and left.

  Then, fly to the place where you just found someone breathing.

  "hey what are you doing"

  Zai Xia Ming didn't know where he flew, just looked at the sky.

  Hawkeye fights a group of boatmen in a yard.

  Xia Ming asked the people below curiously.

  Looking into the eyes of Robin who fought with the eagle, he heard the sound from the air, immediately.

  He raised his head: "Ah, Xia Ming, why are you here?"

  Xia Ming looked around.

  Aside from Hawkeye who was fighting there, only Dino was next to Robin.

  Xia Ming turned around, seemingly beside Robin Dino, and asked: "Yes, I'm worried that you will let me take a look, he also has a number, yes, Hancock and the redhead?"

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