Redhead watched his partner disappear from his eyes, kicking Big Ben angrily in the neck.

  With a loud bang, there was a sound of metal slamming, and that big ben turned around without changing his face, watching the red hair attack back, but that... the red hair fell from the air because of the pain in the foot, and big ben stretched out One hand slaps the fly, I slap it towards free fall.

  There was a humming sound, and there was a splash of air, and the red hair disappeared into the air.

  "You're done!"

  What Xia Ming saw when he was flying in the air was here, he slammed this side, slammed the ground violently to create a deep hole, but Xia Ming didn't take care of it at all. With this, the big sword turned and the head was chopped by the rotating force. .

  Big Ben didn't even look at attacking Xia Ming here, and disappeared again, letting Xia Ming slash in the air, and Xia Ming who lost his strength, smashed directly to the ground.


  Seriously injured Xia Ming can't maintain hydration at all.

  It was just this shock that made Xia Ming bleed.

  Big Ben's real ability may be stronger than Xia Ming's ability, Xia Ming belongs to the junior general, but he can't win Xia Ming for the time being, but he deliberately avoided Xia Ming, Xia Ming couldn't catch him with him at all.

  "damn it!"

  Xia Ming endured the physical pain, turned and jumped from the ground, and then chased a pedestrian place towards Rumsfeld.

  "Did the gods appear?"

  At the scene, who is getting farther and farther, the abnormal form he just discovered is here, when he exclaimed, he saw Xia Ming's appearance.

  "You three leave!"

  Xia Ming rushed to the scene, and the others, roaring at them.

  Xia Ming's voice did not drop, and Big Ben appeared at the scene in front of him, at the party.

  Big Ben's momentary movement sucks.

  Magellan saw the big Ben suddenly appear in front of him, his expression stagnated, then he took a step back and rushed forward: "Danger, you will leave here soon, even if I die, I will protect you! "

  Magellan said nothing, she was in front of Robin and Magellan to allow enough time to escape.

  Robin saw his action and immediately.

  He stopped and said, "Magellan, don't do stupid things!"

531, amazing air waves! ?

  It was too late for Robin's words.

  Big Ben shouted at Magellan, who had hedged against him, and Magellan immediately disappeared from their eyes.


  Abis crawled out the door and saw Magellan disappeared.

  His expression suddenly changed, and with a loud bang, his right foot kicked off.

  The other party disappeared again.

  Abyss never again....

  Abyss's heart was furious and rushed towards Big Ben like thunder.

  "Super Rally Airbrush"

  Abis stretched out his fist, broke the air barrier, and rushed towards Big Ben's face.

  Big Ben raised his right hand expressionlessly and blocked Abyss's fist.

  Abyss's fist reflected like a light on a mirror.

  Field took off the leather glove of his right fist and waved his fist on his face: "Come on, pick up your right fist!"

  Field attacked, punching Big Ben in the face.

  Big Ben didn't get in the way and slammed Big Ben in the face with no damage.

  Big Ben suddenly appeared on the side of Rumsfeld's torso, slapped the scene with a palm,,,, for the scene, the chain of flying fists turned back and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

  "Death to me!"

  Xia Ming appeared from Big Ben, jumping high, while the black blade cut to the back of Big Ben's head.

  Big Ben immediately avoided Xia Ming's sword, appeared in front of Robin, and Xia Ming was chopped into pieces.

  Xia Mingjian fell to the ground, and a terrifying crack appeared on the ground.


  The violent counterattack made Xia Ming spit out a mouthful of blood again, without looking, he looked around.

  Robin looked at the big Ben that appeared in front of him, his heart was full of weakness, he stretched out his left hand and asked Abyss for help: "Abis, help"

  After waiting, he was photographed by the big book.

  rose and disappeared.

  Braving the rapids, Abliss jumped abruptly in front of Big Ben and punched him again.

  Xia Ming went straight to the full force in the full force explosion, and even exceeded it.

  Big Ben didn't hit him on purpose, he just disappeared in this place suddenly.

  Abis lost his target and threw his fist into the air.

  His body flew out of control to the ground.

  stand up.

  Such as Big Ben, like hide and seek to avoid Xia Ming's abyss attack, it appeared in front of Eagle's eyes when he saw his huge figure, struggling to get up from the ground, and now it is a difficult task for him to even stand up, not to mention Said to fight back.

  Big Ben didn't even look at Hawkeye, he looked like an angry King Kong, his palm facing Hawkeye was shot down, and Hawkeye suddenly disappeared.

  Seeing the disappearance of Hawkeye, Xia Ming's rebellion disappeared.

  Even though I know my partner is not in danger, I don't want to see my partner disappear from my eyes.

  I will try my best to protect my partner.

  In the end, nothing changed.

  Xia Ming "bashed"

  Spitting blood, he got up from the top, looking at it from a distance.

  The sharp knife in his hand fell to the ground, suddenly turned into a stream of water, and shot him.

  : "Take care of yourself, I will come as soon as possible"

  "Your hard work finally pays off!"

  No other Xia Ming finished speaking, Bell appeared in Xia

  Behind Ming, he hit Xia Ming with his palm.

  At this time, Xia Ming was full of bitterness and unwillingness to resist.

  I hope Big Ben doesn't shoot himself too far, his eyes are dark and his consciousness is gone.

  "Xia Ming!!"

  Only when he heard the conscious existence disappear before Abyss's hoarse cry, once Xia Ming was very guilty, he should not let Abyss take everything, blaming himself for his poor ability.

  I don't know how long it took, a large-sized bubble flew in the air, and a man in a suit suddenly opened his eyes.

  The pupils inside were exposed, his eyes were a little confused, and he didn't seem to understand his current situation.

  Eyes turned sharply, looked around, and saw the clouds quickly recede, for a while, then reflected back with a bitter smile, I never imagined such a day! "Bump"

  The power of Big Ben's shock wave is very powerful.

  It hit the top of an island without causing any slight snag, and the cut didn't diminish.

  Xia Ming closed his eyes, sank his thoughts into his meridian, felt enough internal force inside, smiled slightly, not to mention his injury, but the inner force of this small weekly cycle was completely made up for , enough to get rid of Big Ben's shackles.

  "Vortex Explosion!"

  Although Xia Ming's body was fixed by the shock wave, it would not prevent Xia Ming from gaining other outlets.

  While others may not have a way, as a department of nature, he has a way.

  Using his physical strength, a trace of invisible ripples flickered on the surface of the body, the body suddenly hydrated, and the body slowly turned into a vortex, spinning slowly and quickly.


  Xia Ming sang loudly, suddenly opened his eyes, and fell violently.

  Peng Peng suddenly turned his body into countless swirling water columns and hit the surrounding air waves.

  If someone is in the air at this time, you will see a water balloon flying calmly in the air, and suddenly several swirling water columns emerge from the water as if pierced, and then shoot out.

  "Wow! It seems that my ability is not satisfactory.

  No wonder the monkeys look down on me!"

  Xia Ming floated in the clouds, remember, it's just a useless trick.


  Xia Ming hadn't thought about it for a long time, and the serious injury to the back of the fuselage appeared.

  He moved his internal organs in protest, bleeding.

  "You must heal your wounds first!"

  Xia Ming wiped blood from his and flew over the island just passing by when he turned around.

  Xia Ming flew over the island, looked down at the island below, looked very calm, just wanted to know if there were turbulent undercurrents hidden under the calm surface.

  Currently, I can't take care too much.

  I have to find a place to deal with the hurt.

  Where the eye sees, I choose a relatively stable mountain and land on it.

  Xia Ming landed a heavy punch on the ground and didn't say a word, and he didn't know what danger he was on the nameless island.

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