people, this kind of damage has never been achieved.


  "Do you still want to stand up?"

  Seeing Xia Ming fall to the ground, his body trembling became more and more obvious, and his strength seemed to be recovering quickly.

  Deathwing's heart was full of shock.

  He immediately stretched out his knife, ready to use it.

  This blow made Xia Ming completely unconscious.


  Just when he was about to make the last blow, a burst of old anger stirred up and stopped.

  "Yes it is you!"

  "Well, you are a wolf, remember my husband"

  "Of course, I will never forget the great grace of this old man.

  For you, it will exist today, and that day must have countless companions killed." This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  "Since I have thought of my husband's kindness, why do I still treat my husband's grandson like this!"

  "he is yours"


  "Sleep, boy."

  Xia Ming who was still struggling to get up, heard the old voice, felt an unparalleled peace in his heart, and then his consciousness began to blur.

  When the warm palm finally touched his face, his nervousness turned: very nervous.

  Lai's last nerve also relaxed, and the whole person fell asleep peacefully.

  Xia Ming woke up suddenly in his sleep and found himself lying on the bed at home.

  If that doesn't remind him of the severe pain all over his body, he will begin to suspect that the previous battle with Deathwing was a dream.

  "Son, you are awake!"

  The voices around Xia Ming were very kind, he immediately.

  Turning his head, he saw that Starwayne was a little worried about him.

  "Uncle, you saved me"

  Xia Ming looked at the relatives in front of him, and slowly remembered that when he was about to fall into a coma, there was indeed an ancient voice that said Deathwing.

  , that voice I didn't notice at the time, now I remember it was my own uncle.

  "I'm sorry, boy, it was your uncle who was late and made you suffer."

  Looking at the almost covered bandage on Xia Ming, Starr also blamed himself very much.

  "Uncle, this is none of your business.

  I am so impulsive.

  Also, it's not a bad thing for me either.

  My devil fruit ability can record the damage this time and wait until the next time.

  Attack or overall fitness will be greatly improved, which can be seen as a shortcut to getting stronger."

  Xia Ming said with a smile.

  "This self-harm-like reinforcement method will not be allowed to be used again in the future.

  You can die if you're not careful.

  Uncle doesn't want to send white to black!"

  Starr looked at Xia Ming and said very seriously.

  "I know"

  Of course, Xia Ming understood what Starr said.

  In order not to keep worrying, Xia Ming should change the subject and ask him very curiously.

  "Yes, Uncle Sri Tal, you know that Deathwing, how did you stop his attack"

  "That bastard, had some contacts a long time ago.

  At that time, his people had just been formed and had been pressed by the bloody island of the world government. I happened to help them, knowing that this bastard will hurt you today, so I should just ignore him and wait for them all to die "Thinking that I saved my own Deathwing, I actually hurt Xia Ming today, it looks like Starr is angry too.

  "Uncle Starr, don't be angry, how am I now!"

  Xia Ming immediately.

  Convince Starr, and at the same time he is very curious, "You said that this former leader, Deathwing, is saved by you, what is going on!"

  Xia Ming only knew that his uncle Starr was a desolate nobleman, but he never imagined that he had been rescued.

  What a noble noble can do, immediately.

  He is full of Starr's stories.


538, huge trouble! ?

  "Son, I know you're curious about my past, but I trust Uncle, you don't have much to know, at least now you don't.

  When your future strength is strong enough, the uncle will be our family, all the past has told you.

  " said Starr, touching Xia Ming's head.

  "I see, Uncle Starr."

  Regarding Starr's troubles, even if he didn't say Xia Ming, he could guess an approximation.

  It's nothing more than an ex-enemy.

  If he knew he was alive and had grandchildren, he would kill them.

  The dog blood story, immediately.

  No longer tangled with this question, ask another question which is worrying in my heart, "Yes, Uncle Starr, how long have I been in a coma, there have been any major incidents during this time of Wasteland Village "

  "But there's one important thing you'll care about!"

  Starr thought, saying to him, "In your coma, a new pirate named the Straw Hat Golden Lion appeared on the executive stand of Brooke, on, and the box had several unnamed pirate minions, causing a commotion.

  Lal If the kid personally led the pirates to arrest and they escaped, Lal's fruit will be sent to you.

  After sending the letter, they went out to hunt them down.


  After listening to the narration, Xia Ming also stayed where he was. He worked hard to prepare a lot of things, and the plot proceeded according to the original direction, but he completely missed it.

  How to play I heard that the plot is still going in the original direction, but I totally missed it myself.

  Whoever Xia Ming was preparing for a lot could not help but feel frustrated.

  It's like waiting a long time at your favorite restaurant.

  It was my turn and I sat down.

  As a result, the waiter came over and said that today's ingredients were used up.

  Makes you wake up early the next day and your heart is like a herbivorous beast "what's up, boy"

  Starr asked with great concern when he saw that Xia Ming was so frustrated.

  "Well, nothing, Uncle Starr, I just feel like I'm missing out on so much fun, it's a pity"

  Xia Ming said helplessly.

  "Well, what should I do, it's okay, boy, what it means to miss out on such a little excitement, as long as you get: strong enough, the world will have the excitement of your participation, you know, it's a big ocean!! "

  Starr seemed to recall his youth and excitedly said to Xia Ming.

  "Yeah, why am I getting frustrated here, this time I didn't get into the plot, next time I won't be able to.

  Besides, the world is big and there are many interesting places, I don't need to worry about "what I should be doing now should be improving my strength so that he can go wherever he wants to be free!" Ming immediately.

  With a sigh of relief, he, who was still eager to join the Pirates at the time, seemed to be starting over and finding my purpose.

  "My boy, what you're imagining is, well, here's the letter from the lad, and you'll read it again after a break, recover, and make your next plan."

  After Starhall left Guoxin, he left first.

  "Old man, why do you always get off the chain at the critical moment! I send

  I found a very interesting pirate, a straw hat and a golden lion, and I went on a wonderful route to catch him.

  If you recover, then come a great pirate.

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