, Can I realize the realm of cutting iron, this...Tanaka-sensei is too anxious."

  Is there any... Xia Ming who understands Tanaka's words, his heart also began to become: restless, but he didn't notice that he was agitated, a faint fluctuation appeared on the water, making the surrounding fish dare not approach him at all. "Damn, I still don't believe it."

  Indifferent Xia Ming was unconscious in the water for a long time, jumped out of the pool to vent his inner anger, and tried his best to pounce on the towering black mountain rocks.

  The deep sound of the black granite rock trapped in the ground was directly pulled by its powerful force, but the hard surface of the black granite rock hadn't been damaged by half, but Xia Ming's own fist was shaken.

  Forced to sting.

  Feeling the pain coming from his fist, Xia Ming took a breath, his irritable mood calmed down a lot.

  "Are you calm down?"

  At this time, Tanaka also came back, looking at Xia Ming's injured fist, he still opened his eyes and cracked a smile.

  "Tanaka-sensei I"

  "No need to explain, if you still can't calm down in the water, there's still a lot of black rock here, you can vent as much as you want, maybe you can just happen to smash a piece, which is your success at this stage."

  Tanaka smiled.

  said, but from his somewhat icy tone, it was not difficult to see that he was sarcastic at the moment.

  Xia Ming naturally heard the dissatisfaction, the tone in Tanaka.

  Having calmed down, he obediently returned to the swimming pool again, closing his eyes to understand Tanaka's words.

  "This vile man, if you don't have skin, aren't you happy?"

  Tanaka looked at Xia Ming obediently at the swimming pool again, and laughed helplessly in his heart.

543, Spirit Trample! ?

  There is no doubt that Xia Ming's heart has calmed down a lot this time.

  After slowly entering the swimming pool, he did not stir the slightest ripples in the water.

  He stood still, and after a while even the fish in the water got used to him.

  When present, he roams freely around him, and even has a few next to his arms as he swims.

  "This kid is very talented.

  It looks like this approach won't wait too long."

  Tanaka nodded when he saw Xia Ming slowly integrating his breathing with the surrounding environment.

  "It turned out to be quiet and the whole world was different."

  Xia Ming felt the fish swimming around him and the slow flow of water, and felt that the world he knew looked brand new.

  "Well the fastest swimmer is just relying on the current to help itself speed up no, it doesn't move with the current, but there seem to be gaps there, very small and real existing cracks.

  "Xia Ming felt the situation in the pool and quickly found another place.

  In order to determine whether there is a crack in the stream, Xia Ming also waved his hand freely along the movement of the stream, and a crack suddenly appeared on the originally calm water, as if it had been scratched by a sharp blade.


  Looking at the scene in front of him, Xia Ming was a little dumbfounded.

  Before, he just used a little power to produce such an effect and he seemed to understand what Tanaka was saying to himself.

  "Okay, you know what?"

  Tanaka asked while smiling.

  "Well, I want to try it!"

  In order to prove his idea, Xia Ming jumped out of the pool once and rushed to his nearest Heiyan.

  With a low voice, the black granite that was also indestructible before turned out to be a digital crack from the fist Xia Ming, and his fist Xia Ming was slightly red.


  It took only half a day to complete the first stage of mental exercises."

  Tanaka also praised him at the moment.

  "Heart practice, Tanaka-sensei, what does this mean?"

  "I think the supreme swordsmanship.

  Or the technique must be the embodiment of the integration of mind and body, which is essential.”

  Tanaka looked at Xia Ming and said without reservation what he had learned over the years.

  Human body exercises are the easiest.

  I think at your current stage, its physical fitness is far beyond the average person.

  Don't have to practice your own physical activity for the time being.

  The previous practice is a spiritual practice, which requires you to learn to perceive the world.

  Countless things don't require you to be able to hear tens of thousands of things.

  That's a gift that many may not have access to for life.

  What you need to practice is sensing its presence and spotting its weaknesses and differences.

  You can find weaknesses by clicking on the differences.


  "Thank you Tanaka-sensei!"

  After listening to Tanaka's words, Xia Ming realized that Tanaka's technique of teaching them is a one-hit kill, so if I go to the extreme, they will not become the most guarded existence.

  "No thanks, I'm very grateful that this is your talent, you're just getting started, and you still have a long way to go.

  After all, perceiving creatures is several times harder than perceiving creatures.

  Dead things, worry.

  After learning, especially after inner strength, this kind of practice will naturally be more effective with less effort.”

  Tanaka carefully explained Xia Ming.

  "Okay, I know Mr. Tanaka, so am I going to learn to be arrogant?"

  Xia Ming looked forward to being asked.

  "No, Qi Yan's

  Learning urgently.

  After learning the three skills of mind and body, it's time to learn Qi Yan."

  Tanaka touched Xia Ming's head.

  "I've been in the water for a long time, first go home to rest and then start tomorrow's practice."


  Xia Ming also understands the principle of overeating and chewing.

  Today, the introduction of this spiritual practice makes him feel that his strength has been qualitatively enhanced.

  He has a feeling that if he had fought himself yesterday, he would be full of confidence.

  Defeat it in ten minutes.

  As for the technical practice that Tanaka promised, Xia Ming is also full of expectations.

  After all, that's the part he lacks the most.

  Considering Tanaka's last disciple, Rolando Soren's series of powerful nirvanas, not only the power is amazing.

  , the effect is still very cool.

  If you can have some of these skills, it's not about killing enemies and playing cool girls together.

  Considering the scene that may make countless girls crazy in the future, Xia Ming also showed a silly smile.

  Tanaka shook his head helplessly when he saw this.

  "What's wrong with this boy, I'm not going to be soaked in water for so long that we'll have a fever!"

  The next morning, in order to learn the cool breeze technique, Xia Ming got up early in the morning and waited for Tanaka's training today.

  "Xia Ming, did you get up so early?"

  When Tanaka stood up and found that Xia Ming had packed all his belongings, he asked some questions unexpectedly.

  "Hey, Tanaka-sensei, I don't have the habit of sleeping, hurry up and start practicing today's technique."

  Xia Ming looked at Tanaka with anticipation of the appearance.

  "Don't worry, your child, this skill will take about a month, and your child won't be able to sleep for a while."

  "Hey, no problem, Tanaka-sensei, it doesn't matter if I get up early every day this month."

  Thinking that yesterday's spiritual practice ended after I realized it, Xia Ming didn't think it was a big deal for this month's technical practice. Of course, he could finish it ahead of time with his own creativity.

  "Your boy, don't forget to say."

  As for Xia Ming's assurance, Tanaka also laughed casually, he already had a way to clean up Xia Ming.

  When Tanaka cleaned up, he took Xia Ming to the practice site today.

  It is not a special island, but a restaurant in the village.

  "Mr. Tanaka, you are here!"

  The warm welcome of his restaurant owner saw Tanaka arrive.

  "You're welcome, boss, did I take care of you yesterday?"

  Tanaka asked with a smile.

  "Of course, I dare not ignore what Mr. Tanaka ordered you to do.

  I counted all the ingredients that everyone in our village needed last night, and they're all in the kitchen now."

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