Why eat here as a pirate, life-threatening at any time.

  At this moment, the middle-aged man who was noticed by Xia Ming's body also trembled a little, and his eyes looked out the window unconsciously, as if restraining something.

  Xia Ming learned that this person's eight achievements were the goals he pursued, and immediately got up, ignoring the excitement of ordinary pirates, they walked directly in front of him and said with a smile: "As long as I can be satisfied, I will never bargain!"

  "I'm sorry, I don't know anything."

  Seeing Xia Ming, he said nothing.

  The middle-aged man was also surprised.

  After the wonderful change in his expression, he still chose to refuse and said something I didn't know.

  "Don't take me for a fool, let me talk about your concerns or we can talk somewhere else!"

  Although the middle-aged man said he didn't know, Xia Ming was more sure of the abnormal change in his attitude.

  : He knew he was hiding.

  "I really am doing it for you, don't ask."

  The middle-aged man originally wanted to refuse, but after seeing Xia Ming's sharp eyes, he sighed and explained to him.

  "It looks like we need to talk to another place.

  Otherwise, you meet your requirements.

  I meet you, let's slowly talk to another place!"

  Obviously, this middle-aged man has troubles, and Xia Ming is very reasonable.

  Propose another place.

  Seeing that Xia Ming seemed to want to ask himself for information, the middle-aged man also sighed: "Okay, if you want to know this information, give me [-] million gold coins first, I want cash, don't exchange it to get rewards."

  "Okay, I promise you, but I don't have much cash on me, you give me a little time to get it."

  Xia Ming immediately agreed to the [-] million cash proposed by the other party, even though he now has me but not [-] million dollars in cash, but I am not worried.

  "Well, I'll give you half a day to make money.

  I'm at the Holiday Inn across the road.

  As long as you take away the [-] million gold coins within half a day, I will continue to talk with you."

  For Xia Ming to ask for money, middle-aged men don't have to worry at all.

  After all, [-] million gold coins are not... a small amount of cash.

  Even if they catch the wanted man and go to the pirate department, they won't have enough time in half a day.

  Considering the middle-aged man here, he stood up and left the hotel with confidence, ready to go to the Holiday Hotel to pack up, and then left this magical valley island.

  But he just walked to the door of the hotel and heard Xia Ming casually say in the hotel: "Hey, hey, now he is selling things, selling your life at a low price, you just need to pay you on the wanted notice. , Jin, you can save your life, if you don't get it in return, you can save a small life by paying only one million tens of thousands of gold coins, this is a rare opportunity, only this time, to lose a small life to regret what you have done It's too late! "Please download Fei Lu's novel to see the underlined version of the novel

551, the strongest taboo?

  "I accept, and do this!"

  He heard Xia Ming's serious money grabbing behavior, and the middle-aged man barely got a firm footing and fell.

  Secretly, this child did not dare to be ashamed any more, he was obviously robbing other people's money, and he was speaking with a serious sense of justice, which was really shameless.

  It turned out that it was still the hotel that all Xia Ming envied. With such a high price, he saw an instant Xia Ming asking him for money. He felt that this child used his money generously and was really happy for the funeral.

  It only took ten minutes for Xia Ming to raise tens of thousands of gold coins in this hotel.

  Of course, there were also some pirates who were matched and half dead, knocking him straight to the ground.

  When he left, Xia Ming said to them with a smile: "Thank you, everyone, when we have a chance in the future, let's get together for a drink!"

  The pirates laughed and said goodbye to Xia Ming, but they wanted to cry, and secretly said: "God, don't let me see this devil again, and drink with him again.

  I'm going to drink!"

  Xia Ming walked out of the hotel and found a middle-aged man standing still, looking at him in surprise, he smiled and went straight, "Don't be so impatient, well, this is [-] million tens of thousands of gold coins, when will you deposit.

  , I will send you the rest of the money as soon as possible."

  Then Xia Ming handed over tens of thousands of gold coins.

  The middle-aged man suddenly felt that he had made a very wrong decision.

  Why did he tell him he had [-] million gold coins? If he wanted to say [-] million or [-] million, he said it wasn't enough to snatch the whole Magic Valley Island! "Although this little devil was going to raise money, I just took the money and slipped away, so no problem!"

  Looking at Xia Ming's back and the cash in his hand, the middle-aged man suddenly had a thought in his mind.

  But Xia Ming seemed to sense the inner thoughts of the middle-aged man, he suddenly turned his head and smiled, and said, "Uncle, as long as you wait for me at that hotel, I will come back. I hate lying to others. If someone lies to me, no matter what.

  He went to the ends of the earth, I promise he will die horribly, and in the end, I will issue a billion dollar warrant for the sea pirates to kill him.

  Are you serious"

  At this time, the middle-aged man felt chills, with money in his hand, his body seemed to be fascinated, and obediently returned to the hotel, waiting for Xia Ming's arrival "Bleeding hands were born in the West Sea.

  He once killed a pirate major, a pirate soldier, and a hundred ordinary people in the pirate branch of the West Sea.

  This is indeed a sin and has been rewarded with tens of thousands of gold coins!"

  Xia Ming stood in front of a bald man wearing boxing gloves, looked at the wanted warrant and related instructions in his hand, and read it to him.

  "Little devil, what are you doing to stop Uncle Ben from going, why do you still want Uncle Ben, want to be a bounty hunter, do you want to die?"

  Looking at Xia Ming who is lower than his chest height, and who is nearly three meters tall, he also demands a loud, loud sound like a gong, it hurts people's ears.

  "Be quiet, I'm not deaf!"

  Xia Ming rubbed his ears, looking in a bad temper.

  "Rest assured, I'm not a bounty hunter today, too slow to catch your bounty.

  "Since you don't want to find death, go away quickly, or I will pinch you, you little child!"

  Seeing Xia Ming denying his identity as a bounty hunter, Norby rarely compares with one of his peers and asks him a very unpleasant reprimand.

  "Wait a moment.

  I'm not a bounty hunter, but I want to sell you something."

  "What to sell, Uncle Ben has been for many years, never buying anything

  Just grab what you want and run away, or Uncle Ben will kill you right away!"

  Looking at this Xia Ming who really wants to sell his products, he is more uncomfortable than what Yasuo said to him.

  "No, you have to buy this kind of stuff because I sold your life, and if you don't buy it, you'll die!"

  Xia Ming said that Nobby is serious, "I was originally a pirate on the wanted list.

  The bounty is charged for the price, but your crime is too serious.

  Collect tens of thousands of gold coins for you, make a whole, tens of thousands of gold coins no, you should earn fifty thousand tens of thousands of coins."

  Hearing that the kid was actually extorting tens of thousands of gold coins in front of him, Nobby's eyes widened, feeling as surprised as seeing a ghost.

  When he confirmed that it was indeed the kid who was asking for money from him, he didn't bother to talk and was bored, and he clenched his fist and filled it with casserole, and gave him a hard head.

  "Want to blackmail grandpa, dream, child!"

  However, before his fist was close to Xia Ming's body, he was slapped, and immediately shifted his body's center of gravity and fell severely to the ground.

  "Ah You!"

  Bikangfu, who was slapped by Xia Ming and slapped Jin Xing, also coughed a few times, and found that the white thing was in his mouth, and he found that Xia Ming's slap fan directly to him.

  He didn't feel any pain in his teeth and.

  "Now you know you have no dreams.

  If you don't want to die, buy your life with tens of thousands of gold coins.

  Remember, I want cash!"

  Xia Ming watched Bikangfu put a smile on his face, with an evil smile, still don't forget to tell him that what he needs is cash.

  "Isn't it tens of thousands?"

  Norby stared at Xia Ming speechlessly.

  He secretly said that the child was so unfriendly, and in a blink of an eye, the price went up by tens of thousands.

  No money is better than him.

  "Your life can really be .

  Buy it for tens of thousands, but I didn't give you a slap to help you realize that you don't have a dream, before, you see, my hands are red, I must not give me tens of thousands of medical expenses otherwise, I just don't have I won't bully you like that if you do things with money!"

  Xia Ming pointed to his hand and said seriously.

  "Who the hell is this"

  Xia Ming's excuse now completely convinces Norby.

  He can figure out why he's so weak, there's nothing he can't do.


  "I don't believe that you little devil can be so powerful!"

  Looking at this Xia Ming who wanted to blackmail himself like this, Bi Yasuo made a decision in his heart, from his wriggling, stingy in his head again resisting the severe pain on his face, suddenly.

  "Can not remember!"

  In the face of Nobby's sudden attack, Xia Ming shook his head helplessly.

  The moment Nobby's fist came close to him, he punched violently, but his slender arms were like iron tongs, he firmly grasped Nobby's arm and saw him bend at will.

  Ah! Screaming like a pig.

  Obviously, his arm was broken by Xia Ming, and after the bad boy twisted his arm, he deliberately pressed down the wound of the broken arm.

  It made him feel pain and sweat was coming out.

  "Stupidity has a price.

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