In fact, the weight on Xia Ming's body has reached a terrible kilogram, and he has also prepared a single weight of knee pads or leg pads that exceeds kilograms for him, but he is ready to wear it after waiting for his body to get used to it.

  "Okay, let's get used to the body weight first, then go to the empty island!"

  Even though they were going to the legendary sky island, they were overwhelmed due to their overweight, and everyone's answer was weak.

  The empty island exists for more than .

  Off-white ocean above white and white sea.

  At this altitude, the air is very thin, and the athletic ability of ordinary seamen in Qinghai will be greatly reduced.

  Because it is in a place that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, many people think that the sky island does not exist.

  In the original pirate world, the golden lion and the others were reached by huge currents, known as the "dangerous road of life and death"

  The so-called bluebojin punch fish is the most special species that go to the sky island.

  In the original pirate world, as the golden lion and the others drove Merry away from the sky island, a giant octopus slowly wrapped it like a balloon.

  The whereabouts are this Rambokin punching fish.

  However, Rambo's Golden Chongquan usually produces ordinary air in the body.

  This air only allowed him to descend slowly on the boat.

  If he wants to stand up, he needs to be given special starfish.

  After the grass is placed, the octopus will heat up throughout its body, which will generate heat and pull the boat up.

  However, this has miraculously resisted the cold grass starfish, so the market price is generally higher, but for this little devil pirate Xia Ming, money doesn't matter, he has let those pirates who taught themselves before sailing bring a few boxes of starfish , almost all the starfish in Devil's Valley Island.

  He still remembered the peculiar eyes of the pirates when they brought the starfish to the waves. After listening to Xia Ming's introduction, he and others were also curious: "Boss, where are we going to find this golden punch fish?"

  "This is the sea we are in now, because the sea we are in is actually right below the empty island, so there are a lot of Rambokin punching fish in this sea, but this kind of octopus is usually completely different from the ordinary octopus.

  The difference is that no one ever notices it.

  "Xia Ming said seriously, then he worked hard to give his own information idea.

  "That's how we want to catch this octopus, catch him, catch or catch the sea"

  The box was a little curious and asked, and the last one turned his attention to Betty, after all, all these people in it were not Betty.

  The devil's fruit eater can only swim in the sea, if he wants to catch up with the sea, he can only rely on him.

  "Rest assured, there is a special way to catch this octopus."

  Talk to Xia Ming and kick them off to grab the treasure chest from Gogu Island and choose the biggest golden cornucopia from it.

  Then, tie a random rope to the treasure tray and throw it into the sea like garbage.

  "Ah boss, what are you doing? That's the biggest pot of gold, worth at least tens of thousands!"

  Seeing Xia Ming's behavior of treating the treasure as garbage, the building block and others were confused.

  "Don't make a fuss, the way to catch this gold bodega is to throw this pot of gold into the sea, because gold is very common on empty islands, and goldfish usually use: this gold own house, so,

  Once you see the gold container going into the sea, this gold punching fish is very much in."

  Xia Ming explained casually.

  "But there are so many fish in this sea, if someone accidentally breaks the rope, isn't it?"

  The text in the box is not finished yet.

  A loud bang was heard.

  The rope tied to the golden pot was really bitten by the fish.

  Following the self-taught method of the struggling residents on the empty island, Xia Ming and his party finally caught two golden punches at the cost of losing four 44 gold chests.

  "Boss, you won't be fooled, little one, even if it's full of heat, we can't pull our Boranghau."

  Betty and others were very reluctant to see that Rambokin could hold a punching fish with one hand.

  Ask for solutions.

  "Don't worry, no problem, let me create a miracle for you!"

  Xia Ming smiled confidently, and after feeding the starfish, he threw it into the air.

  When everyone was very curious about why Xia Ming did this, it shocked them.

  I saw an octopus that was only about one meter tall.

  It turns red, and the body is like boiling water.

  Immediately fills the entire body, causing it to expand rapidly.

  The body of the Rambokin Punchfish becomes: getting bigger and bigger, and it stops expanding after wrapping the whole burang.

  "This is so exaggerated, even though real hot air balloons don't inflate that much!"

  Watching this astonishing scene in front of me is quite shocking to even stop the great route that has been conquered by Brooke, let alone Dino and Betty.

  "The magic of this world is far beyond your imagination, hurry up, the ship will rise soon."

  Xia Ming reminded who has been watching the crowd.

  lol As soon as his words fell, he saw the tentacles of the Rambokin punching fish firmly grasping the waves, and then the whole octopus pulled the waves like a hot air balloon and started flying into the air, but don't look at the appearance of this octopus as a hot air balloon, but It is much more stable than a hot air balloon, and like a smooth elevator, it usually rises at a uniform speed.

  "Wow, the sea is so big!"

  So she kept looking up into the air.

  Betty also sighed.

  Before, he always looked at the sea from the sea.

  Although he knew the sea was big, he didn't look down from the sky, but the endless feeling was shocked.

  "Of course, but the sea is wide, and no poem says that forehead, O sea, you are so big!"

  Xia Ming also sighed.

  About Xia Ming's awkward conversation, Betty and the others didn't know how to continue.

  After a while, the atmosphere became: extremely embarrassing.

  Fortunately, a breeze blew across the sky, soothing the awkward atmosphere.


  Relying on the steady rise of Jinchongquan fish, after feeding him another starfish grass in the middle, he was also pulled through the thick cloud layer and reached the empty island above the sea of ​​clouds.

  "Well, it's finally here, this is an empty island!"

  Betty sighed very much as the blue gold punching fish that passed through the clouds became smaller, but floated stably on the ocean of clouds.


557, the incredible thing!

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

558, break the law! ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

559, Thunder Change! ! ?

  In order to further improve the reading quality, the author is refining this chapter, please read it later, please read the next chapter!! Summer reading every day is fun, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:

  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

557, the incredible thing! ?

  "Captain, where are we going next? Have the residents of the sky island told you the route?"

  Looking at the white world, Box also walked over to Xia Ming and asked curiously.

  "He didn't say, but I think I know where to go!"

  A smile appeared on Xia Ming's mouth in the corner.

  As he set foot on the empty island, he found that despite the thin air, his air controls were smoother and easier than ever.

  After using the Internal Fire, I found that I could actually perceive a range of tens of miles.

  Although I can't get into the details clearly, how many people are in this range of perception and how powerful he is.

  "It's no wonder that Charlotte's empty inner strength on the island is calling out so powerfully. It turned out to be a special account of the environmental advantages of this place. It seems that he has found us."

  With the arrogance in his heart, Xia Ming could easily find the position of the most powerful person on this empty island, and he found that the other party seemed to be perceiving him with the same power.

  Without a doubt, it was Charlotte, the god of the sky.

  "Uh, boss, you said the god of the sky island found us here.

  Is his inner strength so powerful?"

  After hearing Xia Ming's sigh, everyone was shocked.

  Xia Ming was already on his way.

  Briefly describe the situation of this empty island.

  They all have some knowledge of the gods of the empty island Lot.

  They were all surprised when they learned that he had the ability to use the fruit of nature's devil fruit, thunderbolt.

  After all, it goes without saying that the power of the demon fruit's ability is very natural, not to mention whether the terrifying lightning power is stronger than the King of the Seven Kings' Camp according to normal estimates.

  The sea's inner strength is also related to the special environment of this empty island, but since he discovered it, we don't have to hide from it.

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