"You guys, I'm really curious about how far you can get!"

  Considering the strangers around Xia Ming, Aoba's face showed a strange smile.

  You must know he is a pirate.

  The age is not too young, all kinds of evil people have seen a lot, but he has never seen relevant precedents for this special group Xia Ming, but he has a strong hunch that this world may be because of this group of alternative little ghosts, Earth-shaking changes have taken place.

  "Well I didn't expect so many interesting guys in this sea.

  Xia Ming, I first heard that you were right.

  Having a god in a big slap makes no sense, or infinite possibilities.

  Life is more challenging and fun!"

  "Oh, as long as you are satisfied, the world will be shaken after you, the god of the empty island, have landed!"

  Xia Ming looked at Charlotte with a wry smile on his face with excitement and shock.

  At the beginning, his surprise visit to Charlotte was completely unexpected, and he knew very well that whoever had eaten this Charlotte would be "the fruit of thunder"

  , If he develops his fruit ability, his potential, how outrageously wrong he will be, even if the general pirate headquarters is not necessarily his opponent at that time, there is suddenly such a strong man in the world.

  Presumably, those senior officials of the world government will not be able to sit still.

  "Haha, anyway, I don't care about this world or other worlds, I made up my mind to join your team, you will arrange me later, Xia Ming, by the way, the last frame is not finished yet, but the addicting thing is , now is the best time to fight against you, I can feel that you can greatly improve your strength than after leaving the empty island!"

  Charlotte's militants seem to be fully activated now, smiling at Xia Ming.

  "Haha, I'll talk about fighting later.

  Anyway, there is still time.

  You are just on this great road.

  There are so many things you don't know.

  I will tell you slowly now, otherwise you will not be strong in the future.

  Know!" Xia Ming didn't want to fight the thundering monster, and even led him to Deresa's palace and started spreading the world knowledge for him. The news of defeating Walder's pirate sweeper to become the new queen Qiwuhai immediately spread throughout the ocean.

  After all, Queen Qiwuhai is one of the three forces on the great line, used by the world government to accommodate the four emperors and others.

  An important means of pirate development is also a silver medalist in the entire pirate world.

  These big-name changes will naturally shake the world.

587, great attention! ?

  Moreover, this change is almost unprecedented, after all, Emperor Qi Wuhai's system is that the world government chose an extremely powerful pirate to limit the current pirates.

  This is a way of controlling evil with evil, but this time they chose Qiwuhai Emperor not as a pirate in this sea, but as a pirate looter who is hostile to pirates.

  This is simply confusing.

  "Has the world government changed the conventions of the past, instead of suppressing evil with evil, but suppressing evil with the force of justice, has the whole wind direction started to change?"

  "The Pirate Raider is actually a super powerful bounty hunter.

  This character originally used as a coolie by the World Government can now also be Queen of the Seven 7 Wuhai.

  It can be said that the bounty hunter has been handed over!"

  "It seems that the world government has finally stopped bowing to the pirate forces.

  As long as it is strong, even if it is not a pirate, it will not be a pirate, it will be valued by the world government and get enough benefits.


  As Xia Ming, there is more and more speculation in the whole sea when the pirate sweeper can become king.

  Of course, these guesses are just guesses by different people.

  The real Xia Ming can be the king.

  The reason for Qi Wuhai is that no one but the world's highest government knows about it.

  In the new world of the second half of the great route, the black bearded Edward Newgate, the head of four 44 emperors, sits on his own battleship, watching the news that Xia Ming has become queen, and his face is solemn.

  "Uncle, find me!"

  This time, Blackbeard is the pirate captain of the two pirate captains. He was notified by the fire boxer Portkas Bing, and he also came to his side. With the solemn expression on his face, Blackbeard also asked him carefully.

  "Uncle, what happened"

  "Ace, this little devil is the one you said... Did the little devil save you from Ellie's mischief?"

  Blackbeard also seemed to be thinking about it after handing the paper to Ace, and he frowned to show that the Pirate King was too suspicious of it.

  "Xia Ming is really him, how did he become Emperor Qi Wuhai? This boy is obviously not even a pirate, not even a bounty.

  Why suddenly uncle, this is not fake news.

  ! "

  Bing sent Blackbeard to the newspaper, and he also found Xia Ming immediately, when the king's next seven 7 Wuhai This is a big new thing for Xia Ming to become the king of the seven 7 Wuhai.

  Exelon and I were confused. It wasn't because he didn't trust Xia Ming's strength. Once he received an invitation from the king shortly after he went to sea, he needed to understand how to become a member of a force. He understood that Xia Ming alone. Ming can be rescued from General Airi's soldiers as Emperor Qi Wuhai, but he is curious about why Xia Ming became Emperor Qi Wuhai.

  It is well known that Xia Ming, in the pirate sweeper, an elite soldier who has been educated Guy.

  Although he was not an official pirate, he was deeply influenced.

  Therefore, he is reluctant to become a pirate.

  for high-level government operations in the world, they didn't become pirates,

  And a pirate to clean it up.

  The comrade old guy, but the hardliner of the pirates, this is a name, according to the blackbeard pirates, the intelligence looks at Guy, but the pirates are the most opposed to the existence of the king, the senior military regime in the Seven Seas, because of his disciples, even if Xia Ming is a pirate, and it is impossible to become the king of Qiwuhai.

  "Actually, this little devil has nothing to do with Emperor Qi Wuhai.

  You and I know very well that the so-called Qiwuhai is actually the relationship that the world government uses most of the time.

  This does not mean that he has really become our enemy! "The face he looked at became: very ugly, and he knew what he was worried about, and immediately waved him to relax, "I am most worried now that this What are the old and undead seniors of the world government thinking? They suddenly made this kid the king of the seven emperors, and undoubtedly broke the seven emperors system of the seven emperors that limited the three forces in the past.

  Change will change the whole world!"

  "No, uncle, isn't this just a personnel change? It won't affect the entire Qi Wuhai Emperor system, let alone the entire world!"

  At this time, the team leader also left.

  Come as a pirate of Blackbeard's think tank, he has his own unique views on the world situation. In his opinion, Xia Ming became the king in the Seven Seas Sea. This arrangement is a bit strange, but it is not to make the sea king's Blackbeard very concerned. .

  "Margau, the beginning of arrogance!"

  As a seasoned Blackbeard fighter, it is naturally clear that some of his captains, Blackbeard's think tank Pirates, due to their long-term peak status, are beginning to fail to take this obvious and important change to heart, and he must mention something.

  "I'm sorry, uncle, but Qi Wu Haixia just replaced one person, so as not to cause you such a big concern!"

  Mal also understood that he seemed a little overwhelmed before, but when he calmed down he didn't understand at all.

  How Xia Ming made Blackbeard's Uncle Megatron so important.

  "Marko, you don't understand that King Chiwuwu is the high-level government's method to control pirates, simply to let the pirates kill each other internally and consume each other's power.

  The so-called rights or profits are not cheap to buy thugs are also the payment of the world government! "Blackbeard is the king of the sea who has ruled the sea for many years.

  He was stronger than anyone else in the top management of the world government, and this time he knew the staff of Emperor Qi Wuhai very naturally.

  Changes represent changes that will occur in the future.

  "Oh I see"

  Even without figuring out what happened, screaming with excitement.

  The news that Xia Ming defeated Wald to become the new queen Qi Wu Hai soon spread across the sea, causing a sensation.

  Even after receiving the new news, Edward Newgate, the black beard on the heads of the four emperors of the New World, was very solemn.

  He specifically looked for the captain of the team that had contact with Xia Ming, and asked for detailed information.


  Bing sent Blackbeard to the newspaper, and he also immediately found a Xia Ming, when King Qiwuhai became Xia Ming became the king of Qiwang Wuhai, Exelon and my heart were confused.

588, Unknown Ghost! ?

  Bing looked at the surprised expression, and Blackbeard also touched his head and said: "Don't worry, even the fierce sea of ​​the child king is not there, he saved you, our blackbeard pirate benefactor, this will not change.

  , the so-called "Qiwuhai"

  It's actually a relationship that is used most of the time in the world, so even if this kid becomes the queen of Qiwuhai, it doesn't mean he really becomes us.

  Afraid of any position!"

  "Uncle, what are you worried about?"

  The captain of the team, Ma Ke, also appeared at this time. It is very strange that due to the change of the position of the little queen Qi Wuhai, the black beard of the sea king became: so anxious.

  "What I'm most worried about now is actually the undead old man of this world government.

  What do they think? They suddenly made this little devil the king of Qi Wuhai, and undoubtedly broke the king who restricted these three forces.

  Under the seven-five-sea system of the past, this small change will change the whole world!"

  "Uncle, absolutely, isn't this a small change of Emperor Qi Wuhai? It won't affect the entire system of Emperor Qi Wuhai, let alone the whole world!"

  "Oh I see"

  Not knowing what was going on, she screamed with excitement.

  "Ace, do you know that too?"

  Looking at this always nervous ace, he also understood the deep meaning of the personnel change of Emperor Qi Wuhai this time, and Margo, who had not yet fully understood it, felt even more dizzy.

  ", what do you know"

  Looking at this... who has become the heir himself, he now knows that he is happy inside and is at the top of the list in terms of personality, cohesion and personal strength.

  The only option is that sometimes his character is too impulsive and the overall situation is not enough.

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