
  Zan Gao sat on the rock by the sea and waved his face lightly.

  "Anyway, according to your plan, when the brothers attack the village, it's enough to solve the sister, right?"

  "Then it's up to you to inherit your sister's estate, Chloe, you still want to make plans as usual!"

  The crow couldn't help but turn around, "So what's the use of Xia Ming asking you to come here!"

  "With Xia Ming's outsider, Xia Ming can't inherit her sister's legacy anyway!"

  "The important thing is that before you kill her, you must use hypnotism to make Prin's will! Write that Xia Ming wants to leave all his inheritance to Claba Taylor Becky! "Very natural!"

  Crewe pushed his glasses with a sullen expression, he was not used to fingers.

  His palm was holding the frame extremely unnaturally, and his face was grim. "It took three years for Xia Ming to win the trust of the people around him and create a situation, even this willingness is not surprising, so please don't mess with Xia. Ming, praise!"

  "Destroy the end of Xia Ming's plan, Xia Ming thinks you should be very clear."

  "Yes Yes"

  As if recalling the terrible aspect of the man, Zanco was no longer forgiving and nodded quickly.

  "Xia Ming understands, Captain Crowe"

  "However, three years ago, you suddenly became a pirate, but it really scared Xia Ming, Captain Kolo."

  "Yeah, yes"

  "Yes, Captain!"

  Thumbs up for that man.

  Nodding, "Xia Ming found a subordinate to replace you with a thunderous attitude, making everyone think that you have accepted the death penalty.

  What a wonderful performance, the captain praised and smiled, took off his sunglasses, and hung them on his pockets, full of emotion, "However, what Xia Ming really didn't expect is that everything is just the beginning of the plan!"

  "It's worth a hundred 100 crows!"


  confronted his ministry, but Becky dismissed "Stop mentioning that name,

  praise it"

  "As early as three years ago, Xia Ming gave up this name, and now Xia Ming is just in Pu Ling's house, a simple and friendly Becky's house!"

  "You can get a lot of money without being hunted by the government.

  Why not do it, you're right, compliment"

  "Hey, hey, yes, Captain Crowe, you're right, hahahaha!"

  Great "Wonderful! Tezzolo!"

  "Xia Ming didn't expect to hear such a terrible thing!"

  Brooke lowered his head, cold sweat dripped, and his lips turned blue, "What should Xia Ming do!"

  "hmm doesn't it look good"

  Tizzolo lay on the grass on the edge of the cliff, kicked the grass with his toes, and looked at Brook leisurely.

  "That guy seems to have killed someone"


  Brooke blushed, held his throat in a calm voice, and spoke to himself.

  "Didn't you always: listen?"

  "They're serious!"

  "The Dockmaster, he is the smartest man among the pirates, but also the cruelest fellow!"

  "I heard that he was sentenced three years before he was sentenced, did not expect him to be alive! Alive as Becky Kratbart!"

  "He was actually looking at the property of the Pullin family three years ago!"


  Specially reserved for the calm expression of Ross, who likes to listen to general stories, the seemingly bland Brook "So"

  "So this village is about to be attacked! Pulling is also in danger!"

  Brooke felt like he was playing the piano like a cow.

  Obviously, in a crisis situation like this, this guy can still keep his cool.

  He just didn't understand the seriousness of the matter! Brooke's mind seemed to have met the scene where Pu Ling was killed on the spot, lying alone on the bed, where there was no way, he could only stand, and saw a large group of strangers break into their home, The most terrifying thing about being across from her own sword is that her most trusted Becky Kratbal pirate is actually their head! This guy is hiding so deep he even tricked his 'Sight Brooke'

  , let alone other people! No, Xia Ming must tell everyone quickly that the pirates are about to enter the village, otherwise everyone will die! Tezzolo looked at Brook's expression with a calm expression and stood silently.


  Brooke hastily whispered "Don't stand up! It will be found!"

  Tezzolo ignored it, as if he took a deep breath and expanded his chest.

620, the greatest sacrifice! ?

  "Hey! Xia Ming does not allow you to attack Sister Xia Ming!!!"

  What does this guy do!!! Brooke's eyes stared and he was swallowed almost without breathing "Oh God of Xia Ming"

  Brooke completely defeated the guy, he knelt down, hugged Troy's left thigh, and burst into tears, "Brother, can you still be stable?"

  Raising his head violently, his face panicked, he shouted that Tezolo was over the cliff.

  No wonder it would be weird if the other side couldn't find this way On the other hand, Crowe was more reassured that he had absolute confidence that he caught and killed the other side before he escaped Your plan does not allow for any failure ! For this day, he prepared for three years to make a lot of money without leaking, but can't let: This messes up but isn't Brooke that fool "Hey! Brooke, are you here too"

  Crowe thought he was saying it humorously, but it scared Brooke to death.

  "After the end, even Xia Ming was found this time, dead, dead"

  "Did you hear anything"

  Crowe raised his palm, pushed away the frame, and sneered at him "No, no! Xia Mings didn't hear anything! Xia Mings just arrived here, passing by, yes! Xia Mings passing by! Xia Mings didn't hear anything! No!"

  Brooke shook hands hastily, even shaking his head like a sieve, and tried his best to refuse.

  Tezzolo was affirmed, "Everyone heard it!"

  Brooke sees "old friends" who haven't seen each other this day

  the power of.

  This guy is just a tendon! What else! Asshole! Isn't it all tricks, eh!

  "like it!"

  Captain immediately.

  Realizing what the captain meant, he took the ring out of his pocket and shook it from side to side periodically.

  "Hey! You two, look closely at this circle!"

  Idiots will watch! "It's darts! Hurry up,!"

  "Ah what is that!"

  This is darts already, asshole! Are you acting stupid!! Zanko gapes and almost laughs these two guys are really funny "Hey straw hats, listen!"

  "When Xia Ming is done, praise!"

  , on!"


  "no problem!"

  Hello! Big question! Brooke was almost crazy, buried in the lawn, afraid to look at the strange looking ring Tezzolo didn't blink and seemed interested.

  ah! no matter what

  This guy! "Xia Ming wants!!! Praise!"

  !!Hey I really watched and that...strange man, why did you fall asleep too!!!

  Wait,! Brooke didn't have time to vomit at the stranger, but his outstretched hand didn't have time to catch the air, so he watched Tezzoro fall thirty meters off the cliff.

  Tezzolo fell straight in front of the two, Xia Ming lowered his head and planted it in the soil, "Ah, head to the ground"

  Shaking his head in awe, "Xia Ming didn't want to kill him but when Xia Ming fell from such a high place, Xia Ming didn't seem to be saved"

  "Hmph, don't tease Xia Ming, praise!"

  Crowe looked at his ex with disdain.

  He knows too much about this guy.

  It looks weird on the surface.

  Not a thousand souls fell in his circle, there were eight hundred! "Damn! They actually killed a man! Bastards!"

  Brooke sat on his knees and clenched his fists.

  Tezzolo's death is so unclear, let him believe that the truth is in front of him, these two guys killed without blinking an eye! You must tell the people in the village quickly! Don't let Tezzolo die in vain! Brooke didn't think too much, the first One idea is to go a little further. After all, once Tezzolo dies, even if he dies, the witnesses will only be left to their own. Everyone in the village will die! Xia Ming must tell everyone! Run! Hurry up, hurry up! "Hey , Crow, that guy has escaped, do you want to catch up?"

  Zang Gao shrugged at the speed of the captain, just an ordinary person, catching up to kill that guy, okay, "Humph, no need!"

  Crowe smiled and loosened his collar. "There is only one liar, and if he is alone, no one will believe him."

  "Praise! Go back and tell the brothers on the boat to get them ready, Tianming is waiting for news from Xia Ming!"

  "Sure enough, let Xia Ming see it?"

  Three 3 eldest children, three children, almost one was stunned, and their patience was about to be worn away. "Xia Ming too!"

  Radish head raised his hand first, followed by green pepper head and onion head "Xia Ming is also, Xia Ming is also together"

  "Captain is too slow!"

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