658, Computation failed! ?


  Wake up.

  After that, the crowd never slept again, waiting for dawn to come, "I'm weird.

  I protect my existence.

  I am naturally obligated.

  But you? Why are you giving your life to help us?"

  Bruno suddenly asked: "This is not a joke! The other side is Captain Crowe's sea."

  Thief! If it's sympathy"


  Whitebeard sneered.

  "Who will sell your life for this!"

  Rox yelled.

  "Then why are you"

  Bruno asked strangely, Ayu looked at everyone.

  Hancock: "Buy!"

  Xia Ming: "Boat!"

  Rocks: "Meat! Ship!"

  Whitebeard: "Cut people!"

  Bruno and Ayu: "Very good!"

  Bruno clapped quickly.

  "Since everyone has decided, let's study the battle plan now! Since the opponent is going to land from here, we only need to defend this hillside.


  It also calls for attention to Captain Crowe's movement at any time.

  "The result is so simple."

  Locke couldn't help but say.

  "Yes, then the question now is, what is our combat power and what does each of you have"

  Bruno asked.

  Soon after, dawn came.

  Bruno found a barrel of oil and pointed to the ramp, "As long as we pour oil here, it will be difficult for the enemy to climb up the ramp.

  When the enemy is struggling on this slippery road, we will attack! That way, it will be easy to grab the slope and then you will be able to separate from the others and deal with Captain Crowe who is by his side."

  "Invisible, you still have this intelligence!"

  Rose praised.

  "But it's going to be hard to do if we slip ourselves."

  Xia Ming couldn't help reminding, after all, this situation was starting to happen.


  Hancock suddenly denied it.


  Bruno asks suddenly, but this is his last coup! Hancock points out, "Our ship is still there: down here, what if they take the opportunity to steal my money!"

  "Don't you want to spend money now!"

  Bruno said of course.

  "No, it's too heavy!"

  Hantai still.

  "Then I'll help you go to the headquarters."

  Bruno couldn't help but say.

  "not yet!"

  Hancock turned his head.

  "Why are you so troublesome as a girl!"

  Bruno shouted, scratching his head.

  What time is it now and what is going on in his mind.

  Xia Ming's eyes rolled around, suddenly knowing Hancock's intentions.

  He also began to wonder how Hancock became: so unreasonable, and now in response, Hancock wants to take this opportunity to steal the money from the black cat pirate.

  If you really get oiled here, Hancock won't be able to move on.

  If you find it, won't you be beaten by the crowd below!" Well, let's go separately, I'm going with Hancock.

  Then put the oil in here and then we hit both sides


  Xia Ming said.

  "You are crazy!"

  Hancock suddenly shouted, even if Xia Ming wants to die, we can't bury her together.

  "Yes, there is no hiding place below.

  As soon as they arrive, they will find you."

  Bruno couldn't help but say.

  "No hiding place no boat!"

  Xia Ming smiled at the boat.


  Rock clapped his palm with his fist.

  "It turns out that Xia Ming will hide on the boat."


  Hancock punched Locke: "Xia Ming means we drive the boat to the side of the island, wait for them to land, and then drive back! So we can go behind them.


  "this is a good idea."

  Whitebeard nodded.

  "Won't you take the chance to escape?"

  Bruno said worriedly.

  "You think everyone is just like you!"

  Xia Ming shouted angrily.

  "How about it"

  Xia Ming turned red and Hancock asked.

  Hancock rolled his eyes, "Why did you bring Miss Ayu with you! I thought about it, it's not as safe as us."

  Bruno thought about it and thought it was reasonable.

  The boat is more maneuverable.

  The most important is Captain Crowe.

  Ayu is still very dangerous here. "How are you with them?"

  Bruno still asks Ayu for his own opinion.

  "I listen to everyone."

  Ayu said, "If that's the case, then it's decided! Take action alone!"

  Xia Ming walked directly below and drove a boat around the island to hide one side of the island.

  Then, on this side, Bruno poured oil all over the hillside, creating an excellent geographical advantage.

  On the boat, "This is very clever, Xia Ming."

  Hancock smiled and turned to Xia Ming.

  "I'm not smart, I know what you think."

  Xia Ming said lightly.

  "I think that's half the battle for you!"

  Hancock patted Xia Ming on the shoulder.

  "What are you talking about it worked"

  Ayu asked beside him strangely.

  Do they want to kidnap her again! "This guy wants to steal all the money from the black cat pirates."

  Xia Ming shrugged.

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