The naval headquarters Marin Fando, one of the three major forces on the Great Route, is the safest place on the Great Route, and no force can defeat this place, even if it is a top war in the future.

After passing through the huge and shocking Gate of Justice, after more than half a month of sailing, Karl finally arrived at Marin Vando, the dream land of all the navies of the Four Seas Branch.

What catches the eye is a huge fortress, cut from blue-gray stone, giving people a sense of perseverance, heaviness, and nothing that can be broken, and a sense of historical precipitation comes to the face.

There are two quaint and vicissitudes of the navy engraved on it, and no fancy language can interpret the meaning of these two words, and Carl, who was standing at the bow of the ship, looked at these two big characters inexplicably, and he felt a little proud to be able to join the navy.

Even in the symbol of justice, it is inevitable to hide dirt and dirt, but because of his slight shortcomings, we should not forget that he represents true justice.

In his previous life, as a law-abiding citizen, he is now about to become a civil servant, this change is really a bit magical, and ordinary people can also taste what it feels like to be a civil servant.

After getting off the boat, Tsuru had already received a notice to let her go to the conference room, so he asked Gion to take Carl to her first, and when she returned, he was arranging for Carl.

Carl expressed his understanding, as a lieutenant general and a general staff member of the headquarters, Tsuru must be very busy, and it is normal to have a meeting as soon as he arrives at the headquarters, but what Carl doesn't know is that he is the subject of this meeting.

In the conference room, the admiral sat in the first seat, and on his left hand side were the senior general Sengoku, the senior general Zefa, the lieutenant general Karp, and on the right hand was the crane, and the rest were all lieutenant generals and directors of various departments of the headquarters.

With so many important people gathered, those who didn't know thought that they were going to discuss which pirate to catch, show off the power of the navy, and let others know who was the real master on the sea.

"You can take a look at this information."

The lieutenant who stood behind the empty body passed on some information.

Those who knew the content of this meeting in advance were the two Warring States and Zefa and Crane, and the others didn't know, and Karp also knew, but he didn't care at all, even if the information was sent, he didn't look at it, and he lowered his head and ate the senbei secretly, thinking that others didn't know.

But can you bite the clatter of the fairy shell a little louder, when everyone else is deaf?

Karp's behavior has long been strange, so even Marshal Kong didn't say anything, but his face was a little dark.

"Yo Yo Yo - what's the situation - a child——- can't be a child of the Celestial Dragons, it's really scary" The one who spoke was Vice Admiral Polusalino, that is, the future admiral Yellow Ape, who was naturally capable of shining fruits.

The biggest feature is that the smile is very obscene, and the expression is also obscene, which is synonymous with obscenity in the world of pirates.

When you use Ming's steps, the yellow ape's expression, the red-haired and Daddy's mantra, you will have the eyes of a vine tiger, the arms of a red-haired man, and the legs of a pheasant.

The yellow ape is also in a high position in the navy now, but he is too obscene, and no one here takes his words.

Sakasky, who is currently a candidate for admiral, said: "If the imp with the fruit of healing ability is cultivated well, it can indeed ensure the combat level and number of high-end combat power of the navy."

He pursues complete justice, simply put, no matter whether you, a pirate, have killed anyone, as long as you are a pirate, you will die, I will fight you to death, and I will fight you until you are afraid, so that no one in this world will have the courage to be a pirate.

Therefore, every time he led the team to capture the pirates, the battle was extremely fierce, and his subordinates suffered many more casualties than other lieutenant generals.

"Vincent Carr, according to the information investigated by the CP organization, he is a native of the country of Alabastan, his parents are in business, and he has some relationship with the royal family of Alabastan.

Originally, this kind of reading of documents should have been empty for the marshal, but Sengoku was the successor he cultivated, so Sengoku was not overstepping his authority.

"Still an unlucky imp," Porusalino laughed.

The large sea kings are in the windless zone, and the other sea kings live in the sea area, but they rarely go out to sea to attack ships, although there are also ships attacked by sea kings every year, but the number is not very large, most of them are attacked after sailing into the windless zone by mistake.

It's really rare to see a situation like Carl, so he's an unlucky little ghost.

"It's also a lucky boy" Kuzan said, he didn't die when he was attacked by the sea kings, he didn't die when he drifted on the sea, he didn't die even when he drifted to the sea of the giant beast island, and he even ate the devil fruit, which is still very precious, isn't it lucky.

Judging from the data, Carl's background is very innocent and has nothing to do with pirates.

From this point on, the intelligence capabilities of the CP organization are still very terrifying, and you can investigate which country and which family Carl is from just from a name.

"According to the records of the Navy Headquarters, after comparison, the Devil Fruit that Vincent Carr ate should be superhuman, and it should be a raw fruit".

"This fruit has only appeared three times in history, and the most recent one was two hundred years ago, so there is not a lot of information about the fruit's ability."

"However, without exception, these sources have documented that the fruit's ability has a powerful healing effect, whether it is external or internal."

"According to the account of the person who gave birth to the ability to bear fruit two hundred years, he has even developed the ability to bear fruit to the point where he can be reborn with a severed limb."

Many people are excited to hear that many people are reborn with severed limbs, after all, there are many excellent Navy officers who are discharged from the army every year because of disability, or transfer behind-the-scenes work.

"It's terrible, it's really terrifying, whether Teacher Zefa can become a normal person or not depends on this little ghost" Yellow Ape covered his mouth and said.

"Polusalino, it's not your turn to take care of my business."

Zefa glared at the yellow ape, although they were master and apprentice, the relationship was not very good.

"Alright, be quiet," the marshal patted the table.

Basically, in every meeting, as long as Zefa and Yellow Ape are there, the two will fight each other, just like Karp who eats and steals senbei, which is the norm.

Anyway, why haven't you finished eating your senbei yet, how much did you bring this time, is it too much, don't you really treat me, the marshal, as your boss.

Noticing Sora's cold gaze, Karp shook the bag and ate the last slice, his expression a little disappointed.

I brought two packs, and I finished eating them so quickly, and I don't know when this meeting will end, I already knew that I would bring a few more packs, and I will change the taste next time.

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