In a flash, half a year has passed, and in this half year, Carl has been a good boy, except for staying in the Navy Hospital for a long time, he occasionally goes to Mari Bridge to see those scum Tianlong people or something.

Because of Carl's existence, the mortality rate of the navy has dropped, and even the mortality rate of the Celestial Dragons has also decreased.

Therefore, Karl's position among the Draconians is getting heavier and heavier.

In the past six months, the Great Voyage is still a Great Voyage, and every day there are pirates from all over the world who come to the Great Voyage, and there are also pirates who have slipped back from the New World.

For example, Moriah and Klockdahl, two sea pirates who were once on the great voyage, had the idea of challenging Whitebeard after going to the New World.

Then the two were taught a lesson by Whitebeard one after another, and let them know that your father will always be your father.

After the key whitebeard defeated these two people, he still didn't recognize them as godsons, with an expression that you are not worthy of being my son, he really didn't give the two of them any face.

The two of them are also face-saving figures, and the new world can't be mixed up, after all, they have become the laughing stock of the new world, so they returned to the great voyage, wanting to regain the dignity they once lost in the new world here.

The navy was also very face-saving, and sent four vice admirals, and did not favor anyone, two for each person, and a bowl of water was even.

On the other hand, a new group of pirates has arisen on the Great Voyage, called the Sun Pirates, whose crew is all fishmen, and the captain is the protagonist of the Mari Bridge slave incident, Tiger.

Many of the fishmen of the Sun Pirates were fishman slaves that Tiger had rescued from Mary Bridge, and in order to repay Tiger and also to take revenge on the Draconians, they became pirates.

This pirate group is not doing this kind of business, burning, killing and robbing, every time they attack the target is the ships of the Draconians, and many cargo ships of the Draconians have been robbed by the Sun Pirates within half a year.

The Celestial Dragon people were naturally very angry and asked the navy to arrest them, and the navy did the same, but the effect was not very good, even if the Sun Pirates were surrounded.

But people are fishmen, you can jump into the sea to escape, in the sea this home, fishmen come with BUFF, you can't jump into the sea to fight with fishmen.

A powerful lieutenant general, if he fights in the sea, this combat effectiveness will not be one in ten.

So after several round-ups and failures of the navy, the Sun Pirates still galloped on the great voyage and continued to attack the ships of the Draconians.

On the Sun Pirates, there are also masters, such as Jinping, the future Seven Martial Seas, a fishman jiu-jitsu with powerful destructive power, and a hard resistance to lieutenant generals.

Carl didn't care about this, it didn't matter to him anyway, and he was happy to see it if he caused some trouble for those scum Tianlong people.

Another thing that Carl is more concerned about is that Hancock became the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates three months ago, and also became the king of the daughter country.

As long as it is a pirate, it is the target of the navy's capture, and naturally the Nine Snake Pirates are no exception, which Karl is a little worried about, if Hancock is really captured by the navy, he has to find a way to fish the other party out.

This woman is still very powerful, and in just three months, she has become a king and the captain of the pirates.

It is also for this reason that Granny Crane asks Carl not to get too close to Hancock, and the two are already on opposite sides, one is the navy and the other is a pirate.

And Carl is her grandson, so she naturally hopes that Carl can live a better life and not have anything to do with pirates.

Carl is no longer a rebellious teenager, and Granny Crane is also for his good, so he agreed, of course, what he thinks in his heart, only he knows.

As for the New World, it is still the same, with the Four Emperors in charge, neither the pirates nor the navy can make any big waves, and they are still the well-deserved emperors of the New World.

However, some time ago, Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, suddenly went crazy and called the G1 branch of the New World Navy with his crew, and almost half of the navy was killed by Kaido.

And Kaido also shouted that the navy would come and arrest him and kill him, and he only wanted to die.

During that time, the logistics staff of the headquarters moved new desks, teacups and other things to the office of the Warring States every day, and when they had meetings, Karp was honest, and he didn't eat senbei for the first time.

This made the Warring States stomach fire and nowhere to send it, and almost suffocated internal injuries...

The incident of the G1 branch is another slap in the face of the navy, to be honest, the navy here in the G1 branch is also very unlucky, after all, this branch is in the new world, guarding the entrance to the new world of the great route.

The New World is the territory of the Four Emperors, and the other pirates may be very jealous of the Navy, but the Four Emperors are undoubtedly much less afraid of the Navy, because they know that the Navy will not be able to tear their faces with them, at least not now.

Therefore, in order to disgust the navy, the G1 branch has become the target of the Four Emperors, as if it was discussed, today you go to fight the G1 branch with Whitebeard, and after a while, you will be an aunt.

Eating and sleeping and playing G1 has basically become a fixed rule for the Four Emperor Pirates.

This also caused the G1 branch to become the target of the pirates' jokes, and the key navy did not cancel the G1 branch, and every time it was beaten by the Four Emperors, it would send people over.

The so-called nail household is talking about the G1 branch, and it also interprets the firm position of the navy.

As long as there are pirates, there is a navy, even if it is a new world, even if it is the Four Emperors, so what, our navy still has its own power in the new world.

The New World is not completely your Four Emperors', but also our Navy, and one day, our Navy will completely kill you and take the New World back.

The G1 branch is the last stubbornness of the navy, it is impossible to withdraw, it will never be possible to 3.8, even if you completely destroy the G1 branch, we will build another one.

This is also an important reason why later, after Akainu became the marshal, he moved the naval headquarters from Marin Fando to the G1 branch.

He wanted to announce to the New World that the Navy was determined to take it back from the pirates.

Carl admired the navy of the G1 branch very much, because the navy there was voluntary, and did not force them to go to the G1 branch.

Every time someone dies in the G1 branch, the Navy Headquarters will have Navy and officers take the initiative to go there and use their blood and lives to safeguard the dignity of the Navy and implement the justice behind it.

Among the G1 branch, there are the most enthusiastic men, the most persistent men, and the most admirable men in the Navy Headquarters.

PS: Thanks to the "Crow" for the tip_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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