Hawkeye is strong, can be a man, and speaks well, Carl Chao likes Hawkeye, which is not much better than Kuzan.

Seeing Carl talking and laughing with Hawkeye, Kuzan was a little dissatisfied, so he said, "Hawkeye, I'm here to represent the Navy this time."

"Navy? Isn't the Navy dead yet?"

Hawkeye's face was slightly cold, and he felt that the navy had come to woo him again, and in order to play the emotional card, even Ka ~ Er was sent over.

"No, the Navy doesn't invite people who refuse to pass the Navy"

Kuzan said that our navy also wants to save face, I invited you, you didn't cherish it, so when you regret it, the navy will not agree to you joining, if you have to say a number on this rejection time, then refuse you for 10,000 years.

"Hawkeye, we're here to invite you to serve as the Seven Martial Seas"

Seeing that Hawkeye's face turned cold, Carl hurriedly explained.

If these two people fight, he can't persuade him, and the only way to do it is to choose to help one fight the other----- so he chooses Hawkeye, and he has long wanted to get Kuzan, but he has no chance.

"Seven Martial Seas?"

So Carl explained the definition of the Seven Martial Seas to Hawkeye.

"As long as you become the Seven Martial Seas, then you are a friend of the Navy, and your status in the Navy is second only to the Admiral, and at the same time you also have great rights"

"When the time comes, you can kill any pirate you want, and the navy won't trouble you at all"

The rights of the Seven Martial Seas are still very large, and with the identity of the Seven Martial Seas as a cover, there will be no worries about doing many things.

Sometimes the navy even has to cover you, after all, the Seven Martial Seas are sealed by the navy, and if the Seven Martial Seas do something angry and resentful, the people are not scolding their navy.

"Well, Hawkeye, do you agree no" Karl said.

Don't look at the Seven Martial Seas as a lackey of the World Government, but compared to the rights gained, what you lose is completely trivial, and besides, what the World Government orders you to do, you can paddle the water.

It's like a war on top, almost all of the Seven Martial Seas are paddling, and Hancock even has a navy.

Of course, Hawkeye is not stupid, and the powerful relationship has been thought out very clearly, so he nodded and said, "Then I agree"

Kuzan looked at the other party in surprise, the other party agreed to return it so quickly, which was somewhat unexpected, even Karl.

Carl is even ready to follow the example of a certain big-eared thief to take a look at the thatched house or something, and he is moved by Hawkeye.

"Okay, someone will bring you the official confession document when the time comes, and it will be reported on the news, Carl, let's go," Kuzan said.

He was very simple, and when he saw that his goal had arrived, he prepared to leave, because he was very unhappy with Hawkeye.

"Kuzan, I haven't asked Hawkeye for swordsmanship yet."

Carl is gone, his swordsmanship is already advanced, and he is also a swordsman, he is a newcomer to swordsmanship, of course, he has to consult with Hawkeye, the big swordsman.

Kuzan looked at Karl, then nodded and said, "Leave early tomorrow morning"

So saying, the man walked to the warship.

After Kuzan left, Karl couldn't wait to say, "Hawkeye, you quickly teach me a few powerful sword moves"

For the last time he used swordsmanship to fight Gris, the first time he used the sword move to fail directly, which made Carl angry.

I feel that my sword moves must not be perfect enough, so now I have to learn from Hawkeye.

"My sword moves are not suitable for you, every sword master's sword moves are suitable for himself, so I can't help you in this regard" Hawkeye directly refused.

As a great swordsman, his ideological realm is no longer understandable by Carl, a newcomer to swordsmanship.

To Carl, Hawkeye sounds like X.

I don't have a trick to win, I don't have a sword in my hand, I have a sword in my heart, flowers and trees can be swords, and I'm more powerful than you in terms of outfit X.

Hawkeye didn't want to say, and Carl didn't want to ask, although the two didn't see much, he still knew Hawkeye better, and if the other party said that if he didn't teach, it would be useless to wear out his mouth.

"Hawkeye, Shanks, do you know me?"

"I've met and fought a few times, and I'm a good opponent"

As he spoke, a slight light erupted in Hawkeye's eyes, but then the light dimmed: "It's a pity that I broke an arm in the back."

Shanks' broken arm, in Carl's opinion, is definitely deliberate.

The four emperors were actually bitten off their arms by a lord of the near sea, and I used to think that this lord of the near sea was very awesome, after all, the name was also very compelling.

But later, Luffy just went to sea, and the goods came out again, only to be knocked away by Luffy's punch.

What was Luffy's strength at that time, he must have been relatively weak, so this lord of the near sea was even weaker than Luffy at that time.

······ Asking for flowers...

Dealing with such a weak lord of the near sea, Shanks was even bitten off an arm, which was not intentional, it was intentional.

The purpose is to strengthen Luffy's belief in being a pirate.

And Shanks first contacted Luffy, the purpose was not pure, how could he not know that Luffy was Karp's grandson, the son of the revolutionary Dragon, such an awesome identity.

It was with this identity that Shanks came into contact with Luffy and instilled the concept of pirates in Luffy since he was a child.

If Carl had Karp, he would have killed Shanks sooner or later, and his grandson had not become a navy and was on the opposite side of himself, and it was this bastard who did it.

Not to mention that Karp really regrets that he didn't capture Shanks and lock him up in Push City when Roger was executed.

.............. 0

Now every time he returns to the East China Sea, he has to face two grandsons who shout that I want to be a pirate.

The eldest grandson won't talk about it, after all, Lao Tzu is the king of pirates, and he has the blood of pirates in his bones, and he understands when he says that he is a pirate.

But what's going on with your own grandson, I don't know if your grandfather is a naval hero, and your old man also used to be a navy, why is it your turn to be a pirate, and you make him wonder if you are a member of the Monchi D family.

The dragon means that my head is not green.

In addition, Carl almost died at the hands of Shanks.

So Karp remembered Shanks completely, but Shanks is now the Fourth Emperor, and Karp really can't kill him if he wants to.

Unless Shanks' red-haired pirates dare to return to the Great Voyage.

"Then the next time you see him, tell him that I'll cut off his head someday," Karl said coldly.

He and Shanks are mortal enemies, and if the other party wants to kill him first, then Carl will naturally kill the other party, but now his ability is not enough, so he has to develop obscenely for a few years.

Hawkeye looked at Carl deeply, he didn't say anything to hit Carl, nodded and said, "Yes"

"He's not your friend, why don't you say something to stop me," Karl was a little depressed.

Hawkeye replied: "My relationship with him does not affect you to kill him, whether you kill him or he kills you, I will not stop it, only the strong can live in this world"

Good, it's hawkish.

PS: Thanks for "??.? von ????" Part-time job reward_

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