Salvation value 878

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Ability: Slow Heal 1+/2000 (Mastery).

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury).

Currently activating skill: Quick Heal (requires 1000 save value).

The salvation value of 878 can't increase the proficiency of slow healing, nor can it activate the next skill, but it doesn't matter, you will definitely be able to make up your own salvation value after a few days, and you have cured more than fifty injured people in just over an hour.

Carl spent three days in the debridement room, and his fruit abilities became known to most people as the disease spread.

Those patients who were purely traumatized came directly to Carl for treatment, so that the two doctors in the debridement room did not see the patients for several days.

In the past, they thought that the debridement room was very busy, and they wanted to share it with a few people, but now, all the patients have been shared by Carl, and they have become unemployed, but fortunately, the salary is still paid.

For three days, Carl was a small celebrity in the Naval Hospital, young and possessed fruit abilities that allowed him to quickly heal traumatic injuries.

The more injured people he treated, the more saved points he gets, but with his physical strength, the number of times he initiates slow healing is only about 100 times, and it depends on the degree of injury of the injured.

Salvation value is 325

Character: Vincent Carr

Devil Fruit: Raw Fruit

Abilities: Slow Heal 20+/5000 (Perfect) Quick Heal 15+/1000 (Starter).

Passive ability: strengthen the body (after effective exercise, it can improve the overall quality of the body faster than ordinary people, and will never leave a dark injury).

Currently activators: Antibody Up (requires 3000 save value).

After three days of struggle, his attribute panel has also undergone great changes, and the slow healing has been improved to perfection, of course, to really reach the perfection stage, it still needs a lot of rescue points, and it still activates a new skill to heal quickly.

Rapid healing is literally the meaning of curing, and the healing speed is faster than slow healing, which is about three times faster after testing.

Previously, the slow healing entry only required 500 rescue points, but this time the quick healing entry requires 1000, indicating that the increase value required for each skill is directly proportional to the skill level.

A quick cure is obviously more advanced than a slow cure.

In the eyes of Lily and the others who follow Carl, the quick cure is an improvement in Carl's ability to use the fruit, after all, slow healing and quick healing, except for the difference in healing speed, the essence is the same.

Antibody promotion, this is the next skill that can be activated, and I don't know what skill it will be, Carl has some small expectations in his heart.

In the morning, the debridement room continues to treat trauma patients, and in the afternoon, she learns from Lily about the world's medical skills and various medicines.

In addition to humans, there are other races in the pirate world, such as fishmen, long-handed, long-legged, fur-like, and giants.

Most of these people's body structure is the same as that of humans, but as long as some of them are different, then the drugs that are suitable for humans may not be suitable for them.

Now, in addition to symptomatic treatment, there are also more treatments for people.

Not to mention the medicine, the weather in the pirate world is changeable, especially on this side of the Great Voyage, the climate changes at any time, even if it is two adjacent islands, one may be snowy all year round, and the other may be a perennial drought.

The changing climate has naturally given rise to a variety of medicines, and even now, there are still many drugs that are not recorded in books, and every year new varieties or better drugs are discovered.

On the Navy side, there is a special medicine unit, which belongs to the naval hospital, and the main task is to find those drugs that are not documented.

The afternoon study gave Carl a rush to catch up with his five-year medical career in his previous life.

Studying medicine is a relatively hard profession in both past and present lives, and you need to memorize a lot of pharmacology, physiology, anatomy, pathology, and other millions of words of knowledge, and these are just the beginning.

So there is a good saying, if you want to harm someone, then let him study medicine.

Carl was still an excellent surgeon in his previous life, and his foundation is still there, even though there are many differences in the pirate world from his previous life, he learns very quickly.

At least half a month later, the titular mentor Lily no longer wants to teach him, and when it comes to the afternoon study time, Carl can't find Lily, and this is the case several times.

He had no choice but to look at pharmacology, which recorded the medicinal properties and curable symptoms of nearly 100,000 kinds of herbs, as well as the environment in which the herbs were grown, and even the islands where they grow.

It is impossible to memorize all these words in seven or eight years, and this is still to be said as soon as possible.

After reading books all afternoon, Lily didn't come back, and Carl hung the little white coat on the hanger and walked out of Lily's office.

Half an hour later, he returned to Granny Crane's house, and Crane had already recognized Carl as his grandson, so of course Carl lived with Crane.

"Mother-in-law, I'm back".

After opening the door, Carl said.

At present, the whole Great Route is quite quiet, so Crane leaves work on time every day, and basically when Carl comes home, Crane is already at home.

Crane doesn't have any relatives, and there are only two of them at home, and sometimes Qin Yuan will come over to have a meal and pinch Carl's face by the way.

Carl felt that pinching his face was the main thing, and rubbing the rice was secondary.

Because the crane said that Qin Yuan rarely came here before, but after you came, she only came at least three times a week.

After opening the door, in addition to the crane, Carl also saw another person in the house, thinking it was a garden, and he was a little cowardly, but after seeing it clearly, his face returned to normal.

Although I don't know the back, at least it's not Qinyuan, and it's a man.

"Carl is back".


"This is Karl, Crane your grandson".

The man turned to look at Carl, who was very majestic, almost three meters tall, which was not tall in the pirate world.

Wearing a dog's head hat and eating senbei.

"Carl, this is Karp, a good friend of my mother-in-law," Tsuru introduced.

"Lieutenant General Karp is good" Karl had already recognized it, and of course he still had to pretend to be surprised.

Karp is a naval hero, and even One Piece Roger was captured by him some time ago, and his reputation is extremely high in the navy, and eight out of ten navies are admirers of Karp.

Karp walked up to Carl and suddenly grabbed Carl by the neck and lifted him up and down a few times.

"It's so light, you can't do it, boy, you have to eat more meat, so that you will become heavier and stronger".

Carl bowed his head and didn't speak, it's too ashamed, you treat me as a puppy, don't talk about it, and mention it, weight and strength are two different things.

PS: Thank you for the reward of "Life is like a dream and picturesque".

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