Now in Carl's small book, in addition to human names, there is finally one more non-human name, that is, Xiongba, the grievance in Carl's heart.

Xiongba's "betrayal" made Carl feel that there was no good person around him, Karp and Kuzan often cheated themselves, and Dupont, the little brother, also stabbed himself in the back from time to time.

The human mind is too complicated, Carl thinks that Xiong Ba is sincere to himself, but what he thinks is true Xiong gave him a hard beating.

The thought of these lost Baileys makes Carl's heart bleed.

So in the past few days, he has ignored Xiongba, and if he doesn't give it a little color, he won't know if he is angry.

As for Xiongba, of course he doesn't care at all, regardless of whether Carlson is angry or not, it still eats and drinks like this, it doesn't affect it at all, the only thing that makes it more uncomfortable is that Carl always likes to stare at his fur.

In the Naval Hospital, Karl, who was about to leave work, held a jar of medicine in his hand, used the medicine enhancement skill on this jar of medicine, and then put the jar of medicine into his trouser pocket with satisfaction.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey"

As he walked out of the office, Carl let out a laugh of unknown meaning.

Sleeping pills, one strengthened sleeping pill can be put into an elephant, I can go down, even if you are a large sea king, you have to fall for me.

Rest assured, no matter how much you have, you won't die, even if the amount is large, the longer you sleep, the deeper the degree.

"When the time comes, I'll shave all your hair first, so that you can become a hairless bear---- do you want to do a castration operation by the way, a bear like Xiongba, it is estimated that there will be only one in the whole world, but what is the use of it keeping eggs, it is better for me to help it get rid of this trouble."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey----"

As he ate dinner, Carl let out another oozing laugh.

Granny Crane looked at Carl and wondered what was wrong with the child, it couldn't have been stimulated by something.


Cook, are you trying to figure out what the hell you're thinking?

The animal's intuition told Xiong Ba that the cook in front of him was definitely playing some kind of ghost idea just now, and this laughter made its hair stand on end.

"How's that, this meat is delicious.ハNo"

Carl said as he looked at the roasted and tender hamleg in the bear's bowl.

He had read the bills, and of all the store's bills, this manatee's hind leg was the one Xiong Ba ate the most.


It's delicious, but it feels a little different from the last time, so it's a new taste.

A bottle of sleeping pills is sprinkled on it, and it tastes the same.

"Well, a new flavor, specially bought for you to eat" Carl's face remained unchanged.


Yes, but I still like the taste last time, although this taste is also good, but the white seasoning on it does not blend into the meat, but affects the taste.

Hehe, he also became a food bear.

Thinking that Xiong Ba's food experience was all piled up with his Bailey, Carl couldn't help but say faintly: "Xiongba, sleep well after eating, and when you wake up, you will find that you have become different."


When you say that, it seems like I'm really a little sleepy, and I'll be more able to eat when I wake up?

Ma's mentally retarded bear, this is the world of pirates, can you have a little bit of interest, what's the use of becoming more able to eat, do you really want to eat me.

Tell you, you will only become a mother when you wake up, and when you pee in the future, you will not raise your feet and spee, but squat.

Carl didn't know how to answer Xiongba, so he smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Knock Knock"

"I'm going to open the door"

When I opened the door, I found that it was Gion.

"Gion sister, why are you here?"

It's not strange that Gion is here, it's strange that she came here at this point, she knows the time of Carl's family to eat, and if she came to eat together, she would definitely have come a long time ago.

"Sister Gion, you must have come to see my longship, didn't you?"

Karl quickly guessed the purpose of Gion's visit, the broadsword longship was a supreme fast sword, which a swordsman had ever dreamed of.

Although Gion has a big fast knife, I want to see the supreme big fast knife, after all, this is something rarer than natural fruits.

"If you want to see it, Sister Gion, I'll definitely agree, but I can only see it, I can't take it, at most I'll touch it for you."

At this moment, Karl showed his petty side.

"It's really a stingy guy, but I'm not here to see the longship this time."

Gion pinched Carl's face, and said with a slight disappointment on his face: "I've grown up, and my hand doesn't feel as good as when I was a child."

"Looking for Granny Crane?"

Carl slapped Gion's palm off, since you dislike it, what are you still pinching, heh, woman.

"Gion, what's the matter?"

Granny Crane also came out of the house: "Come in and talk"

"No, I said that I came to find the two of you, and it was the Marshal of the Warring States who called you over, saying that there was an emergency meeting"

Emergency meetings, and I, the doctor, were also involved, and the eight achievements were related to illness or medical work related to certain activities.

"It can't be any Draco who is going to visit abroad," Karl guessed.

Every year, there are three or four Draconians who want to visit some countries to show their status as Draconians, and if they go to countries close to Mari Bridge, they don't need Carl to follow.

But if you go to a distant country, the Draconians, who are afraid of dying of illness on the way, will ask Karl to be the ship's doctor to follow.

So Carl guessed that this emergency meeting was not something that a Tianlong person who was idle and had nothing to do, and suddenly wanted to visit a country, and then notified the security chief of the Warring States to do a good job of accompanying security.

It's okay to be a scumbag, but can you be a scumbag who only harms one place, don't run around and harm other countries.

"I don't know, the Sengoku Marshal didn't explain," Gion said.

Immediately, Carl and Granny Crane went to the meeting room of the Navy Headquarters.

When he opened the conference room, Carl found that in addition to the Warring States, there were even the three major generals, and he muttered a little in his heart.

"Could it be that the Tianlong people who went out on a trip this time have a very strong family?"

In this battle, if it were an ordinary Tianlong person, it seemed that there was no need for all the three generals to appear.

"Crane, Karl, you sit down quickly," Sengoku said with a serious face.

It looked like something big was going to happen next.

Waiting for Tsuru and Karl to sit down, Sengoku said in a tone containing anger: "The fruits of the disease that have disappeared for five hundred years have appeared, and its capable people have walked a large number of viruses in the East China Sea, which has caused eight countries in the East China Sea to fall into diseases, eight countries, a total of more than 300 million people, nearly half of the population is infected with the virus, and millions of people die every day."

"If not stopped and treated in time, these 300 million people will all die because of the virus within two or three months".

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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